NEW: Tocant amb búfals i Persèides! by NUUMU CODE. Beuloví, Lluçanès, 10/8/2021.

This is a live recording held at Beuloví, a very old contry house in Sobremunt, a vert tiny town in Lluçanès, Catalonia. The deep Catalonia. It presents four different moods, and it is a good example of the kind of work the band is working on. Montserrat Marfany, veu, objectes; Sara Pons, trompeta; Joan Vinuesa, veu, text, percussió, harmònica; Pepe Ruz, baix, DIY electrònica, veu, vídeo; Antoni Robert, guitarra sintetitzada; Miquel Tuset, saxo alt; Jaume Martin, teclat; Toni Pons, bateria; Oriol Rogent, veu. En directe a Beuloví, Lluçanès, 10/8/2021. 3 es va tocar per a una projecció de fotografies de la Índia de Francesc Sandalinas. 4 es va tocar per a un vídeo de Pepe Ruz. Fotografia de portada de F. Sandalinas. Fotografia de contraportada de Pepe Ruz, feta amb càmera estenopeica. In case you want to burn it into a cd do not leave pauses within tracks. The sound

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New!!! PATAPHYSICAL INVOCATION by NUUMU CODE. Improvised live at El Guinardó, Barcelona 7-12-2021

PATAPHYSICAL INVOCATION by NUUMU Code. New recorded session, with words in catalan and comanche languages. We enjoyed a lot doing it, and we hope that you will too. The NUUMU Code wish to our followers a Happy New Year!!!!! Sergi Gon, electric guitar, synthesizer; Montserrat Marfany, voice, glockenspiel, xylophone, kazoo, kochlos, objects; Jaume Martín, percussion, casiotone, electric guitar, contact microphone, voice, objects; Antoni Robert, synthesizer, percussion, berber mezmar, effects Oriol Rogent, voice, xylophone, objects; Pepe Ruz, bass; Miquel Tuset, alto sax; Joan Vinuesa, voice, text, harmonica, percussion, mouth harp, objects. Improvised live at El Guinardó, Barcelona 7-12-2021 – Produced by Phil Spectrumm for NUUMU code. Free download here:

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Steve Lacy & Irene Aebi – The Joan Mirò Foundation Concert, 1995.

Finally we offer the free download of this historic concert by Steve Lacy & Irene Aebi at the Joan Miró Foundation in Barcelona, 1995. This was a unique concert, a great performance that has been saved. As far as we know this is the only recording of this duo!!! For collectors we offer also the possibility of purchasing the last 28 copies of the phsycal original cd. A gem.

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New release: LLANÇÀ, by Christian Burchard & Hiroshi Kobayashi. NEMS#20

Christian Burchard, vibraphone, percussions; Hiroshi Kobayashi, flutes; Released by NEMS by courtesy of Marja Burchard. Recorded in Llançà, Girona, Catalonia on April, 4th, 1996. improvisations of two legends are in this recording. There’s additional material, but as a trio, with the addition of chinese sheng master Li Huangjia. The trio recording will be released too. But as a duo those are the only existing tracks. Christian Burchard founded the band Embryo in 1969 ans was its leader until his recent death. Embryo are still alive under the leadership and talent of his daughter Marja Burchard.

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New release: TWO WORLDS, by Hiroshi Kobayashi & Rafael Esteve. NEMS#19

Hiroshi Kobayashi, sinobue, flute, picolo, alto flute, bass flute; Rafael Esteve, double bass. This is the planned record by two masters sharing their two worlds: orient and occident. Efforts in order to release it in the 90’s failed; but the music is too good to remain in a shelf. It is amazing how both worlds merge to produce an outstanding piece of art. This was a duo with huge potential, as some had already realized then. Complexities of life made it not possible, but the recorded effort deserves another opportunity.

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New release: Invocation ritual of forgotten arcana, by Marduque Rebecca & Antoni Robert (Hamfuggi Records)

Antoni Robert, synthesizer, sound process; Marduque Rebecca, voice. Equipment: Blofeld synthesizer, Arturia Beatstep, Pandora Korg effects pedal, Xenyx  QX 1002 Behringer mix desk effects. Played on March, 30th, 2020, during the Coronavirus pandemic. Pandemic Suite #12.  Processed in November 2020 and January 2021. Voice taken from videos of Marduque Rebecca. Texts from O Caminho Iniciático nos Arcanos do Tarôt e da Cabala (Samael Aun Weor, Bogotà 1917- Mexico 1977). This is a special project. The sounds waited for months until I found the right voice. I choosed this voice, among many others, because it is haunting and warm. The words are from a cabalistic text, but in reality this is of no importantce. Voice is used as an instrument.Thanks to Hamfuggi Records for releasing it.

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New release: GUEN DAI LIVE AT COMMUNIQUÉ, by Hiroshi Kobayashi & Martin Hug, NEMS#15

This is an extraordinary document. A captured live session by the great flute player Hiroshi Kobayashi with drummer Martin Hug, at a legendary venue, the Communiqué, the underground temple of the Barcelona underground scene in the ninetees! Hiroshi Kobayashi, flutes, shakuhachi; Martin Hug, drums, percussion. Recorded live on 12-04-1994 at Communiqué, Sants, Barcelona. A G’s Club session, by G3G Records.

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New relase: MONDO LIRONDO, by Xavier Maristany, remastered version, NEMS#14

Remastered reissue of this cd by Xavier Maristany, founder member of seminal band Koniec. Composició, direcció Xavier Maristany; gralla, viola roda, altres Eduard Casals; gralla, bouzouki Jordi Fábregas; tarota Tito Peláez; saxo soprano, clarinet i mandolina Imma Udina saxo alto, altres Xavier Maristany; trompeta Juan de Diego; gaites Jordi Vallverdú (xufu) guitarra elèctrica Mariano Vera; baix, cello Paco Pi; percussió Marc Vila; bateria Jaume Vendrell; escenografia, llums Gabriel Paré i Maria de la Cámara; so Jordi Fatjó i Jordi Mañas; coreografia , dramatúrgia Tomàs Aragay; imatge (logo, dossiers, etc.) Estudi uzi; Producció artística Musicavista.

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New relase: ALBUM, by JOAN SAURA, NEMS#13

Catalan pianist and composer, one of most prominent members of Catalunya Avantgarde, born in Barcelona 1954, died in Barcelona 2012. His only known solo work. Essential!  Member of great bands such as Big Ensemble Taller De Músics, Blay Tritono,  Disipados,  Koniec,  Naif, Trio Local. Joan Saura, Sampler Akai S-1000, Synth and Mandolin, featuring: Cello – Manuel Martínez; Guitar – Nuno Rebelo; Harmonica – Xavier Maristany; Piano – Agustí Fernandez; Saxophone – Pep Pascual and Xavier Maristany; Viola – Montse Vallbé; Violin – Olvido Lanza , Pere Bardagí; Voice – Barbara Garcia.

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UM YU, by MACROMASSA. Nova Era Musica Secreta is rebirthing! Twelfth re-release!!

This is the 12th and last reissue of the first batch. Now we take a break to breath, while we prepare more reissues! Este álbum es la aplicación de las técnicas de Muelles Sensoriales 1 a la formación Zog, es decir, clarinete bajo, saxo barítono y dos baterías. El trabajo en estudio permitió además añadir pistas de otros instrumentos. Released July 9, 1995. Juan Crek: saxo barítono, percusión; Victor Nubla: clarinete, clarinete bajo, contrafagot, oscilador; Patri Martínez: batería, vibráfono, arpa diatónica, percusión, guitarra fuzz, laúd, cajón; Pep Figueras: batería, percusión, trombón, bongó.  Some consider that this is the finest Macromassa work. It belongs to the quartet era, with 2 drummers. Sound in this era was overwhelming, and they used to call it psycho heavy. An extraordinary cd! In loving memory of Victor Nubla and Patri Martinez.

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1 IS NOT 1, by Agustí Fernández. Nova Era Musica Secreta is rebirthing! Eleventh re-release!!

Agusti Fernandez, piano; Recorded by David Casamitjana at Estudi 84, Barcelona, on Febtuary 11th-21th, 1997. Digital Mastering by Coque Vazquez; Cover Art by Jordi Benito. Titles by Joan Brossa; Photos by Ros Ribas. Lay out Antonella Fontana; Special thanks to Metronom, Malpelo and Francesc Montseny. Produced by Agusti Fernandez and Peter Kowald.

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JOSIE BLISS, by Miquel Jordà. Nova Era Musica Secreta is rebirthing! Nineth re-release!!

First cd ever by Miquel Jordà, a polifacetic artist. An extraordinary album merging genres, such as ambient, electronic, contemporary. Escrit, produït i interpretat per Miguel Jorda. Contrabaix: Rafa Esteve. Productors executius: A. Robert i J. Solsona. Disseny de portada: Nuria Gari. Fotografia: Ricardo Garcia. Col- laboracions: PHONOS, TEATRE OBERT, CENTRO PARA LA DIFUSION DE LA MUSICA CONTEMPORANEA.

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CUANDO … ADONDE, by Hans-Joachim Roedelius. Nova Era Musica Secreta is rebirthing! Eight re-release!!

ROEDELIUS with the help of / con la ayuda de, ALEXANDER CZJZEK : SAXOPHONE, TJITSE LETTERIE : VIOLIN, STANISLAW MICHALAK : CONTRABASS, VIOLIN, HERMANN RID : VIOLIN SAXOPHONE, ANDRES GIL SYNTHESIZER (track 11), HIROSHI KOBAYASHI, FLUTE (track 11). This was the second album by Roedelius released by Edicions Nova Era. Less known than Variety of Moods, physical copies of the record are a rarity and very hard to find. The mood is similar to Variety, but, with the exception of the first track, this one is more relaxed and quiet. And with a eerie beautifulness.

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VARIETY OF MOODS, by Hans-Joachim Roedelius. Nova Era Musica Secreta is rebirthing! Seventh re-release!!

This was the first album by Roedelius released by Edicions Nova Era. It corresponds to a very creative moment, and for us it has always been one out of the best Roedelius albums of that periode. ROEDELIUS with the help of con la ayuda de Alexander Czjzek : Sax, Stanislaw Michalak : E-Contrabass/Keyboards/Guitar, Tjitse Letterie : Violin .

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NEW: MEMORIAS DE LA DISTANCIA, by Gonzalo Biffarella & Josep Manuel Berenguer. Nova Era Musica Secreta is rebirthing! Sixth release!!

An improvisation performed in real time from two different locations via the net, with some later on process. A wonderful and magic single track. A masterpiece by two outstanding musicians. Gonzalo Biffarella: guitarra eléctrica, stick, voz y proceso de audio. Josep Manuel Berenguer: voz, pequeñas percusiones como el bol tibetano, la kalimba de Tanzania, papeles y plásticos arrugados y proceso de audio. This is not a re-release, but a brand new work; the first new work in the reborn NOVA ERA – MUSICA SECRETA!!!

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INSPIRATIONS, by Hiroshi Kobayashi. Nova Era Musica Secreta is rebirthing! Fourth re-release!!

Our fourth re-release is an hommage to the great Hiroshi Kobayashi, a great flute player, composer and improviser, gone away too soon. Second cd of Hiroshi Kobayashi for Nova Era. This one is a solo record.   Only Hiroshi is playing. The result is a meditative music leading to a deep introspection. 100% Hiroshi. Intense and complex. Dowload it! It will make us happy, and will make Hiroshi happy too, wherever hi is.

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GUEN DAI, by Hiroshi Kobayashi. Nova Era Musica Secreta is rebirthing! Third re-release!!

Our third re-release is an hommage to the great Hiroshi Kobayashi, a great flute player, composer and improviser, gone away too soon. First cd of Hiroshi Kobayashi for Nova Era. This one with other great musicians. Download it! It will make us happy, and will make Hiroshi happy too, wherever hi is. GUEN DAI: HIROSHI KOBAYASHI shakuhachi, EDUARD ALTABA electric bass• double bass, RICARDO ARIAS flute, electronics, PERE BOADA electric bass • LLUÍS BOIRA electric guitar, CONRADO T. COSTA electric guitar, RAFAEL ESTEVE double bass, BENET PALET trumpet, QUICU SAMSÓ drums.

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