ULTRAMARINOS 451, by Josep Maria Balanyà. Nova Era Musica Secreta is rebirthing! Tenth re-release!!

Ultramarinos 451, work for one pianist and two pianos. Music, Direction, Scenography: JOSEP MARIA BALANYA; Pianos (one tuned/one prepared): JOSEP MARIA BALANYA; Produced by JOSEP MARIA BALANYA; Recorded live at Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona, Spain (Sept. 8th, 1994). Mastered by PLUSH MONKEY (april 1997), Barcelona; Mastering assistant: JOSEP MARIA BALANYA; Front cover: © THOMAS NOLLE “Fabled Sea”; Photos: PERE PRATDESABA.
Executive producers: JOSEP MARIA BALANYA, ANTONI ROBERT & JOAN SOLSONA, for Edicions Nova Era (1997)

A limited number of the original 1997 cd are still available as collector item.

Digital download is free here: https://novaera-msicasecreta.bandcamp.com/album/ultramarinos-451

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. You can listen to and download this music for your personal use and pleasure. Any other use of this music (for films, advertising, political campaignes, dance, or any other) must be explicitly autorised by the owners of the copyright.