Nou tema i videoclip de BLOOD QUARTET!!

Encantat de donar difusió a aquest gran projecte! Nou material del grup de rock experimental Blood Quartet! I avui estrenem un petit tastet del que sona a “Deep Red”… Blood Quartet presentan, tras su debut en forma de cassette publicado el año pasado, su primer LP de la mano de HangTheDjRecords y Feeding Tube Records. Mark Cunningham fue en su momento -mediados de los setenta- uno de los pioneros de la no wave como bajista de los neoyorquinos Mars, y muchas cosas han cambiado desde entonces. Algunas cosas han cambiado, otras no tanto: la experimentación sigue siendo la principal seña de identidad del rock facturado por Cunningham, pero ahora vive en Barcelona, se ha pasado a la trompeta solista y Càndid Coll (Autodestrucció, Zeidun), Kike Bela y Lluis Rueda (ambos de Murnau b) son quienes le acompañan en Blood Quartet. Como buen trompetista haciendo rock experimental la etapa eléctrica de

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Joma, Jordà i Lloses a La Calders, 29-9-2016. UNS I ALTRES. Presentació del Llibre de Joma “Uns i Altres”. Intensa performance al voltant del drama del refugiats i les pasteres a la Mediterrània. Aquest és un extens resum (expressió una mica contradictòria) on es pot apreciar la tècnica del gran Joma per a fer evolucionar de manera magistral un dibuix de tinta sobre paper. Ho trobo fascinant. Estic segur de que us agradarà. Joma Rius: dibuix Miquel Jordà; saxo, percussions, efectes, veu Xavi Lloses: piano      

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RAMON ROGENT exhibition

Until December the 18th you can enjoy this exhibition of one among the real great one painters. At Fundació Vila Casas, Barcelona. Ramón Rogent was born in 1920 and unfortunately died when 38 years old in a car crash, in 1958. His early death interrupted a great career, and put undeserved limitations to his fame. Please follow my advice, and visit this exhibition. I had never seen so many Rogent’s paintings before. Highly recommended.

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PACHA & ROBERT. Excerpt of the forthcoming album.

NEWS: Digital release date: November the 20th, 2016. Hard CD release: pending to be defined.   Due to milions of requests, here you have a promo video of the soon coming album MUSIC FOR SLUMBERS, by the great guitarist Rafael Pacha (trained by Robert Fripp, and former member of the band LA BANDA DEL LAGO), and myself. The images are obtained from some videos on aurora borealis taken from the net and a little bit processed. I hope you all enjoy it.  

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Font del día: Font de la Plaça de Vallvidrera

Avui no m’he complicat gaire la vida. Font fàcil de visitar. Conectada a la xarxa municipal. L’antiga mina o bé s’ha assecat, o bé les obres de urbanització la han fet malbé. Construcció moderna feta al lloc on hi havia l’antiga deu d’aigua natural que tenia una part de font i una altra per abeurar el bestiar. Tant l’aixeta com la pica  estan a dins d’una fornícula d’arc de mig punt feta de totxo vist. L’aixeta és de bronze, amb polsador i està connectada a la xarxa municipal. Antigament l’aigua sempre brollava i la que sobreeixia de la pica anava a l’abeurador del bestiar, situat a l’altre costat del mur. Ara, al lloc de l’antic abeurador, hi ha una placa amb una inscripció de Cinto Verdaguer. Està situada a la plaça de Vallvidrera, al començament de la costa que fa el carrer de Mont d’Orsà, al mateix mur de separació

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Record of the day: Totum Revolutum (ESCUPEMETRALLA).

This 1993 reissue was presented a few weeks ago at Antic Teatre (Barcelona), with wild performances of themselves, Daniel Sedcontra and DJ ZERO. The record is just amazing. Not easy to listen to anyway. For those who don’y know it, I would file ESCUPEMETRALLA under PLUNDERPHONIC sound, with lots of electronics and effects. This specific work was done with the collaboration of many avantgarde artists, such as Javier Hernando, Audiopeste, Superelvis, Gat, among many others. I suggest all of you to have a look at the rest of ESCUPEMETRALLA old catalogue:  

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Recorda! de PROJECTE NA!

Disc del día. Editat amb molta cura, és aquest el primer disc del PROJECTE NA!, 2014. És aquest un projecte de Antonio K. Puertas i Andrés C. Vera, amb la col.laboració de Bet Gàrgola. Serpentejant entre la experimentació, l’electro pop i el tecno. Hi han altres dos discos ja enregistrats de aquest projecte, en els quals el sò s’ha allunyat del tecno, per a potenciar el cantó una mica més fosc. Molt bon disc.

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Font de Can Santgenis

Avui no m’he complicat la vida. Aquesta és una font molt original formada per un gran tub que aboca a un gran estany dins un jardí molt acurat. Està situada a Can Santgenís, residència de les Germanes Hospitalàries a la plaça Karl Marx, dins el recinte de la clínica Stauros. És la número 156 del catàleg de fonts de Collserola, i la número 113 del meu compte particular de fonts visitades.

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San Petersburg Soundscape

Download link Thrmnphone Records 007 De la mano de Antoni Robert nos trasladamos a San Petersburgo a través de un recorrido por los sonidos captados en esa ciudad. Pero no estamos ante una clásica grabación cruda de campo de un lugar determinado, el detallado trato delautor a todo el material de Saint Petersburg Soundscape sirve de vehículo para viajar, si bien no físicamente, si por medio de la “música” de una de las ciudades más atractivas del planeta y como nos dice Antoni, “…uno se hace a la idea de cómo suena la ciudad escuchando este trabajo”. Do you enjoy the buzz of a city? Are you fond of trains? Do you like to drift off into a world of the imagination? Then welcome to a triptych of albums from Antoni Robert. All three are based on field recordings electronically manipulated and edited to create a series of encapsulated experiences, evoking both

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Train Pieces

Download link    Hazard Records hr089 Train Piece #1 (Ono Piece) 2’43” Train Piece #2 (Harrison Piece) 4’30” Train Piece #3 (McCartney Piece) 5’47” Train Piece #4 (Fab Four Piece) 2’59” Train Piece #5 (Martin Piece) 6’02” Train Piece #6 (Starkey Piece) 3’44” Train Piece #7 (POB Piece) 5’05” Train Piece #8 (Wings Piece) 3’32” Train Piece #9 (Lennon Piece) 8’18” Bonus Track : Extended Club Mix.The Cavern Piece (They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?) 12’35” Antoni Robert: field recordings, sound processing, pictures & artwork public domain free download Sounds recorded and processed in 2015-2016 with zoom H2n and iphone. I play no instruments in this recording. This is deliberately a low-fi work. In the Yoko Ono-Plastic Ono Band LP (1970) there’s a track called “Paper Shoes” starting for some 2 minutes just with the sound of a train. I found this track fascinating. Since then I’ve always had

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Journey through a wormhole into the home of the pataphysical ghosts

  Download link    WDR14 Hidden Pattern #1. Journey through a wormhole into the home of the pataphysical ghosts. The idea for this work came to me when thinking about John Cage’s 4’33” piece. Cage composed the silence, but what about recording the silence? So I left the digital recorder in a silent room for one hour. In real world perfect silence doesn’t exist, because outside the silent room things happen, and leave subtel sound traces. Through amplification you start to hear noises and hidden sound patterns. Some make sense, some do not, but all of them are potentially useful. After a long process of selection and manipulation you have a variety of sounds that you can use for composing. Sounds that came out of nothing. No instruments at all have been used, just the sound captured in the original recording. After several attemps with the combined “stretch” effect

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Seven Berlin S-Bahn stations on the way to listen to Achim

Download link    Hazard Records hr087 1. Ostkreutz   2′ 49” 2. Warschauer Strasse   3′ 35” 3. Ostbahnhof   4′ 50” 4. Jannovitzbrücke   3′ 29” 5. Alexanderplatz   3′ 56” 6. Hackescher Markt   3′ 31” 7. Friedrichstrasse  38′ 44” – Inside the Dark Room – Electromagnetic Fields – Pianissimo   Antoni Robert: field recordings, sound processing   September 2015 I play no instruments in this recording.   From September the 3rd until the 6th I attended all the concerts of the Life Lines festival dedicated to Hans-Joachim Roedelius in Berlin, at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt. From my hotel near Ostkreutz station to the concert hall everyday I had to go through seven S-Bahn stations. This was like a ritual every day. Not knowing what for, I started doing some field recordings. During the day along Berlin streets, then at the concert hall I recorded

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