Author: Antoni Robert

MIS, Moviment d’Insurrecció Sonora, Sala Fenix, 24-05-2016. Barcelona

MIS, Moviment d’Insurrecció Sonora és un colectiu d’improvisació conduïda liderat pel guitarrista David Garcia i la saxofonista Mireia Tejero; està format per músics, la majoria dones, que venen del rock i del clàssic. MIS ha treballat amb ballarins com la Sol Picó i Vero Cendoya, ha intervingut en espais d’art com el Caixa Forum i el Macba i ha fet tot tipus de col.laboracions amb artistes d’altres àmbits com poetes, dj’s, Reactable, performers, etc. Els músics que participaran a la Sala Fènix són: David G. Aparicio, direcció; Mireia Tejero, saxos; Mercè Ros, bateria; Lluís Vallès, saxos; Montse Massaguer, piano; Maribel Rivero, contrabaix.

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‘2084: Resistencia Poética’ , Sala The Collective, Barcelona, 17-12-2015

‘2084: Resistencia Poética’ trata sobre una sociedad futura en la cual está prohibida la poesía. Los individuos son controlados por el sistema que los alerta cuando poetizan con castigos e incluso con la muerte sino cesan en su intento. A pesar de ello existe una sociedad secreta, la RESISTENCIA POÉTICA o ilu.SOS. El jueves 17 de diciembre convocan a los insumisos (el púbico) a las 20.30 en The Collective para que la poesía no se extinga simulando el estreno de un espectáculo de entretenimiento. Sin embargo, los ilu.SOS se arriesgarán a poetizar sin recitar, empleando la poesía de otro modo, el mismo que plantea ilu.SOS. Un modo genuino, ilimitado, arriesgado y sublime. Junto a: Miquel Jorda, Laila Zylber, Aibán Nollida, Luis Tofoles, Karlos Kosas, Yolanda Cañardo, Elisenda Amartis y Alba Tor.

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Faraldo, Carrasco, Rojas-Marcos at Taller Ventalló Barcelona, 21-5-2016

Paloma Carrasco, violoncel,  Ángel Faraldo, meta-no-input-mixer,  Alejandro Rojas-Marcos, clavicordi.  Welcome to the fascinating world of playing with noise and silence, and getting sounds from nowhere, from a mixer with no inputs!! Yeah, I know, not for everybody: but nevertheless a great trip once you get used to it and you learn how to interpretate it. Just amazing stuff!! Taller Ventalló Barcelona, 21-5-2016

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COÀGUL al Niu, Barcelona, 12-11-2015.

RECOVERING GREAT STUFF: Presentació del flexi disc “Cobriu-me de flors” a l’espai artístic El Niu. El video recull la performance complerta. Gran actuació de Marc O’Callaghan. COÀGUL is the muzak organ of Marc O’Callaghan. Its main function is to concentrate the energy of certain cosmic principles in the physical spot where its sound is performed or reproduced.

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Alguns Homes Bons al LEM, L’Hangar, 23-10-2015

Pol Padrós (trumpet,) Joan Mas (alto sax), Marcel Bagés (electric guitar), Àlex Reviriego (bass), Genís Bagés (drums) Alguns Homes Bons is among the best avantgarde jazz bands you can listen to in the burstling Barcelona scene. Unfortunately they don’t play too often, ’cause all of them are great musicians with their own career and other bands and projects. So you better don’t miss any opportunity to see them on stage. They’re just amazing.

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Kasper T. Toeplitz al LEM, L’Hangar, Barcelona, 23-10-2015

Recovering great stuff. Kasper T. Toeplitz es un compositor y bajista polaco residente en París que se mueve entre la composición ortodoxa y la música electrónica ruidista. En este concierto en el LEM toca las piezas Elephant & Cat (composición propia) y Fluster (del desaparecido Zbignew Karkowski). His experimentation with computers continued, in 2003, with the creation of an instrument he calls the BassComputer, an electric bass with 5 fretted strings and 4 unfretted strings, as in the harp guitar. The instrument is intended to be interfaced with a computer.

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Blood Quartet, full set live, Barcelona, 21-11-2017, La2, Apolo

Mark Cunningham (trumpet, guitar) Lluís Rueda (guitar, Korg MS-10) Kike Bela (bass, Korg MS-10, guitar) Càndid Coll (drums, voice) Set list: “Dragon Tree” + “String Theory” + “Dark Energy” + “Bloodlines” + “Gravity Pull” + “Fire Folk” + “Purple Star Coffin” + “Until My Darkness Goes” + “Wreck Jandek” Foto: Òscar García. Video de El Arranzio

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The Legendary Pink Dots at Almo2bar Barcelona, 14-10-2017, LEM Festival

The Legendary Pink Dots at Almo2bar Barcelona, 14-10-2017, LEM Festival Edward Ka-Spel, vocals, lyrics, keyboards; Phil Knight, keyboards; Erik Drost, guitar And the legend finally crossed the festival during the night of October the 14th at the Almo2bar. The band leaded by Edward Ka-Spel and Phil Knight, one of the powerful diamonds that crystallised in the sonic explosion of the 80s, offered an impeccable concert with a review across some of their emblematic songs, those little evil anthems, and they demonstrated to be in top shape. Fans arrived from everywhere filled the venue and contributed to a unique and multifaceted ceremony by the Legendary Pink Dots.

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