Author: Antoni Robert

Orquestra Do D’Acords & Zero de Conducta at Albareda, Barcelona, 8-3-2018; BCN ImproFest

Orquestra Do D’Acords & Zero de Conducta at Albareda, Barcelona, 8-3-2018; BCN ImproFest 2018;  Joao Braz, conductor; Pablo Pérsico, conductor + 21 percussionists & Montserrat Marfany, voice, objects; Jaume Martín, keyboard; offscope Jordi Buscà, guitar; Sir Pere Canals, guitar; Captain Enric Solà, drums; Dr. Antoni Robert, synthesizer & guitar; Pepe Ruz, visual art and B&W pictures;

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Acció Homenatge a Carles Santos i a Carles Hac Mor, 6-3-20018, BCN ImproFest

Acció Homenatge a Carles Santos i a Carles Hac Mor.  Maresca Adelaide, performance; Miquel Jordà, alto sax; Marcos Xalabarder, text & video; Mireia Tejero, alto sax; Danio Catanuto, electronics; Marcel.lí Bayer, electronics; Mercè Ros, drums; Bea Vilaseca, voice; Mark Cunningham, trumpet; at Albareda, Barcelona, 6-3-2018; BCN ImproFest 2018.

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BCN ImproFest 2018 All Stars Band at Albareda, Barcelona, 10-3-2018

“Uns i altres” by  Joma, video; Dave Jackson, alto sax; Llorenç Barber, bells & voice; Montserrat Palacios, voice; Úrsula San Cristóbal, flute, voice; Silvia Corda, piano; Miquel Àngel Marín, clarinet; Fernando Simoes, trombone; Paulo Chagas, alto sax; Nuria Martinez Vernis, poetry; Oriol Sauleda, poetry; Maresca Adelaide, performance; Mireia Tejero, alto sax; Lluis Valles, tenor sax; Adele Madau, electric violin; Mercè Ros, drums; Josefina Rozembausser, bandoleon; Andrea Rodo, guitar; Eduard Altaba, doublebass; Miquel Jordà, alto sax; David Garcia Aparicio, conducting; (as far as I remember…..) at Albareda, Barcelona, 10-3-2018; BCN ImproFest 2018.

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Llorenç Barber & El Trio Tria, at Albareda, Barcelona, 10-3-2018 BCN ImproFest2018

Montserrat Palacios, voice, kettles, plastic; Miquel Àngel Marín, clarinet, voice; Llorenç Barber, bells, voice; at Albareda, Barcelona, 10-3-2018 BCN ImproFest2018. A luxury to have a legend in the BCN ImproFest 2018. Llorenç Barber is one of the mavericks of Spanish music. Departing from a passionate interest in John Cage – and particularly in ZAJ group, a sort of Spanish zen/ Dada collective- Barber has developed a truly unique musical language since his early minimalist-inspired compositions. He has developed a strong interest in one of the most ancient sounds of the humankind, the sound of bells. With his portative set of bells, Barber plays long improvised pieces in which uses harmonic chant; a minimal chamber setting which recognizes links with NY Downtown experimental scene from the seventies and eighties (in fact, he was there in early ’80’s). His other works includes music for several ensembles and extended vocal techniques, but his most

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Sota Zero, by Efrén Razkin & Elara Elvira , Nau central Fàbrica Anònima, Manresa, 17-2-2018

LIGHT INSTALLATIONS / EPHEMERAL ART / PERFORMANCE / SOUND EXPERIMENTATION, as a part of the Ponts De Llum (Bridges of light) minifestival, organized by Primo Gabbiano & Visual Pal.Serigraphy on ice, illuminated from the rear by led cold light. The surface ice with the ink melts before, changing the image. After some time the ink lays on the surface, while the ice continues meling. Ephemeral art.  SOTA ZERO, means BELOW ZERO. The video made by Pepe Ruz accellerates the process.

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The naughty red spirit, by Zero de Conducta, Barcelona, 20-1-2018

L’esperit vermell entremaliat, (The naughty red spirit), by Zero de Conducta: offscope Jordi Buscà, noise; Jaume Martín, keyboard; Montserrat Marfany, voice & glockespiel; Captain Enric Solà, drums; Sir Pere Canals, guitar, pandora; Dr Antoni Robert, synth; + Bea Vilaseca, voice & objects; Pepe Ruz, bass;  from the Walking Zombies session, Garcilaso, Barcelona, 20-1-2018; Images from: The Red Spectre (1907), Segundo de Chomón.

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PERE PORTABELLA – Cinema, art i política a la Fundació Vila Casas, 12-2-2018

L’exposició “Pere Portabella. Cinema, art i política” incideix en la figura d’un dels cineastes i activistes polítics més destacats del país. Ideada i dirigida per Pere Portabella i Antoni Vila Casas, la mostra s’articula a través de cinc àmbits que analitzen la figura de Portabella des d’òptiques diferents.

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