Author: Antoni Robert

PHICUS+1: Ferran Fages – Àlex Reviriego –Vasco Trilla + Joachim Badenhorst. 13-7-2017

PHICUS+1 Ferran Fages – electric guitar Àlex Reviriego – doublebass Vasco Trilla – drums, percussion + Joachim Badenhorst – saxophone Robadors 23, Barcelona july, 13th, 2017 Phicus return to Robadors 23, this time accompanied by Joachim Badenhorst on reeds. Last time, I burbled on about “matching and contrasting tones and textures… layered and discarded in an unstoppable kineticism,” and yes, I’ll stand by those words. Phicus are carving out their own intense brand of precision disorder. Passages of glorious frenzy alternate with more meditative minimalism, and throughout there’s a constant energy, a seething potential being tapped and channelled. With the variety of extended techniques on display from all four musicians, it’s difficult sometimes to identify which alien sound is produced by whom but to give a flavour… Read the complete review at the author’s blog. Text by Dave Foxall, from his blog:…

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New youtube chanel: DELICATESSEN

This is a chanel where I will share music related works that have had a strong influence on me , and so I consider them as “delicatessen”. I will not include the most obvious and commercial ones. No Beatles videos for instance, but less obvious stuff. I hope some of you will discover unexpected gems here. I hope you enjoy it. Last one included: the poet of Cape Town.

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Tomorrow Never Knows by Zero de Conducta, 2017

Warming up at the beginning of the session shattering a great tune, with the greatest respect. A divertimento with improvised words by Sir Pere Canals Miró. Not all of us were aware that the recorder was on! Zero de Conducta Montserrat Marfany, percussions Jordi offscope Buscà, Martin acoustic guitar Sir Pere Canals Miró, voice and improvised words Jaume Martín, percussions Dr Antoni Robert, electric guitar Captain Enric Solà, bass & percussions (not at the same time!) from La Joncosa Piscodèlic Session 3-6-2017 Original song by Lennon & McCartney Images from: Kinetic Circles, videomapping (Pour l’amour de l’art), Modelo: Saray Diaz 60’s Garage, Surf, Freakbeat & Psychedelic Music – Vol. 4 & 22, (GrimlyFormingPW) Seventh Sense (Excerpt) / 第七感官 (五分鐘版) (Anarchy Dance Theatre)

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FREENETICS #37 with Tura Gómez Coll. 9-7-2017

Last session of the season, and a special one. I went with some expectations. Freenètics are well known with their well balanced powers. The raw rumble of Ferràn giant saxophone, counterposed with the delicate vibrations of Juan Antoni cello and the versatile drumming of Pep always deliver powerful and subtile performances. Add to that a passionate and athletic dancer and you have all the necessary ingredients for a great session. But reality overcame expectations. Tura’s movements were magically paced with the evolving sound of the trio, as if they had been rehersing for years. And the music was demanding; and the scenario was demanding; in such a short distance every detail is magnified. No escape. And Tura filled the space with her brave mood and her flexible and trained athlete body and her precise and quick movements. Amazing. And the musicians were all the time following her movements and closing

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Exposició: Els barris de barraques de Montjuïc, Sants i Les Corts

Del 20 d’abril al 23 de juny, l’Arxiu Municipal de Districte ens convida a gaudir de l’exposició: Els barris de barraques de Montjuïc, Sants i Les Corts. Del 20 d’abril al 8 de setembre, l’Arxiu Municipal de Districte ens convida a gaudir de l’exposició: Els barris de barraques de Montjuïc, Sants i Les Corts. La mostra, permet al visitant conèixer aquestes construccions informals agrupades que es van constituir en autèntics barris. Aquest és un projecte que compte amb la col·laboració Comissió ciutadana per la recuperació de la memòria dels barris de barraques de Barcelona, el Centre d’Estudis de Montjuïc, el Grup de treball de memòria històrica del Districte de Sants-Montjuïc i el Districte de Sants-Montjuïc. Al llarg de tot el segle XX, moltes famílies provinents de zones més desfavorides de la península van arribar a Barcelona a la recerca de treball i un millor futur. La impossibilitat de trobar un

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BRIAN ENO: New Space Music & 77 Million Paintings at Arts Santa Mònica Barcelona 2017

Capturing the ambient. First in the New Space Music hall, only sound, and then in the 77 Million Paintings hall, just observing and listening to the generative sounds and images. You will never ever see the featured images or listen to the recorded sounds on live, because this is generative art, and so always changing and never repetitive.

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Sweaty Bouganvillea by Zero de Conducta (2016)

from the cd IMPROVISATION EMSEMBLAE from La Joncosa session, 6-8-2016 Montserrat Marfany, vocals & percussion Jaume Martin, guitar Dr Antoni Robert, synthesised guitar offscope Jordi Buscà, guitar & vocals Sir Pere Canals, guitar Enric Solà, drums & bouganvilleas The CD is available trough our web page. Limited to 100 numbered copies. Ask for details. Images from Cannabic Grower, Netz Tube, UndergroundBotanix

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Embryo with Walid Mahmoud Mountassir, Magia Roja, 25-2-2016

Amb relació amb el meu precedent post. Embryo amb Walid, en la que és la avant penúltima actuació de Embryo amb Christian Burchard, el fundador. Pocs dies després un problema seriós de salud va afectar Chistian, de manera que és molt improbable que pugui tornar a tocar. Embryo continua ara sota la guia de Marja Burchard, la seva filla, i multiinstrumentista. També vol ser aquest post un homenatge a Magia Roja, local que acaba de tancar de manera indefinida fins que es puguin fer obres de insonorització. Hi ha un verkami obert a propósit, al que us encoratjo a col.laborar.

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Gnawind, tradicion y fusión.

La música gnawa sigue siendo una gran desconocida en nuestro entorno, pese a haber seducido a músicos tan importantes como Jimmy Hendrix, Carlos Santana, Randy Weston, Embryo, Pharao Sanders y Peter Brötzmann, por citar solamente algunos nombres sobradamente conocidos en distintos ámbitos. Por lo tanto es una buena noticia que en Barcelona haya grupos que la practiquen, haciendo así posible que entremos en contacto con ella. Sin ser muy riguroso y para que el lector lo visualice cómodamente, podríamos decir que la música gnawa tiene un origen con ciertos paralelismos con respecto al origen de la música de los espirituales negros. Por desgracia en muchas épocas de la historia ha sido común el tráfico de esclavos, y una de sus fuentes principales han sido los paises del África negra occidental, sobretodo Senegal, Sudan y Mali. Así como los esclavos de estos lugares que fueron llevados a America llevaron consigo su

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FAME CHIMICA a Espai 120, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, 20-5-2017

FAME CHIMICA està format per Paloma Sánchez Castaño, Sheila Moreno Espelt, Antonio Clavijo Victori i Jennifer Moreno Espelt. Un grup d’art contemporani composat per artistes visuals i sonors, comissaris artístics i dissenyadors gràfics. Fame Chimica gira alrededor de la performance, la instalación y el ruido, probando en su girar diferentes formas contemporáneas de entender la realidad.

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“Sediment” de Lali Barrière y Ferran Fages, Crater Lab,, 5-5-2017

Foreword: Interferences that travel from down to top were not visible at the show, and are due to interference with the recording machine. So what you see in the video is not exactly what was seen at the show. I decided to publish the video anyway, because artist speaks about vertical and horizontal lines, and those unexpected patterns are horizontal, ans so do not contradict the artist aim. And furthermore hazard has a role in life, and in this case it left its fingerprint. Sediment es una serie de narraciones abstractas que combinan, con una aproximación claramente minimalista, los visuales generativos de Lali Barrière con la música estática de Ferran Fages. Los visuales hacen servir un único elemento gráfico, la línea, horizontal o vertical. El cambio de color de las líneas, muchas veces enmascarado por su lentitud, se percibe como movimiento y genera un paisaje en transformación continua. El material

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ÚRSULA SAN CRISTÓBAL, The Room, Centre Cívic Guinardó, 28-4-2017

Performance de Úrsula San Cristóbal CASTELLANO ¿La libertad del cuerpo femenino solo puede estar asociada a la desnudez? ¿Cómo construimos la imagen pública de nuestros cuerpos? ¿Es solo fruto de la aceptación pasiva de las imposiciones sociales o es producto de las reflexiones personales? ¿Quién tiene el derecho a decidir sobre la visibilidad pública del cuerpo femenino? El proyecto “La habitación” intenta abordar estas preguntas en una acción donde el cuerpo femenino es problematizado y representado a través del sonido, la voz y la escritura. La performance se elabora a partir de los testimonios de mujeres de distintas partes de Europa y Latinoamérica que han accedido a responder las preguntas arriba mencionadas. Sus voces están presentes en forma de caligrafías y de collages audiovisuales, acompañados de improvisaciones musicales y acciones físicas. Estas últimas intentan reflejar la opresión y la liberación del cuerpo femenino, mostrando que las normas sociales que han

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AVELINO SAAVEDRA at Màgia Roja, 21-4-2017

AVELINO SAAVEDRA Avelino Saavedra, artista plàstic, músic i performer, compagina la pintura i l’art d’acció amb diversos projectes musicals, en els quals fa referències a múltiples llenguatges, com el de la música concreta, la improvisació lliure, el free jazz, el noise, etc … En els seus projectes musicals treballa amb els sons produïts per objectes, joguines electròniques manipulats i instruments de percussió. En el directe empra processadors d’efectes i, samplejant en temps real els sons que van sorgint en copejar, fregar, esquinçar i bufar a objectes com ara papers, metalls, teteres, tubs de plàstic i gongs, crea timbres, textures, intervals de so -silenci i dinàmiques, que troben el seu contrapunt en altres situacions o passatges més melòdics, evocadors i suggestius. Avelino Saavedra, plastic artist, musician and performer, he combines painting and performance art with diverse musical projects where he makes references to multiple languages like the concrete musique,

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ESCUPEMETRALLA: among the best you can see and listen to in the Barcelona scene!! Han vuelto Muhammad y Muhammad!!!! Escupemetralla es el resultado de una serie de retrotransmisiones que se llevarán a cabo a mediados del siglo XXI en el “Thorne’s Cone Light Reversion Laboratory for Children” de Los Alamos, Texas (Estados Federales de México y Puerto Rico). En cierto modo, actualmente Escupemetralla no es más que una entidad virtual que existirá en realidad dentro de unos años. Febrero 2021: Escupemetralla crece espontáneamente en un caldo primordial de funciones y genera dos mellizos, Muhammad y Muhammad. Marzo 2022: Escupemetralla ofrece su primer espectáculo en el metaverso. Una fracción relativamente pequeña de humanos ( descarga el concierto en implantes. Se venden varios millones de microcubos ópticos de administración oral con el concierto en versión 3D táctil. Julio 2025: Monte Cazazza Oldies, empresa de Los Angeles (EFMPR), contrata a Escupemetralla para labores

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My new release! Tape Noise Groove.

All sounds obtained from electronic manipulation of background noise of audio tapes and vinyl records. I play no instruments in this work. This is my second work in the “Hidden Pattern” series, dedicated to discover sound patterns in recordings apparently without them. In this case I’ve used as source just tape noise and used vinyl background noise. Previously I did it using a silent recording (Journey into the home of the pataphysical ghosts, Wet Dreams14, 2015). I find the resulting sounds mysterious and hypnotic, but the prospective listener has to bear in mind that the sounds contained in these recordings are JUST NOISE. Listen to it or download it at your own risk from:  

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RECORD OF THE DAY: EXOMUSIC 2 – Nieto, Piñango, Area, Robert, Díaz y nOn

Interesting record showing the music of some alien cultures. A honour having been invited to participate by Victor Sequi, manager of ALINA Records, musician and a clever and proactive human being. Dedicated to Mother AAOGGHAATH, the driving force of Proxima Centauri B. You can free download this record from the following link:  

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Electro’SP at Sinestesia, Mark Cunningham & Miquel Jordà, 2017

Electro’SP at Sinestesia, March, 21st, 2017 Mark Cunningham: trumpet, slide trumpet & devices Miquel Jordà: alto saxophone, percussions & devices A former member of the No Wave group Mars, trumpeter Mark Cunningham graduated to a similarly experimentalist solo project during the 1990s, inspired by the arid, Middle Eastern textures of Miles Davis’ Sketches of Spain. Mars’ output was quite small (four tracks on the seminal 1978 compilation No New Wave and a live album), and the band had broken up by the time of their entire back catalog was culled onto Mars 78 in 1986. Cunningham worked with two outfits, Don King and the Spanish-based Raeo, then recorded the 1997 solo album Blood River Dusk. Miquel Jordà: Multidisciplinary artist, trained as a musician, develops his work in wide creative fields such as musical composition and interpretation, video art, interactive facilities, sonorous art, photography or poetry. The subject of his work

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Janneke van der Putten a Màgia Roja, 8-4-2017

Experimentació a Màgia Roja. Els misteriosos crits de Janneke.   Janneke van der Putten (Amsterdam, 1985) is an artist based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Her practice involves experiences of listening, performances, sound and video, documentations in image/text/textile, workshops, music projects, and creating platforms for cultural exchange. Her voice is her main tool, guiding her through physical and sonic explorations in different landscapes. Engaging with specific sites and local contexts, and through her personal experiences, she investigates (human) responses to her surroundings, and their relation to natural phenomena and transitions, such as the sunrise. Van der Putten graduated from TXT (Textile) at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy and completed the Master Artistic Research at the Royal Academy of Art and Royal Conservatoire, The Hague. The project ‘Invisible Architecture’ together with Chrs Galarreta, for which they published a vinyl in 2014, has been presented in South-America and Europe, including at the Museo de Arte

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Walking on the meek side ( The Fresh Made Samfaina) by Zer0 de Conducta 2017

From Garcilaso 2 session (18-03-2017), and a lisergic digestion Improvised & played by Montserrat Marfany, xilophone, voice, bourou offscope Jordi Buscà, guitar & effects Sir Pere Canals, guitar & ratatouille Jaume Martín, cassiotone & drums (2nd half) Dr Antoni Robert, Blofeld synthesizer & beatstep Enric Solà, drums (1st half), Bass & mushrooms Images from Nikon D3200, Oxford Street London Walk Sight and Sounds. Zero de conducta es un grupo de música improvisada, experimental, electro-acústica, electrónica de Barcelona. Componentes: Jordi Buscà, Pere Canals, Montserrat Marfany, Jaume Martin, Antoni Robert y Enric Solà. Influencias: Krautrock, psicodelia, Canterbury sound, Indusctial, Ambient, Dadá, Contemporanea, World music Can, Amon Dül, Gong, Velvet Underground, Soft machine, Miles Davis, OME Acustic

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