This page is for facilitating access to all the published sound stuff, with download link below. Free when indicated.
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This page is for facilitating access to all the published sound stuff, with download link below. Free when indicated.
Continue readingA new and exciting project! 1. Katapola 01:05 2. Panorama 1 10:12 3. Wind On Water 01:52 4. Nikos 01:05 5. Water On Wind 03:36 6. Nikos 2 01:28 7. Panorama 2 19:01 8. The Cave Children 00:48 9. Nikos 3 01:54 10. Panorama 3 21:23 11. Farewell 02:12 about The notion of folk culture has definitely been transformed through the course of the centuries. More particularly, tradition and its authenticity and spontaneity in the context of orality seem somehow to have been mutilated and reconstructed, as soon as globalization and multiculturalism became one of the dominant discourses during the 21st century. Folk songs haven’t been an exclusion in this particular case, as revivalism and folklorism have emerged as a devastating force in the production of folk music. In “Amorgos Soundscape” by Antoni Robert, a paradox occurs: One could say that these folk songs are seen through the eyes of a foreign visitor and the recording could be seen as
Continue readingPrimer cd de G.O.S., ‘Stimulation’ (NVK031), casi 24 años después. ¿Regreso al futuro? ¿Justicia divina discográfica? 2017 es extraño, muy extraño. Y lo celebrarán resucitando en directo, por única vez en Niu.
Continue readingAll sounds obtained from electronic manipulation of background noise of audio tapes and vinyl records. I play no instruments in this work. This is my second work in the “Hidden Pattern” series, dedicated to discover sound patterns in recordings apparently without them. In this case I’ve used as source just tape noise and used vinyl background noise. Previously I did it using a silent recording (Journey into the home of the pataphysical ghosts, Wet Dreams14, 2015). I find the resulting sounds mysterious and hypnotic, but the prospective listener has to bear in mind that the sounds contained in these recordings are JUST NOISE. Listen to it or download it at your own risk from: https://archive.org/details/hr092
Continue readingInteresting record showing the music of some alien cultures. A honour having been invited to participate by Victor Sequi, manager of ALINA Records, musician and a clever and proactive human being. Dedicated to Mother AAOGGHAATH, the driving force of Proxima Centauri B. You can free download this record from the following link: http://alinamusica.blogspot.com.es/2017/05/exomusic-2-nieto-pinango-area-robert.html
Continue readingAs the title says, Dave Jackson As It Is. Intense and essential. Like trying to extract from the saxophone the real definitive sound. https://davejackson.bandcamp.com/ https://electronicmusik.wordpress.com/2010/06/20/todays-featured-download-psychiatric-challenge-with-lol-coxhill/
Continue readingWe have just published the IMPROVISATION EMSEMBLAE CD in a limited edition of 100 numbered and personalized copies in the graphic part, according to the tradition of the graphic work of the plastic artists. A small part of these 100 copies is available to anyone who is interested and wants to collaborate in the continuity of this project. For details, please send us a private message or leave a comment, and we will answer you. Thank you very much. ZER0 DE CONDUCTA ZER0DECONDUCTA – #1 From a Jazz Noise, by Dave Foxhall Montserrat Marfany – voice, percussion, slide guitar offScope Jordi Buscà – guitar, bass, voice, effects & distractions Sir Pere Canals – guitar, bass, percussion Jaume Martín – guitar, synthesized guitar, percussion, glockenspiel, xylophone Dr. Antoni Robert – synthesized guitar, bass, IC4039 synthesizer, percussion Captain Enric Solà – drums, percussion, bass, distillates Living Fast Let’s Dance Careful with
Continue readingTRANCE MUSIC Thrmn 011 2017 Mi intención es que escuchando este trabajo (y más todavía viéndolo y escuchándolo al mismo tiempo) uno experimente un “trance” que conlleve necesariamente una suspensión del sentido del tiempo y unas sensaciones muy primordiales. La manera ideal de experimentarlo es viendo el video en una pantalla grande, con dos muros de altavoces a los lados, a volumen alto y la habitación a oscuras. De este modo uno puede sentir con la suficiente intensidad el latido del Sol y vibrar con él, quizás como oíamos y sentíamos los latidos del corazón de nuestra madre antes de nacer. De modo parecido podemos sumergirnos en un momento en el que la vida bulle en el agua de un planeta lejano, como lo hizo en el nuestro hace muchos años. Y precisamente en el momento en que la vida lucha por salir del Mar y conquistar la Tierra. Sol,
Continue readingMi intención es que escuchando este trabajo (y más todavía viéndolo y escuchándolo al mismo tiempo) uno experimente un “trance” que conlleve necesariamente una suspensión del sentido del tiempo y unas sensaciones muy primordiales. La manera ideal de experimentarlo es viendo el video en una pantalla grande, con dos muros de altavoces a los lados, a volumen alto y la habitación a oscuras. De este modo uno puede sentir con la suficiente intensidad el latido del Sol y vibrar con él, quizás como oíamos y sentíamos los latidos del corazón de nuestra madre antes de nacer. De modo parecido podemos sumergirnos en un momento en el que la vida bulle en el agua de un planeta lejano, como lo hizo en el nuestro hace muchos años. Y precisamente en el momento en que la vida lucha por salir del Mar y conquistar la Tierra. Sol, Mar y Tierra son los
Continue readingI’m glad to announce the release of this work of mine, under Thrmnphone label. Is this a work I’m specially satisfied with. If you want you can listen just to the sound, or watch the video with the music. I think it makes better sense with the video. Mi intención es que escuchando este trabajo (y más todavía viéndolo y escuchándolo al mismo tiempo) uno experimente un “trance” que conlleve necesariamente una suspensión del sentido del tiempo y unas sensaciones muy primordiales. La manera ideal de experimentarlo es viendo el video en una pantalla grande, con dos muros de altavoces a los lados, a volumen alto y la habitación a oscuras. De este modo uno puede sentir con la suficiente intensidad el latido del Sol y vibrar con él, quizás como oíamos y sentíamos los latidos del corazón de nuestra madre antes de nacer. De modo parecido podemos sumergirnos en
Continue readingFollow the link to buy it. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LTI0BT6
Continue readingFrom today our production is available thanks to TibProd Netlabel for digital download or for listening on some webs. Attached please fins the links below. In case you prefer a CD hard copy (like it used to be!) just wait a little bit. The CD will be available on Amazon shortly. I’ll let you know. http://open.spotify.com/album/5CjKPebwfuiboNzMOg6tr4# https://music.yandex.ru/album/3838908 https://www.amazon.com/Music-Slumbers-Pacha-Robert/dp/B01M0PE3DF/ref=sr_1_1?s=dmusic&ie=UTF8&qid=1479680854&sr=1-1-mp3-albums-bar-strip-0&keywords=pacha+and+robert http://www.deezer.com/album/14228946
Continue readingLa obra de Alfredo es fascinante. Lo que os presento hoy es una maravilla, una obra maestra. Una composición hecha con los armónicos resultantes de eliminar el ataque a los sonidos percusivos. Si quitas el ataque a un sonido que has grabado originado por una percusión, lo que queda son armónicos, y son estos armónicos el material con el que Alfredo ha compuesto este trabajo, sin ningún procesado posterior, ni ningún efecto añadido. El resultado es un trabajo con un sonido muy limpio y brillante, con reverberación natural, y muy ambiental. Inesperadamente asequible, agradable en un sentido muy amplio de la palabra. Sería una perfecta banda sonora para una película de ciencia ficción, o para relajarte dejándote llevar por las fluctuaciones del sonido. http://www.costamonteiro.net/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZYHuF6bzos
Continue readingUn dels 2 cd’s publicats per Edicions Nova Era del gran flautista i compositor Jep Nuix, desaparegut fa molt temps, i massa aviat. Josep Nuix i Julibert, més conegut com a Jep Nuix, (Barcelona 23 de setembre de 1955 – 26 d’abril de 1998)[1] fou un compositor i flautista català. Va estudiar flauta, harmonia i contrapunt al Conservatori Superior Municipal de Música de Barcelona, i composició i instrumentació amb Gabriel Brncic. Conegué compositors com Witold Lutoslawski, Luigi Nono, Thomas Kessler, Gerald Bennett i Joan Guinjoan, entre d’altres, que van despertar-li interès a compondre per a tot tipus de formacions: des d’instruments a solo fins a orquestra simfònica, incloent-hi la música electroacústica en tots els seus vessants.[2] Com a compositor va escriure al voltant d’una seixantena d’obres. Una de les beques que va rebre li va permetre ser compositor resident durant un curs a l’estudi de música electrònica del Conservatori de
Continue readingAvui es celebren els 30 anys de activitat artística de Miquel Jordà. Per a mi aquest disc és una obra mestra de la música ambient-minimalista. Delicat i intrigant a l’hora. Difícil de trobar, avui a l’Antic Teatre hi haurà una oportunitat.
Continue readingThis record puts together two works conceived during my walks around Collserola hill (near Barcelona) with my friend Drac, looking for forest fountains and peaceful spots. It is very personal and intimate, but I’m pleased to share it with all of you. It is quiete obvious that it is not meditation music, or music to meditate with. In fact the first track is quite rough and based on guitar feedback. Somehow it was inspired by Metal Machine Music of Lou Reed, and the guitar part is the first thing I played with my brand new Blade Lewinson almost two years ago. I just played it once back from my Collserola walk, under the effect of the relaxing walk, and adding afterwards some sounds captured during the walk. Second track uses some more recognisable elements in the meditation music, such as tambura, tabla and sitar sounds, but again those elements are
Continue readingAvui ens ha deixat TRES. Adjunto els unics dos temes que he trobat a youtube. Com que tinc el LP (!!!!!!) prometo ripejar-lo i posar-lo a disposició aviat. Que el silenci ens acompanyi. DEP. La T. Enigmático nombre para un más enigmático trío barcelonés formado por unos tal Sr. Nada (ritmos percusivos), Caballero T (cintas y distorsiones) y Tres (voces, guitarras y sintetizadores). A finales de 1983, cuando Tres ya había pasado a ser cantante de un grupo de rock y funk progresivo llamado Klamm, vio la luz de manera póstuma el único disco de La T, precisamente a través de Klamm Records, este LP titulado “Dark Fields”, grabado durante el año anterior sin que los miembros del grupo llegaran a coincidir nunca en el estudio de grabación. Se trata de un trabajo conceptual, a medio camino entre la vanguardia electrónica y el minimal synth, de ambiente denso y
Continue readingNEWS: Digital release date: November the 20th, 2016. Hard CD release: pending to be defined. Due to milions of requests, here you have a promo video of the soon coming album MUSIC FOR SLUMBERS, by the great guitarist Rafael Pacha (trained by Robert Fripp, and former member of the band LA BANDA DEL LAGO), and myself. The images are obtained from some videos on aurora borealis taken from the net and a little bit processed. I hope you all enjoy it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcOe0FDy63o
Continue readingThis 1993 reissue was presented a few weeks ago at Antic Teatre (Barcelona), with wild performances of themselves, Daniel Sedcontra and DJ ZERO. The record is just amazing. Not easy to listen to anyway. For those who don’y know it, I would file ESCUPEMETRALLA under PLUNDERPHONIC sound, with lots of electronics and effects. This specific work was done with the collaboration of many avantgarde artists, such as Javier Hernando, Audiopeste, Superelvis, Gat, among many others. I suggest all of you to have a look at the rest of ESCUPEMETRALLA old catalogue:
Continue readingDisc del día. Editat amb molta cura, és aquest el primer disc del PROJECTE NA!, 2014. És aquest un projecte de Antonio K. Puertas i Andrés C. Vera, amb la col.laboració de Bet Gàrgola. Serpentejant entre la experimentació, l’electro pop i el tecno. Hi han altres dos discos ja enregistrats de aquest projecte, en els quals el sò s’ha allunyat del tecno, per a potenciar el cantó una mica més fosc. Molt bon disc.
Continue readingDownload link Thrmnphone Records 007 De la mano de Antoni Robert nos trasladamos a San Petersburgo a través de un recorrido por los sonidos captados en esa ciudad. Pero no estamos ante una clásica grabación cruda de campo de un lugar determinado, el detallado trato delautor a todo el material de Saint Petersburg Soundscape sirve de vehículo para viajar, si bien no físicamente, si por medio de la “música” de una de las ciudades más atractivas del planeta y como nos dice Antoni, “…uno se hace a la idea de cómo suena la ciudad escuchando este trabajo”. Do you enjoy the buzz of a city? Are you fond of trains? Do you like to drift off into a world of the imagination? Then welcome to a triptych of albums from Antoni Robert. All three are based on field recordings electronically manipulated and edited to create a series of encapsulated experiences, evoking both
Continue readingDownload link http://hazardrecords.mydocumenta.com Hazard Records hr089 Train Piece #1 (Ono Piece) 2’43” Train Piece #2 (Harrison Piece) 4’30” Train Piece #3 (McCartney Piece) 5’47” Train Piece #4 (Fab Four Piece) 2’59” Train Piece #5 (Martin Piece) 6’02” Train Piece #6 (Starkey Piece) 3’44” Train Piece #7 (POB Piece) 5’05” Train Piece #8 (Wings Piece) 3’32” Train Piece #9 (Lennon Piece) 8’18” Bonus Track : Extended Club Mix.The Cavern Piece (They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?) 12’35” Antoni Robert: field recordings, sound processing, pictures & artwork public domain free download http://www.hazardrecords.org Sounds recorded and processed in 2015-2016 with zoom H2n and iphone. I play no instruments in this recording. This is deliberately a low-fi work. In the Yoko Ono-Plastic Ono Band LP (1970) there’s a track called “Paper Shoes” starting for some 2 minutes just with the sound of a train. I found this track fascinating. Since then I’ve always had
Continue readingDownload link http://www.wdrecords.com WDR14 Hidden Pattern #1. Journey through a wormhole into the home of the pataphysical ghosts. The idea for this work came to me when thinking about John Cage’s 4’33” piece. Cage composed the silence, but what about recording the silence? So I left the digital recorder in a silent room for one hour. In real world perfect silence doesn’t exist, because outside the silent room things happen, and leave subtel sound traces. Through amplification you start to hear noises and hidden sound patterns. Some make sense, some do not, but all of them are potentially useful. After a long process of selection and manipulation you have a variety of sounds that you can use for composing. Sounds that came out of nothing. No instruments at all have been used, just the sound captured in the original recording. After several attemps with the combined “stretch” effect
Continue readingDownload link http://hazardrecords.mydocumenta.com Hazard Records hr087 1. Ostkreutz 2′ 49” 2. Warschauer Strasse 3′ 35” 3. Ostbahnhof 4′ 50” 4. Jannovitzbrücke 3′ 29” 5. Alexanderplatz 3′ 56” 6. Hackescher Markt 3′ 31” 7. Friedrichstrasse 38′ 44” – Inside the Dark Room – Electromagnetic Fields – Pianissimo Antoni Robert: field recordings, sound processing September 2015 I play no instruments in this recording. From September the 3rd until the 6th I attended all the concerts of the Life Lines festival dedicated to Hans-Joachim Roedelius in Berlin, at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt. From my hotel near Ostkreutz station to the concert hall everyday I had to go through seven S-Bahn stations. This was like a ritual every day. Not knowing what for, I started doing some field recordings. During the day along Berlin streets, then at the concert hall I recorded
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