Remembering Folegandros. Christos Lizardos (guitar) & Christos Pandoulas (bouzuki). July 2016 Remembering Folegandros Christos Lizardos (guitar) Christos Pandoulas (bouzuki) Chora Folegandros July 2016 Unexpected pleasure during our visit to Folegandros, a paradise island in the Aegeum Sea. This is just a short video of the whole session, that I recorded completely with a zoom H2n.

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Careful with that fridge, Kike (Fly me to the Moon) by ZER0 DE CONDUCTA 2016

From La Joncosa session (6-8-2016) Improvised and played by: Montserrat Marfany, slide guitar OffScope Jordi Buscà, vocals Jaume Martín, synthesized guitar Dr. Antoni Robert, bass Enric von Solà, drums & distillates & The Bad Mannerettes (Miriam Broceño & Dolors Sáez), occasional chatting Produced by Fil Spectrumm Images: A Trip to the Moon – Le Voyage dans la lune – Georges Méliès 1902

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Tirallonga dels Monosil.labs by ZERO DE CONDUCTA (2016) From La Universal session (19-11-2016) Improvised and played by: Montserrat Marfany, voice & percussions OffScope Jordi Buscà, guitar, voice & distractions Sir Pere Canals, guitar Jaume Martín, glockenspiek & xilofon Dr. Antoni Robert, guitar Enric von Solà, drums & distillates Words from Pere Quart (Joan Oliver) – 1968 Images : At Land, Maya Deren (April 29, 1917 – October 13, 1961), born Eleanora Derenkowskaia (Russian: Элеоно́ра Деренко́вская), was one of the most important American experimental filmmakers and entrepreneurial promoters of the avant-garde in the 1940s and 1950s. Deren was also a choreographer, dancer, film theorist, poet, lecturer, writer and photographer. (1944). Pere Quart Una llengua avara —doncs rica— em permeté aquesta contribució anticipada al tan plausible programa d’austeritat. Dedico aquest curiós exercici a Josep Ros i Artigues. Petit senyal d’afecte. I d’especial reconeixement (qui ho pugui entendre, que ho entengui). Déu I tu, què vols? Jo Doncs jo sols

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The Deconstruction of Lightning by ZER0 DE CONDUCTA (2016) From Albareda session (10-12-2016) 0,5 seconds lightning deconstructed and processed. Improvised and played by: Montserrat Marfany, voice & percussions OffScope Jordi Buscà, guitar, voice & distractions Sir Pere Canals, guitar Jaume Martín, guitar, voice Dr. Antoni Robert, synthesised bass & lightnings Captain Enric Solà, drums & thunders Images : Lightning bolts outside my window in Dublin, Ohio recorded at 1000 fps on high speed video. This was less than 0.5 seconds in real time, by Travis Barkey Zero de conducta es un grupo de música improvisada, experimental, electro-acústica, electrónica de Barcelona. Componentes: Jordi Buscà, Pere Canals, Montserrat Marfany, Jaume Martin, Antoni Robert y Enric Solà. Influencias: Krautrock, psicodelia, Canterbury sound, Indusctial, Ambient, Dadá, Contemporanea, World music Can, Amon Düül, Gong, Velvet Underground, Soft machine, Miles Davis, OME Acustic  

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NEW VIDEO! Lost and Adrift by ZER0 DE CONDUCTA (2016)   From Albareda session (10-12-2016) Improvised and played by: Montserrat Marfany, voice & percussions OffScope Jordi Buscà, guitar, voice & distractions Sir Pere Canals, guitar Jaume Martín, guitar Dr. Antoni Robert, synthesised bass & obsessions Captain Enric Solà, drums & sextants Images : New Zealand naval ship smashed by monster waves in Southern Ocean, Daily Mail Online and Navy Ship in EXTREME Ocean Storm from unknown youtube source. Zero de conducta es un grupo de música improvisada, experimental, electro-acústica, electrónica de Barcelona. Componentes: Jordi Buscà, Pere Canals, Montserrat Marfany, Jaume Martin, Antoni Robert y Enric Solà. Influencias: Krautrock, psicodelia, Canterbury sound, Indusctial, Ambient, Dadá, Contemporanea, World music Can, Amon Dül, Gong, Velvet Underground, Soft machine, Miles Davis, OME Acustic

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LIO 17-12-2016. A creative evening with Carlo Mezzino & friends LIO (Laboratori de Improvitsació Oberta) is an initiative of Carlo Mezzino. It is always a great event. I apologize for not remembering the names of all performers appearing on the images. I’ll try to include everybody next time.. The videos with a specific title are made by Pere Canals. I recognise and know the names of the following performers: Carlo Mezzino, piano Luiz Rocha, bass clarinet Marco Jelaca, percusions Julija Demidova, piano Miquel Jordà, sopranino sax Ivan Edwards, soprano sax Uma Maraval, dance Jesús Asenjo, acordeón Alba Raventós, dance Guy León, dance

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L’Origen by ZER0 DE CONDUCTA (2016) NEW VIDEO From Albareda session (10-12-2016) Improvised and played by: Montserrat Marfany, voice & percussions OffScope Jordi Buscà, guitar, voice & distractions Sir Pere Canals, guitar & voice Jaume Martín, guitar & voice Dr. Antoni Robert, synthesised bass & obsessions Enric Protozoo Solà, drums & enzymes Images from copyrighth 2012 From the third video in a series of 3D fractal animations highlighting the unique topology of the “Amazing Surface” formula found in the Mandelbulb3D application. Zero de conducta es un grupo de música improvisada, experimental, electro-acústica, electrónica de Barcelona. Componentes: Jordi Buscà, Pere Canals, Montserrat Marfany, Jaume Martin, Antoni Robert y Enric Solà. Influencias: Krautrock, psicodelia, Canterbury sound, Indusctial, Ambient, Dadá, Contemporanea, World music Can, Amon Dül, Gong, Velvet Underground, Soft machine, Miles Davis, OME Acustic  

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K6 (Que sí … que sí … ) Extended version by ZER0 DE CONDUCTA (2016) This is the extended track, that in a short version has been used for the Happy Winter Solstice message. We hope you enjoy it. Images taken from amateur african footage from 1930 approx, of unknown author. From Albareda session (10-12-2016) Improvised and played by: Montserrat Marfany, voice & percussions OffScope Jordi Buscà, guitar, voice & distractions Sir Pere Canals, guitar & voice Jaume Martín, percussions & voice Antoni Robert, synthesised bass & obsessions Magnum Von Enric Solà, drums & distillates

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The Lost Sound of the Monolith by ZER0 DE CONDUCTA (2016)

From La Universal session (10-11-2016) Improvised and played by: Montserrat Marfany, voice & percussions Jordi Buscà, bass & distractions Sir Pere Canals, guitar Jaume Martín, guitar Antoni Robert, guitar, effects & obsessions Enric Solà, drums & distillates Words from the NASA audio (in public domain) between Apollo 13 and Mission Control Houston Apollo XIII commander James A. Lovell CAP/COM Houston Jack Lousma Images taken from the Hubble Space Telescope ( The Solar System Earth NGC3603 Orion Nebula Veil Nebula Large Magellanic Cloud Antennae Galaxies NGC1275 “Mystic Mountain” in the Carina Nebula Crab Nebula La Universal, buc 10 Hospitalet de Llobregat 19-11-2016

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LIVING FAST. New video by ZER0 DE CONDUCTA. 2016. First delivery of the La Universal Session , at Hospitalet de Llobregat, 19-11-2016. The buc was small and closed, and so the sound went darker and obsessive. Montserrat Marfany, voice & percussions Jordi Buscà, bass Pere Canals, guitar Jaume Martín, guitar Antoni Robert, guitar, effects and obsessions Enric Solà, drums and distillates In Car Footage from the Crossley Evans Bowler Wildcat on stage 5 Driver: Adam Evans Scottish Borders Hill Rally 2007 Please, subscribe to our youtube channel.    

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Music for Slumbers an album by PACHA & ROBERT now on Spotify

From today our production is available thanks to TibProd Netlabel for digital download or for listening on some webs. Attached please fins the links below. In case you prefer a CD hard copy (like it used to be!) just wait a little bit. The CD will be available on Amazon shortly. I’ll let you know.  

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Record of the day: AURA by Alfredo Costa Monteiro

La obra de Alfredo es fascinante. Lo que os presento hoy es una maravilla, una obra maestra. Una composición hecha con los armónicos resultantes de eliminar el ataque a los sonidos percusivos. Si quitas el ataque a un sonido que has grabado originado por una percusión, lo que queda son armónicos, y son estos armónicos el material con el que Alfredo ha compuesto este trabajo, sin ningún procesado posterior, ni ningún efecto añadido. El resultado es un trabajo con un sonido muy limpio y brillante, con reverberación natural, y muy ambiental. Inesperadamente asequible, agradable en un sentido muy amplio de la palabra. Sería una perfecta banda sonora para una película de ciencia ficción, o para relajarte dejándote llevar por las fluctuaciones del sonido.

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Record of the day: JENJI by Jep Nuix

Un dels 2 cd’s publicats per Edicions Nova Era del gran flautista i compositor Jep Nuix, desaparegut fa molt temps, i massa aviat. Josep Nuix i Julibert, més conegut com a Jep Nuix, (Barcelona 23 de setembre de 1955 – 26 d’abril de 1998)[1] fou un compositor i flautista català. Va estudiar flauta, harmonia i contrapunt al Conservatori Superior Municipal de Música de Barcelona, i composició i instrumentació amb Gabriel Brncic. Conegué compositors com Witold Lutoslawski, Luigi Nono, Thomas Kessler, Gerald Bennett i Joan Guinjoan, entre d’altres, que van despertar-li interès a compondre per a tot tipus de formacions: des d’instruments a solo fins a orquestra simfònica, incloent-hi la música electroacústica en tots els seus vessants.[2] Com a compositor va escriure al voltant d’una seixantena d’obres. Una de les beques que va rebre li va permetre ser compositor resident durant un curs a l’estudi de música electrònica del Conservatori de

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The Devil (alternate video) by ZER0 DE CONDUCTA (2016)

Images from Rapsodia Satanica (1917) Nino Oxilia. A 1915 silent film featuring Lyda Borelli in a female version of Faust based on poems by Fausto Maria Martini. All under Public Domain License Music improvised and played by: Jordi Buscà, bass, vocals Montserrat Marfany, vocals, objects Jaume Martín, guitar Antoni Robert, guitar, effects Enric Solà, drums, distillates La Joncosa de Montmell October, 2016

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Laboratori del Silenci a Espai TragantDansa, 10-07-2015, Barcelona.

  Yolanda Alonso, dance Noriko Kato, dance Lena Nygren, dance Christer Bothén, contrabass clarinet Miquel Jordà, sopranino clarinet & many guests El Laboratori del silenci és una proposta d’exploració del silenci com a eina creativa. Un treball que estimula la creació i la pràctica de la dansa. L’idea és desenvolupar un procés en grup partint de diversos tipus de meditació i improvisació. En les primeres sessions ens trobarem en l’espai de tragantDansa i ens concentrarem en relació a l’espai interior i silenci per posteriorment realitzar una exploració en un espai exterior tranquil del barri de Gràcia. Al final presentarem una “Accion” inspirada en les diferents experiències del silenci i les pràctiques d’improvisació realitzades durant el curs. Per mi el laboratori és una resposta a la constant agressió d’imatges i informació, a través de telèfons, ordenadors, televisions, etc… que vivim en l’actualitat. Una necessitat de crear en silenci per poder escoltar

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Blood Quartet. Sala BeGood, 29.10.2016. Barcelona

Blood Quartet at Sala BeGood (in association with Heliogàbal and Magia Roja), Barcelona – Saturday 29th October 2016 Mark Cunningham (trumpet, guitar) Lluís Rueda (guitar, Korg MS-10) Kike Bela (bass, Korg MS-10, guitar) Càndid Coll (drums, voice) Okay, statistically speaking, the odds are that you weren’t at this gig. That was your first mistake. So, let me briefly tell you how good it was and maybe you won’t make that same mistake twice… Blood Quartet are Murnau b (Rueda, Coll & Bela) plus Mark Cunningham Blood Quartet mix feedback, guitar abuse, bludgeoning (yet nimble) bass, deceptive drumming, and fx-laden trumpet. Blood Quartet don’t play so many gigs. They also have a new recording out and that’s what Saturday evening was all about. deep-red-coverThey played pretty much all the material from album, and maybe a new track or two in addition, and it sounded awesome. Live, the music swells, stretches out,

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