MAMMAMAGMA by Zer0 de Conducta from Garcilaso session 4-2-2017

From Garcilaso session (4-2-2017)

Improvised and played by:

Montserrat Marfany, voice & toys
OffScope Jordi Buscà, acoustic guitar & distractions
Sir Pere Canals, guitar & voice
Jaume Martín, cassiotone & percussions
Dr. Antoni Robert, synthesised guitar & percussions
Enric Fluid Solà, drums & flows

Images: filmed in Hawaii from the Kilauea volcano.
Producer/photography: Tyler Hulett
Associate producers: Lance Page & Wesley Young
© 2016 Discover Oregon

and also a surge of lava spews out of a rupture in the lava tube system and is heading down steep cliffs, or pali in Hawaiian. This strong flow is being supplied lava from Kilauea Volcano’s Pu`u O`o
Crater four miles to the northwest. The rupture was at the 1600-foot elevation about four miles northwest of Kalapana Gardens, and directly above the old Royal Gardens subdivision.
Further down the mountain I shot the rough a`a lava and chunky pahoehoe lava river, and at the 800-ft elevation I videoed the lava ‘toes’.Video shot by Leigh Hilbert February 24th, 2012