Dave Jackson & Wayne Rex, 8 & 10 March, BCN ImproFest 2018
Dave Jackson, alto sax; Wayne Rex, drums; at Albareda, 8 & 10 March 2018; BCN ImproFest 2018
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Dave Jackson, alto sax; Wayne Rex, drums; at Albareda, 8 & 10 March 2018; BCN ImproFest 2018
Continue readingSheila M. Espelt, Jennifer M. Espelt, & Primo Gabbiano at Albareda, Barcelona, 10-3-2018 BCN ImproFest2018. Another short performance by this creative and talented group.
Continue readingMontserrat Palacios, voice, kettles, plastic; Miquel Àngel Marín, clarinet, voice; Llorenç Barber, bells, voice; at Albareda, Barcelona, 10-3-2018 BCN ImproFest2018. A luxury to have a legend in the BCN ImproFest 2018. Llorenç Barber is one of the mavericks of Spanish music. Departing from a passionate interest in John Cage – and particularly in ZAJ group, a sort of Spanish zen/ Dada collective- Barber has developed a truly unique musical language since his early minimalist-inspired compositions. He has developed a strong interest in one of the most ancient sounds of the humankind, the sound of bells. With his portative set of bells, Barber plays long improvised pieces in which uses harmonic chant; a minimal chamber setting which recognizes links with NY Downtown experimental scene from the seventies and eighties (in fact, he was there in early ’80’s). His other works includes music for several ensembles and extended vocal techniques, but his most
Continue readingHelena Pellisé, dance; Maria Mora Alcolea, dance; & Adriano Orrù, doublebass; Luiz Rocha, clarinet; Nuno Rebelo, performance; at TheYesPlace, Barcelona, 10-3-2018 BCN ImproFest2018 closing act
Continue readingA limited edition of 29 fetichists cd’s with NOISE. Recorded live in 2015 March at Konvent, near Manresa. Each track with a different style sort of noise for extreme noise lovers. Mine is number 11/29. Obviously self produced. A genuine DIY work.
Continue readingElèctroX & Joma: Joma, live drawing and sounding moon; Miquel Jordà, sax, trombosax, electronics; Mark Cunnigham, trumpet, kaos pad; at Centre Cultural Albareda Barcelona, 6-3-2018 within BCN ImproFest 2018 ElèctroX “
Continue readingDanio Catanuto, selfmade instruments using waste materials at Centre Cultural Albareda, Barcelona, 6-3-2018 within BCN ImproFest 2018. Amazing sound.
Continue readingMORDRAKE: today with Santiago Doljanin & Óliver Vinent Cardona, at Albareda, Barcelona, 1-3-2018, BCN ImproFest 2018.
Continue readingMetaSein: Lorena Izquierdo, performance, voice; Marie Takahashi, viola; Eric Bauer, synthesizer; Almudena Vega, flute, voice; Al García, percussion; Adrián David Krok, percussion, at El Pou de la Figuera, Barcelona, 2-3-2018, BCN ImproFest 2018
Continue readingTrinidad Garcia, dance, Uma Maraval, dance, Alba Raventós, dance, Alicia Soler, dance, Conrado Parodi, lights, Nick Branton, tenor sax, Mireia Tejero, alto sax, Lluis Valles, tenor sax, Miquel Jordà, alto sax at El Pou de la Figuera, Barcelona, 2-3-2018, within the frame of BCN ImproFest 2018.
Continue readingMisha Marks- guitar, Don Malfon- sax. Nocturna Discordia #155 – Doble Discordia Part II at Soda Acústic, Barcelona, 21-02-2018
Continue readingThis work is already available. Some field recordings made by Miquel Jordà in southeast Asia have been processed and completed in order to create 5 different ambients.
Continue readingThis is my distorted view, after some processing of some of the shots I took on site. Just a light game.
Continue readingLena Czerniawska, drawing- Emilio Gordoa, no input mixer, objects- Tom Chant, sax; Nocturna Discordia #155 – Doble Discordia Part I at Soda Acústic, Barcelona, 21-02-2018.
Continue reading«Efímer» by Marian Raméntol & Cesc Fortuny, Presentation at Antic Teatre Barcelona, 20-02-2018. Music by Ze Pequeño (alter ego of Cesc Fortuny). Fragment.
Continue readingMaria João Flôxo, performance, Hernán Arambarri , sound, Laia Mauri, light dress, at Pati Nau Anònima, Manresa, 17-2-2018. The idealization of performance has the historical reference of the mystery of Light of Manresa, a phenomenon of nature that was automatically seen as a divine manifestation.
Continue readingLIGHT INSTALLATIONS / EPHEMERAL ART / PERFORMANCE / SOUND EXPERIMENTATION, as a part of the Ponts De Llum (Bridges of light) minifestival, organized by Primo Gabbiano & Visual Pal.Serigraphy on ice, illuminated from the rear by led cold light. The surface ice with the ink melts before, changing the image. After some time the ink lays on the surface, while the ice continues meling. Ephemeral art. SOTA ZERO, means BELOW ZERO. The video made by Pepe Ruz accellerates the process.
Continue readingL’esperit vermell entremaliat, (The naughty red spirit), by Zero de Conducta: offscope Jordi Buscà, noise; Jaume Martín, keyboard; Montserrat Marfany, voice & glockespiel; Captain Enric Solà, drums; Sir Pere Canals, guitar, pandora; Dr Antoni Robert, synth; + Bea Vilaseca, voice & objects; Pepe Ruz, bass; from the Walking Zombies session, Garcilaso, Barcelona, 20-1-2018; Images from: The Red Spectre (1907), Segundo de Chomón.
Continue readingL’exposició “Pere Portabella. Cinema, art i política” incideix en la figura d’un dels cineastes i activistes polítics més destacats del país. Ideada i dirigida per Pere Portabella i Antoni Vila Casas, la mostra s’articula a través de cinc àmbits que analitzen la figura de Portabella des d’òptiques diferents.
Continue readingSiempre Que Intento Hablar by Aisa Araújo / Maria João Flôxo / Hernán Arambarri at Lacontra Artnocal, Barcelona, 10-2-2018. Tras la absurda retirada del video de youtube, gracias a Vimeo ya lo podemos ver otra vez.
Continue readingConcierto de BEC, con Clara Lai (piano), Alex Reviriego (doublebass) y Pep Mula (drums), Barcelona, Sinestesia, 20 enero 2018.
Continue readingThe BCN Impro Fest 2018 is approaching….. A great opportunity to know some of the great improvisation talents. A huge event. Have a look at the progam!
Continue readingA short summary of 2017 BCN Impro Fest. The BCN Impro Fest 2018 is approaching….. A great opportunity to know some of the great improvisation talents. A huge event.
Continue readingEugene Martynec, electronics; Ferran Besalduch, sax; at Magia Roja live Barcelona 22-01-2015; Recovering great stuff.
Continue readingAdrià Bofarull, electrònica; Eduard Altaba, contabaix; a l’Antic Forn de Vallcarca Barcelona, 3-2-2018. Two worlds, free and electronics, face to face in a charming venue. The underground secret Barcelona.
Continue readingLa dansa de la foscor (Dance of darkness) by Zero de Conducta, offscope Jordi Buscà, guitar, voice; Jaume Martín, keyboard; Montserrat Marfany, voice & objects; Captain Enric Solà, drums; Sir Pere Canals, guitar, pandora; Dr Antoni Robert, synth; + Bea Vilaseca, voice & objects; Pepe Ruz, bass. From the Walking Zombies session, Garcilaso, Barcelona, 20-1-2018.
Continue readingThanks to Gracia Territori Sonor we are able to recover some great stuff. LEM (Gracia Territori Sonor) STARTS THE PUBLISHING OF THE BEST MOMENTS OF THE RECENT LEM FESTIVALS IN THEIR BANDCAMP CHANNEL. FEDERICO FENU: trombone, voice, live electronics, Farfisa combo compact Red Organ (Drone). Recorded live by Pablo Miranda at Centre Cívic Convent de Sant Agustí, Barcelona, on the 27th October 2017 during the XXII LEM Festival Produced by Gràcia Territori Sonor
Continue readingMarcel Ayats, El sentit de la vida; Rodolfo del Hoyo, Reconstruccions; Paco Cantero, Líquids imperfectes; a La Rubia Barcelona, 31-1-2018. Presentació dels llibres, presenta Paco Fanés i Joan Puche; Editorial Pont del Petroli – POESIA.
Continue readingClara Lai, piano; Núria Andorrà, percussió; Constanza Brncic, dança. Sinestesia, Barcelona 28-11-2017. I usually do the videos myself, but on this occasion I could not attend, and I will take advantage of the work of friends, both to see it as to share it. The occasion deserved: three excellent artists, within the framework of Sinestesia and the sessions organized by Marianne Brull with its exquisite criteria. Bravo!
Continue readingRubén Martín + Primo Gabbiano, música & Visual Pal, video, en LaBerint 22, Barcelona, 27-1-2018. En el marco de POESIA EIX GRANADA BCN, un fragmento de la elegante poesía de Rubén Martín, envuelta para la ocasión con los sutiles sonidos de Primo Gabbiano y las evocadoras imágenes de Visual Pal.
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