Author: Antoni Robert

Microtopies 2020: 56 miniatures de música i geografia.

This is the ninth album of the ‘Microtopies’ global call. The Microtopies are sonic miniatures that shape a special edition of the Música i Geografía (Ràdio Gràcia, Barcelona) radio show, produced weekly by Gràcia Territori Sonor. The aim is to make a sonic route through a map of randomly assigned events, since the pieces received have been included in strict order of reception. This year have been received 56 pieces from 31 cities from 11 countries. Now, we invite you to this journey. You will enjoy the best sound quality as recorded by the authors. Don’t listen to them on your computer loudspeakers but rather plug it in a decent sound system or put on good headphones, otherwise you will miss a lot of sounds and frequencies… Have a good trip! Gràcia Territori Sonor wants to acknowledge all the artists who have generously participated in this project… thank you for

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India & Nepal 1984, the effect of time on film, by Francisco Sandalinas

Back in 1984 Francisco Sandalinas (architect) went to India & Nepal alone, only with his camera. Once back some of the films were stored badly and suffered from weather degradation. Instead of scrapping it, Francisco developped them and realized that the pictures had acquired a rare beauty.  A selection of the pictures has been included in this video, and I’ve added some adequate sounds. We hope you will enjoy it.

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Dedicated to you, but you were in another dimension (dedicated to Keith Tippett), NUUMU Code.

Dedicated to you, but you were in another dimension,  by NUUMU Code.  Montserrat Marfany, voice, glockenspiel, objects; Jaume Martín, guitar; Toni Pons, drums; Antoni Robert, keyboard; Dedicated to Keith Tippett Images from videos from American Indian film gallery ( We express our deepest respect for native American cultures. Recorded at La Universal, Barcelona, 14-6-2020.

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New release, Pandemic Suite#11: Sounds for abandoned industrial sites.

This is the 11th Pandemic Suite , and it is the first one to have been played using the Multi Mode of Blofeld. The first 10 suites were played usin just one sound. This one has been played using 8 different sounds. So is has more complexity and details. As the previous ones it doesn’t make sense to listen bits of it. It is an ambient recording and the aim is to create a mood, and the mood is created slowly, step by step, and to be perceived it requires a complete and concentrated listening.

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Pandemic Suites release. Second set.

We are living strange days. We don’t even know when the situation will return to a “normal” state. Perhaps never, because the problem was an incorrect normality. During these days “at home”  I am playing 40′ suites for myself. I try to find a suitable state of mind and then I relax and try to evolve the sound properly. Different days, different moods. I have decided to share with you whenever the results satisfy me. Those are “ambient” recordings, not songs or melodies. The only reasonable way to hear it is from start to finish, without interruption, because the mood takes time to reveal itself and enter your brain. Hearing those sounds partially and with interruptions is pointless. I hope you like it, and I am ready to receive your comments. All downloads are FREE. For these Pandemic recordings, the artwork is done using different sources, and authors are in

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Pandemic Suites release

We are living strange days. We don’t even know when the situation will return to a “normal” state. Perhaps never, because the problem was an incorrect normality. During these days “at home”  I am playing 40′ suites for myself. I try to find a suitable state of mind and then I relax and try to evolve the sound properly. Different days, different moods. I have decided to share with you whenever the results satisfy me. Those are “ambient” recordings, not songs or melodies. The only reasonable way to hear it is from start to finish, without interruption, because the mood takes time to reveal itself and enter your brain. Hearing those sounds partially and with interruptions is pointless. I hope you like it, and I am ready to receive your comments. All downloads are FREE. For these Pandemic recordings, I am using VEGKVOGTRE’s drawings as the main artwork, with the

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New Release: The march from despair to fear

Played live. All sound played and recorded in real time. No overdubs, no editing. Equipment: Blofeld synthesizer, Pandora Korg effects pedal, Xenyx QX 1002 bBehringer mix desk effects. Played on April, 7th, 2020, during the Coronavirus pandemic. Front cover drawing by Vergvoktre (used with kind permission of the artist). Back cover photograph by Roger Viollet pour le journal L’Illustration (1939). In front the father and the sister of Amadeu, she also one legged, after them Tomas Coll and Amadeu Gracia Bamala, one legged 5 years old boy after a bombardment on Monzón, during the Spanish civil war. They are escaping to France through the Col d’Ares. Free download here:

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Col·lectiu Free’t, Força Inframinsa, Improfest, 7-3-2020. Centre Cultural Albareda, Barcelona.

Col·lectiu Free’t interpreta Força Inframinsa;   Alba Vicario, dança; Montserrat Trepat, actriu; Oriol Planes Ritxi, actor; Arnau Millà, soundpainter; Maria Berengué, violí; Rafael Esteve, contrabaix; Genís Bagés, bateria; Miquel Àngel Marín, clarinet.   BCN Improfest 7-3-2020. Centre Cultural Albareda, Barcelona.

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Nostá l’hornu pa bollus by D.O.S., live at Andròmina 2019 a Pallejà.

Now you can listen and free download this premonitory wonder. Hazard Records, hr096, 2020, live at ANDRÒMINA n.8 Pallejà 30/11/19, improvisació gravada a l’Andròmina 2019 a Pallejà, Nostá l’hornu pa bollus (42′), Dr. Antoni Robert: synthesizers + samples, offscope Jordi Buscà: guitars + samples, Sir Pere Canals: guitars, Pepe Ruz: electronics + percussions.

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NEW RELEASE: Syros Soundscape.

Recorded in September 2019 in Syros (Greece) by AR. Produced by AK & AR. Tubular bells installation made by AK. Artwork by AR. Back picture by AK. The sounds of this recording are either based on traditional Greek songs, or improvised. El Ball de la Civada is a popular Catalan song. Many thanks and our deeper respect and admiration to the master senior tsambouna and toumbaki players Frangisko, Sorokos & Fagri. Many thanks also to the rest of players, whose contribution is deeply appreciated. Thanks to Dina & Ayis for coordinating all the activities that made this recording possible.

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NEW VIDEO: Nostà l’hornu pa bollus by D.O.S. live at Andròmina, 30-11-2019.

Nostà l’hornu pa bollus (excerpt from 42’05”) by D.O.S. live at Andròmina, 30-11-2019. offscope Jordi Buscà, guitar; Sir Pere Canals, guitar; Dr. Antoni Robert, synthesizer; Pepe Ruz, electronics & percussion;  Images from Masaje (Iván Zulueta, 1972) This is an excerpt of the full 42′ performance at Andròmina Festival.

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NEW VIDEO: Your future demons (Els teus futurs dimonis) by NUUMU CODE (24-11-2019).

Your future demons (Els teus futurs dimonis) by NUUMU CODE: Josep Vila, words & voice; Montserrat Marfany, voice and objects; Jaume Martín, keyboard; Pepe Ruz, fretless electric bass; Toni Pons, drums; Antoni Robert, synthesized guitar. Improvised live at La Universal, Hospitalet de Llobregat, 24-11-2019. Images from Wintercourse (Paul Sharits, 1962).

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Novetat! Galàxies Interiors, Joan R. Lladós, poemes i veu, Antoni Robert, Miquel Jordà, Edu Circonite, música.

Joan R. Lladós, poemes, veu, Antoni Robert, sampler, percussions, post producció, artwork, Miquel Jordà, Korg Mini Kaoss Oscillator, shakuhachi, harmònica, percussions, veu, Edu Circonite, enregistrament, efectes. Poemes del llibre Galàxies Interiors de Joan R. Lladós (Ed. Pont del Petroli, 2019). Música de Miquel Jordà i Antoni Robert. Han estat utilitzats alguns sons samplejats de Gelug Monks i de Monks of the Drepung-Loseling Monastery. Recorded live at Radio Ciutat Vella, Barcelona, 19/11/2019 al programa XperYmentaS. Foto de Antoni Robert del Stargazer (aprox. 4000 a.C.) del museu ciclàdic de Atenes.

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