Author: Antoni Robert

POEMES by Antoni Robert & Josep Vila (2023)

El so compartit és el de 5 videos fets per Josep Vila, en els que recita poemes seus i poemes meus. Dels meus alguns son del llibre Versemblances (detalls més avall) i altres son haikus d’un llibre de pròxima publicació. Més avall poso els links per si algú vol veure els videos. Josep Vila, veu, vídeos i so a 3, 4 i 5. Antoni Robert, so a 1 i 2, guitarra i bol tibetà a 2. Portada. Poemes 1. JV fins al 24’. La resta AR (de Versemblances) 2. JV fins al 20’. La resta AR (haikus) 3. AR (haikus) entre el 7’ i el 16’20”. La resta JV. 4. AR (de Versemblances) fins al 10’. La resta JV. 5. AR (de Versemblances) fins al 13’. La resta JV. Versemblances, de Antoni Robert, Ed. Pont del Petroli, 2020. (Ciutadella Estranya) (Ni ase ni bèstia) (Dit ras i curt) (Insaniam asini)

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I DESPR​É​S​.​.​. by Francesc Díaz i Melis (2008).

Francesc Díaz i Melis, keyboards and electronics Recorded in Barcelona on January the first, 2008. Final mix on January 27th. At ESTUDI BONSÒ by Guille Pérez. Artwork by Àngel Farrés. Improvised Electroacoustic Music. This was a double CD. Tracks 1 and 2 belong to CD1. Track 3 to CD2. Free download here:

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NUUMU Code Turns On by NUUMU Code, March 25th, 2023.

Sergi Gon, synthesizer; Montserrat Marfany, voice, kochlos, percussions, toys, objects, slide guitar; Jaume Martin, keyboard, guitar, glockenspiel, toy xilophone, ektara, objects; Francesc D. Melis, subliminal, alpaques, brontosaures; Toni Pons, drums, percussions, shakers; Antoni Robert, guitar, samples; Josep Vila, poems, vocals. Recorded & produced March 25th, 2023, at Garcilaso, by Antoni Robert. Cover is a parody of the cover of Turns On by The Soft Machine. Back picture by Edward S. Curtis (1907). Artwork by Antoni Robert.

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Atom Earth Father by NUUMU Code, February 21st, 2023.

This recording contains the Februery 21st studio session. Sergi Gon, guitar; Montserrat Marfany, voice, kochlos, percussions, toys, objects; Jaume Martin, keyboard, toy xilophone, glockenspiel; Toni Pons, drums, percussions, shakers; Antoni Robert, guitar, Tibetan Bowl; Oriol Rogent, vocals, poems; Miquel Tuset, electric sax; Josep Vila, vocal, poems; Joan Vinuesa, vocals, poems, trumpet, flute, percussions. Recorded at Garcilaso, Barcelona, February 21st, 2023, by Antoni Robert. Sound process & artwork by Antoni Robert. Pictures by unknown.

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With The Nuumus by NUUMU Code, February 11th 2023.

This recording brings together the 11th February studio session and the IMPROFEST 2023 performance on March 3rd. For its length is is a virtual double cd. Sergi Gon, guitar, bass; Montserrat Marfany, performance, voice, kochlos, percussions, toys, objects; Jaume Martin, keyboard, glockenspiel, toy xilophone, ektara, objects (1 to 5); Toni Pons, drums, percussions, shakers; Antoni Robert, guitar, poems (6), voice (6), Tibetan bowl (6), rain stick (6), thunder box (6), percussions (6), e. tabla & tanpura (6), kalimba (6); Oriol Rogent, poems, vocals; Pepe Ruz, bass (6); Miquel Tuset, alto sax (1 to 5); Josep Vila, poems, vocals; Joan Vinuesa, performance, poems, vocals, harmonica, flute, accordion, bird whistles, percussions. The performance is an idea by Montserrat Marfany & Joan Vinuesa. Joan Vinuesa reads his own poems and improvises. Oriol Rogent reads poems by Anna Bou Jorba, his own poems and some URSONATE fragments (Kurt Schwitters). Josep Vila & Antoni Robert

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TWENTIETH by NUUMU Code, March 11th, 2023.

Last studio effort so far. Exploring new approch and working methods. For its length this is a virtual doudle cd or LP, as THIRD by SM was. Sergi Gon, synthesizer; Montserrat Marfany, voice, kochlos, percussions, toys, objects; Jaume Martin, keyboard, ektara; Toni Pons, drums, percussions, shakers; Antoni Robert, guitar; Joan Vinuesa, vocals, harmonica, bird whistles, percussions. Recorded live at Espai Local, Barcelona, March 11th, 2023, by Antoni Robert. Live sound by Sergi Gon. Sound process & artwork by Antoni Robert.

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HOMININ by Francesc D. Melis, 2009.

Francesc D. i Melis, violí, Dan Bau, electrònica, Mixed at Estudis MelisSounds, November 2009. Artwork Àngel Farrés. This double cd was issued in 2010 as a very limited privat edition, with an unknown exact quantity. This record has been possible thanks to Rafael Zaragoza, Marc Viaplana, Marc Valls, Guille Pérez and Albert Giménez, but they might not know it. To the memory of Angel Colomer i Del Romero, Josep Mª Bardagí, Joan Mª Bofill, Jep Nuix, Josep Palomas, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Derek Bailey. Dedicated to Rafael Zaragoza, to the Spanish Atrocities Commitee!, and to Hadramawts. Tracks are open. Anyone willing to is allowed to continue or finish it.

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PANEROLES i PAPARRA by Francesc D. Melis, 2023.

We are releasing some of the old recordings of Francesc D. Melis, but this time is different. We are releasing the last works done by Francesc. Since 1st of January Francesc is using old recordings of him and reworks on them, producing new works under the generic name of Brontosaures. Here we present Brontosaure number 8, recorded on January the 8th, and Brontosaure number 24, recorded on Janury 29th. For the composition of this works Francesc uses old recordings as elements to construct a new work. Francesc D. Melis, instruments, composition and arrangement. Cover pictures are collages by Jordi Ramírez. Layout arrangement by Antoni Robert.

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Re-issue: El Manuscrito de Cubel, s​.​XVIII by LAHIEZ (2001)

Alejandro Sánchez: Guitarra, Guitarro, Dulzaina, Bombarda, Clarinete, Cromomo, Flautas de pico. Beatriz Sánchez: Angloconcertina, Realejo, Acordeón Diatónico, Flautas de pico, Citara. Ricardo Sánchez: Guitarra Acústica, Guitarra Clasica, Citara, Cittern, Mandolina, Guitarrico, Dulcimer, Banjo, Violín, Flautas de pico, Scottish Smallpipes, Percusión. Armando Ayora, guitarro y guitarrico en las Siguidillas. Arreglos y Técnico de sonido Ricardo Sánchez. Grabado en invierno 1999-2000 en los estudios BRA de Barcelona. Imagen de portada y textos Manuel Sánchez. Diseño gráfico Carlos Pardos. Layout Antonella Fontana. Con el apoyo de ADRI.

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En directe a Abaixadors 10, 2​/​4​/​2000 by SANTBONOBO URKEJTRA.

People that attended the event say that it was a very long performance going on for more than 6 hours. This is what survived. Desk sound was recorded by Ferràn Fages with a tape, but when tapes ran out, before another tape was inserted parts of the music was missed. Camera sound was recorded by Eli gras, with the same problem. So only a little more than 3 hours survived. Some players are not recorded on the desk recording. Thats why both recordings are included. Released January 26, 2023 Players: Rosa Arruti, Jesús Brotons, Ferràn Fages, Eli Gras, Mike Ibáñez, Francesc D. Melis, Alain Wergifosse. Instrument were changing hands often, so it is difficult to tell who plays what. Recorded April 2nd, 2000, at Abaixadors 10, Barcelona. Desk Recording by Ferràn Fages. Ambient Recording by Eli Gras. Desk recording and Ambient recording contain the same concert. Not all the sounds

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An extraordinary document. This was a one day super band, and this is what they performed at LEM Festival. Files are in flac compressed lossless format. Wav files exceed the allowed size. The concert was in memory of Michael Karoli, who had died days before. The day before died George Harrison. rRleased December 28, 2022 Alain Wergifosse, Albert Giménez, Alfredo Costa Monteiro, Eli Gras, Ferràn Fages, Francesc D. Melis, Horacio Curti, Jakob Dramisnky HØjmark, Jesus Brotons, Jorge C. Porter, Luis Conde, Ruth Barberan. Recorded from desk with rewritable cd’s by an unknown sound engineer. Pictures by unknown. Original artwork by Francesc D. Melis. Free download here:

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TUDORIANA by E.L.M.E.L.I.S., Barcelona el 16 de Març de 2008.

El Laboratori de Música Electroacústica Lúdica I Sorprenent (E.L.M.E.L.I.S.) presenta TUDORIANA, una improvisació electrònica enregistrada a Barcelona el 16 de Març de 2008. Va existir una primera edició limitada en cd. Released December 23, 2022 Enregistrat a l’Estudi dels Arreplegats pel Quico Pixapins. Foto de Francesc D. Melis. Francesc D. Melis, electrònica   Free download here:

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Sessions a l’Estudi Hadramawtic by HADRAMAWTS, February 21st, 2010.

Second HADRAMAWTS document released in NOVA ERA – MUSICA SECRETA bandcamp, corresponding to a recording done one month later than the previous one, Moments inoblidables en la vida dels HADRAMAWTS. As ususal difficult to tell who played what. They were swaping instruments often. Toni Alfonso, Àngel Farrés, Lina Giralt, Montserrat Marfany, Jaume Martín, Francesc D. Melis, Joan Vinuesa. Recorded February 21st, 2010, at Estudi Bonsó, by Guille Pérez. Artwork by HADRAMAWTS. Impro 6 is inspired on Within You Without You (George Harrison). Free download here:

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NUUMU Code: Les Onze mil Verges i la Benedicció dels Animals de P​è​l. En directe a Cal Cens. 21/10/2022.

Pere Canals, keyboard, percussions; Bet Gàrgola, bass, drums; Sergi Gon, synthesizer, bass, guitar; Montserrat Marfany, voice, kochlos, percussions, objects; Jaume Martin, keyboard, guitar, bass, objects; Sara Pons, trumpet, singing saw; Toni Pons, drums, percussions, shakers; Antonio Puertas, drums, keyboard; Antoni Robert, electronics, processed voice, bass, guitar; Oriol Rogent, vocals; Pepe Ruz, electrònics, bass; Miquel Tuset, alto sax; Udri C. Vera, drums; Josep Millaret “Vicious”, objects; Joan Vinuesa, vocals, harmonica, percussions. Recorded live by Miquel Tuset, Antonio Puertas & Antoni Robert at Cal Cens, Orpí, October 21st, 2022. Processed by Antoni Robert. Artwork by Antoni Robert. Photos by Bet. Many thanks to Bet, Antonio & Vicious. What instrument the players play is approximate. Instruments were changing hands often. Hard to tell who was playing what at a given moment. This is a triple cd.   Free download here:

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Dr. Francesc D. Melis, setciències; Marc Valls, drums; Marc Viaplana, guitar. Recorded July, 11th, 2009, at Estudi Bonsó, by Guille Pérez. Cover painting by unknown. Artwork by Antoni Robert. On this recording Dr Melis and his friends go heavy. Very different from the other reocordings we are uploading. Spanish Atrocities Committee is the name of the duo by Marc Valls and Marc Viaplana. That Fucking Doctor is an expression said by Peter Brotzmann refering to Dr. Melis. We’ve been unable to locate Marc Viaplana. We hope he agrees on this release.

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THE FLYING CALÇOT ENSEMBLE, by Àngel Farrés, Francesc D. Melis, Guille Pérez, Quicu Samsó, Rafael Zaragoza.

ÀNGEL FARRÉS   guitar, FRANCESC D. MELIS   moog, GUILLE PÉREZ    bass, QUICU SAMSÓ   drums , RAFAEL ZARAGOZA   guitar.  Awesome recording. A variation of Secta Suciuqdèlica with the guitar player Àngel Farrés and bass player Guille Pérez instead of percussionist Jordi Vilella. SUCIUQ was a duo formed by Quicu Samsó and Quicu Melis. This is a work with Rafael Zaragoza (former member of SECTA SÒNICA), and Àngel Farrés, a versatile musician that has had his own son cubano band, and has been involved in the experimental music Barcelona scene for many years. This work was previously unreleased. This is the follow up of the task of recovering the work of Francesc Diaz Melis (Quicu Melis) a prolific and versatile musician. Quicu Samsó is a veteran and historical drummer, a former member of seminal bands such as KONIEC and MACROMASSA, just to mention two examples. He is still very active un the active

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Moments inoblidables en la vida dels HADRAMAWTS by HADRAMAWTS, 2010.

Joan Vinuesa, Montserrat Marfany, Francesc D. Melis, Lina Giralt, Jaume Martin and Antoni Alfonso play all the instruments. Recorded in Junuary 2010 at PALAU HADRAMAWTIC by Carles Pérez i Mas. Apparently there was a very limited physical edition of CD-R of an unknown quantity. With this recording we start a complex research on the recordings of HADRAMAWTS and ELS CAMPS DEL CINABRI. Legend says that there are more than 100 recordings in cassettes, minidiscs and cd’s. Some of them recorded with precarious equipment, and magnetic support. The mentioned bands are the same band, that decided to change name. Originally HADRAMAWTS were created by Joan Vinuesa, Montserrat Marfany and Pere Canals (all of them current members of NUUMU Code). Soon musicians such as Jaume Martin, Lina Giralt, Francesc D. Melis and Angel Farrés joined the band, although line up was changing. When writing the credits for each recording we will mention

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Music for Qalupalik, Kanontsistóntie’s and Tah-Tah-Kle’-Ah, by Antoni Robert

The Qalupalik (also spelled Qallupilluit) is a well-known mythical creature of the Inuit, who inhabited the freezing tundra of Alaska, Canada, and Greenland. These sea-dwelling creatures are typically described as half-human sea monsters with elongated fingernails and green, slimy skin. One of the most terrifying legends of Iroquois culture is the myth of Kanontsistóntie’s. The Kanontsistóntie’s, or flying heads, were exactly that — disembodied heads with fiery eyes and long tangled hair. These heads floated through the air and hunted for humans to eat. The Yakama, who live at the border between what is now Washington and Oregon states, say that the Tah–tah–kle’-ah were giant owl witches who once roamed the plains at night looking for people to devour. They most enjoyed feasting on children and could mimic the languages of the tribes to lure victims. Played live during the lockdown. All sound played and recorded in real time. No

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Esglaputs, Martingales, Andròmines i Persèides a Beuloví by NUUMU Code, 13/8/2022

Sir Pere Canals, bass, synthesizer; Sergi Gon, synthesizer , bass; Montserrat Marfany, voice, kochlos, percussions, objects; Jaume Martin, ektara, glockenspiel, xilophone, keyboard, singing bowl, objects; Sara Pons, trumpet, singing saw, nose flute; Toni Pons, drums, percussions; Antoni Robert, Blofeld synthesizer, Korg kaoss pad, effects, objects; Miquel Tuset, alto sax, sound engineer; Joan Vinuesa, vocals, objects. Recorded live by Miquel Tuset & Antoni Robert at Beuloví, August, 13th 2022. Artwork by Antoni Robert. Many thanks to Paco Sandalinas, Teresa, Francesc, Juan, Angelina and Antonella.

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DEREK 80 by Francesc D. Melis, Recorded January 29th, 2010.

Francesc D. Melis, setciències. This is the first solo recording we release by Francesc. Recorded January 29th, 2010, at Estudi Bonsò, by Guille Pérez. Artwork by Antoni Robert. Recorded on the day Derek Bailey would have been 80 years old. Dedicated to Karen Brookman In this Recording Francesc D. Melis plays a manipulated violin (setciències) processed with guitar pedals. This is the follow up of the task of recovering the work of Francesc Diaz Melis (Quicu Melis) a prolific and versatile musician. Previously unreleased.

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Àngel Farrés, guitarra; Albert Giménez, guitarra; Francesc D. Melis, piano. Recorded July 30th, 2010, at Estudi Bonsò, by Guille Pérez. Cover photos by unknown. Artwork by Antoni Robert. New collabotarion of Francesc Díaz i Melis with Albert Giménez released here as a trio. Let’s remember that Albert Giménez is a seminal figure in the catalan undergroud scene, havin been founder member of NEURONIUM with Michel Huygen and Carlos Guirao (playing in the first and second NEURONIUM lp’s, Quasar 2C361 (1977) and Vuelo Químico (1978), the latter with ex Velvet Underground Nico). Giménez was also member of seminal MACROMASSA an the beginning, playing as Dr. T-Azul in their first recording “Darlia Microtónica” 1976. He’s been member too of bands such as NAIF, SUCK ELECTRÒNIC, and has developped a long solo cereer. In this recording Albert Gimenez plays electric guitar. Àngel Farrés, a versatile musician that has had his own son cubano

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Àngel Farrés, guitarra; Quicu Melis, piano; Quicu Samsó, bateria; Jordi Vilella, percussió; Rafael Zaragoza, guitarra. Recorded December 12th, 2009, at Estudi Bonsò, by Guille Pérez. Cover photos by unknown. Artwork by Antoni Robert. Secta Suciuqdèlica is Secta Suciuq plus the guitar player Àngel Farrés. SUCIUQ was a duo formed by Quicu Samsó and Quicu Melis. This is a work with Rafael Zaragoza (former member of SECTA SÒNICA), Jordi Vilella (former member of SECTA SONICA, Orquestra Mirasol, Sisa & Dagoll Dagom…) and Àngel Farrés, a versatile musician that has had his own son cubano band, and has been involved in the experimental music Barcelona scene for many years. This work was previously unreleased. This is the follow up of the task of recovering the work of Francesc Diaz Melis (Quicu Melis) a prolific and versatile musician. Quicu Samsó is a veteran and historical drummer, a former member of seminal bands such

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November 11th, 2011 by Albert Giménez & Francesc Díaz i Melis

Albert Giménez, guitar; Francesc Díaz i Melis, moog & violin. Recorded November 11th, 2011, at Estudi Bonsó, by Guille Pérez. Back cover pictures by Guille Pérez. Front cover picture by NASA. Artwork by Antoni Robert. New collabotarion of Francesc Díaz i Melis with Albert Giménez released here as a duo. Let’s remember that Albert Giménez is a seminal figure in the catalan undergroud scene, havin been founder member of NEURONIUM with Michel Huygen and Carlos Guirao (playing in the first and second NEURONIUM lp’s, Quasar 2C361 (1977) and Vuelo Químico (1978), the latter with ex Velvet Underground Nico). Giménez was also member of seminal MACROMASSA an the beginning, playing as Dr. T-Azul in their first recording “Darlia Microtónica” 1976. He’s been member too of bands such as NAIF, SUCK ELECTRÒNIC, and has developped a long solo cereer. In this recording Albert Gimenez plays electric guitar. This is the follow up

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VILELLA PER SEMPRE !​!​!​! by Albert Giménez – Francesc Díaz i Melis – Jordi Vilella

Albert Giménez, guitar Francesc Díaz i Melis, piano Jordi Vilella, drums. Recorded October 17th, 2009, at Estudi Bonsó, by Guille Pérez. Pictures by Guille Pérez. Artwork by Antoni Robert. Previously unreleased. Second collabotarion of Francesc Díaz i Melis with Albert Giménez released here. More will follow. Let’s remember that Albert Giménez is a seminal figure in the catalan undergroud scene, havin been founder member of NEURONIUM with Michel Huygen and Carlos Guirao (playing in the first and second NEURONIUM lp’s, Quasar 2C361 (1977) and Vuelo Químico (1978), the latter with ex Velvet Underground Nico). Giménez was also member of seminal MACROMASSA an the beginning, playing as Dr. T-Azul in their first recording “Darlia Microtónica” 1976. He’s been member too of bands such as NAIF, SUCK ELECTRÒNIC, and has developped a long solo cereer. In this recording Albert Gimenez plays electric guitar. Here they team up with Jordi Vilella (former member

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SIS MANERES QUE TÉ LA PLUJA DE DIR​-​TE BON DIA by Albert Giménez & Francesc Díaz i Melis

Albert Giménez, guitarra; Francesc Díaz i Melis, piano. Recorded July 5th 2009 at Bonsó by Guille Pérez. Photos and artwork Àngel Farrés. This record was originally released as a limited CD private edition (no label) of 75 copies. First collabotarion of Francesc Díaz i Melis with Albert Giménez released here. More will follow. Let’s remember that Albert Giménez is a seminal figure in the catalan undergroud scene, havin been founder member of NEURONIUM with Michel Huygen and Carlos Guirao (playing in the first and second NEURONIUM lp’s, Quasar 2C361 (1977) and Vuelo Químico (1978), the latter with ex Velvet Underground Nico). Giménez was also member of seminal MACROMASSA at the beginning, playing as Dr. T-Azul in their first recording “Darlia Microtónica” 1976. He’s been member too of bands such as NAIF, SUCK ELECTRÒNIC, and has developped a long solo cereer. In this recording Albert Gimenez plays acoustic guitar. This is

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The Barcelona 1997 Solo by LOL COXHILL.

Lol Coxhill soprano sax. This was a great solo! By courtesy of Ulrike Coxhill-Scholz and Maddie Coxhill we pay this tribute to this absolute genius. Lol was one of a kind. This recording is released in 2022 by EDICIONS NOVA ERA – MUSICA SECRETA Bandcamp page with permission of Ulrike Coxhill-Scholz and Maddie Coxhill, as a tribute to Lol. Recorded July 10th, 1997. Sound processed from a good quality cassette. Artwork by Antoni Robert.

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FLAI by SUCIUQ & Eli Gras. Recorded in 2013.

Quicu Melis, keyboards; Eli Gras, bass & guitar; Quicu Samsó, drums & percussion. Recorded in 2013 at Estudi Bonsó by Guille Pérez. Photos Guille Pérez. Back cover painting Quicu Samsó. Front cover concept Quicu Melis. Artwork Antoni Robert. Second and last recording of this trio (the first one was recorded in 2009 and is already available in this label). Previously unreleased. This is the follow up of the task of recovering the work of Francesc Diaz Melis (Quicu Melis) a prolific and versatile musician.

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Els amulets desconeguts by NUUMU Code, 27-4-2022.

Sergi Gon, synthesizer , objects; Montserrat Marfany, voice, kochlos, percussions, objects; Jaume Martin, ektara, erhu, glockenspiel, xilophone, objects; Antoni Robert, Korg kaoss pad, effects; Oriol Rogent, vocals; Miquel Tuset, alto sax; Joan Vinuesa, vocals, objects. Oriol Rogent recites Comanche tales and fragments of the Ursonate (Kurt Schwitters). Joan Vinuesa recites his own improvised poems and other poems. Recorded live at The Magic Terrace, April 27th, 2022. Artwork by Antoni Robert.

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