Sessions a l’Estudi Hadramawtic by HADRAMAWTS, February 21st, 2010.

Second HADRAMAWTS document released in NOVA ERA – MUSICA SECRETA bandcamp, corresponding to a recording done one month later than the previous one, Moments inoblidables en la vida dels HADRAMAWTS. As ususal difficult to tell who played what. They were swaping instruments often.

Toni Alfonso, Àngel Farrés, Lina Giralt, Montserrat Marfany, Jaume Martín, Francesc D. Melis, Joan Vinuesa. Recorded February 21st, 2010, at Estudi Bonsó, by Guille Pérez. Artwork by HADRAMAWTS. Impro 6 is inspired on Within You Without You (George Harrison).

Free download here: