NEW RELEASE: Syros Soundscape.

Recorded in September 2019 in Syros (Greece) by AR. Produced by AK & AR. Tubular bells installation made by AK. Artwork by AR. Back picture by AK. The sounds of this recording are either based on traditional Greek songs, or improvised. El Ball de la Civada is a popular Catalan song. Many thanks and our deeper respect and admiration to the master senior tsambouna and toumbaki players Frangisko, Sorokos & Fagri. Many thanks also to the rest of players, whose contribution is deeply appreciated. Thanks to Dina & Ayis for coordinating all the activities that made this recording possible.

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NEW VIDEO: Nostà l’hornu pa bollus by D.O.S. live at Andròmina, 30-11-2019.

Nostà l’hornu pa bollus (excerpt from 42’05”) by D.O.S. live at Andròmina, 30-11-2019. offscope Jordi Buscà, guitar; Sir Pere Canals, guitar; Dr. Antoni Robert, synthesizer; Pepe Ruz, electronics & percussion;  Images from Masaje (Iván Zulueta, 1972) This is an excerpt of the full 42′ performance at Andròmina Festival.

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NEW VIDEO: Your future demons (Els teus futurs dimonis) by NUUMU CODE (24-11-2019).

Your future demons (Els teus futurs dimonis) by NUUMU CODE: Josep Vila, words & voice; Montserrat Marfany, voice and objects; Jaume Martín, keyboard; Pepe Ruz, fretless electric bass; Toni Pons, drums; Antoni Robert, synthesized guitar. Improvised live at La Universal, Hospitalet de Llobregat, 24-11-2019. Images from Wintercourse (Paul Sharits, 1962).

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Novetat! Galàxies Interiors, Joan R. Lladós, poemes i veu, Antoni Robert, Miquel Jordà, Edu Circonite, música.

Joan R. Lladós, poemes, veu, Antoni Robert, sampler, percussions, post producció, artwork, Miquel Jordà, Korg Mini Kaoss Oscillator, shakuhachi, harmònica, percussions, veu, Edu Circonite, enregistrament, efectes. Poemes del llibre Galàxies Interiors de Joan R. Lladós (Ed. Pont del Petroli, 2019). Música de Miquel Jordà i Antoni Robert. Han estat utilitzats alguns sons samplejats de Gelug Monks i de Monks of the Drepung-Loseling Monastery. Recorded live at Radio Ciutat Vella, Barcelona, 19/11/2019 al programa XperYmentaS. Foto de Antoni Robert del Stargazer (aprox. 4000 a.C.) del museu ciclàdic de Atenes.

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New release! XperYmentaS 2 by Miquel Jordà & Antoni Robert

Miquel Jordà, Korg Mini Kaoss Oscillator, shakuhachi, harmonica, percussions, Antoni Robert, text, voice, Korg Mini Kaoss Pad, percussions, flutes, sampler Textos: tema 3 de “Un Nahasiddha Indi al Tibet”, de Padampa Sanguie, traduït del tibetà per Francesc Navarro i Fàbrega, del 4 al 10 de Versemblances de Antoni Robert, del 11 al 15 de Antoni Robert (obra en curs). Música de Miquel Jordà i Antoni Robert, excepte 1 de Miquel Jordà. Recorded live at Radio Ciutat Vella, Barcelona, 29/10/2019 by Edu Circonite. Post production by AR. Artwork AR. Photos by AR. Author of graffiti unknown. Descàrrega lliure aquí:

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Vespertina#10 amb Montserrat Rodés al Caffè San Marco, 25-4-2019.

Vespertina#10 amb Montserrat Rodés. Presentat per Joan Ramón Llados. Lectura de poemes i tertúlia al Caffè San Marco, 25-4-2019. Les Vespertines son una idea de Joan Ramón Llados i Antoni Robert. Una gran poetessa i una gran Vespertina. Lamentem la baixa qualitat del so, deguda a uns imprevistos que ens van obligar a fer la sessió en una posició en la sala diferent a la habitual. En aquestes circumstàncies la càmera va captar més soroll de fons del que és habitual, cosa que dificulta la audició. Malgrat tot, com sempre, pengem el document, donada la extraordinària qualitat de la poesia de Montserrat Rodés. 

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New release: MORNING GLOW by Satu Sinikka & Antoni Robert.

New release:  MORNING GLOW by Satu Sinikka & Antoni Robert. This is the first output of a project of distance collaborations. Two different artists with different background and styles exchange sound files and work on it until a satifying result is achieved. This approach is based on “lateral thinking” techniques, and gets the artists out of the usual comfort zone. Thanks to Satu for willing to participate, and for her nice pictures, used in the artwork. It’s been rewarding to work with Satu in this project!

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This is the first recorded work of NUUMU PROJECT. The band is an open project around a core of founding members coming from Zero de Conducta. Their aim is to play with guests exploring the possibilities of improvisation of all sorts. Jordi Buscà, guitar, drums & vocals ; Ayis Kelpekis, alto sax, tsambouna, zourna & percussions ; Jaume Martín, keyboard, guitar & drums ; Josep Vila, voice ; Antoni Robert, guitar, synthesizer, drums & percussions ; Pepe Ruz, fretless electric bass & drums ; Marcelo Acosta, 7 strings electric bass & guitar.

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New Release: NUUMU CODE: We see things that do not exist.

Josep Vila, words & voice ; Miquel Tuset, alto sax & electric sax ; Jaume Martín, keyboard & guitar ; Pepe Ruz, fretless electric bass ; Toni Pons, drums ; Antoni Robert, synthesized guitar . This is the second recorded work of NUUMU PROJECT. The band is an open project around a core of founding members coming from Zero de Conducta. Their aim is to play with guests exploring the possibilities of improvisation of all sorts. Improvised live at La Universal, Hospitalet de Llobregat 9-8-2019. 

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