New release: CORTOS DE BIENES, by D.O.S.

Quiet mood captured at Blanes after a periode of reflexion. Unusual limited use of guitars. Mainly keyboards. The grandmother of one of us once listened to someone saying that we (the family) were poor poeple. And she replied that we were not poor people; poor people are those who have nothing and are miserable. Instead we were just “cortos de bienes” (with limited quantity of goods).

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Luis Palés Matos recita sus poemas. La bomba dice Tombuctú.

Luis Palés Matos (Guayama, 20 de marzo de 1898 – 23 de febrero de 1959) fue un escritor, novelista, poeta y periodista puertorriqueño. En 1923 fundó en Santo Domingo el periódico Los Seis con el periodista y poeta español Juan José Llovet. En esa década de 1920 participó en la actividad política convulsa de Puerto Rico, integrándose en la Alianza Puertorriqueña, siendo un activo orador independentista. En estos años desarrolló lo que sería la poesía negra o el verso negro, con una visión de la cultura negra puertorriqueña integrada dentro de la originalidad de su obra de sonidos armoniosos. Algunos autores destacan la influencia que ejerció sobre otros autores de Sudamérica y mencionan ejemplos como el de Nicolás Guillén.

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NEW VIDEO!! “Dedicated to you, but you were flipped out” by Zero de Conducta featuring Boris Porter.

Boris Porter, soprano sax;  Montserrat Marfany, voice, xilophone;  Jaume Martin, keyboard;  Sir Pere Canals, electric guitar;  offscope Jordi Buscà, guitar;  Dr Antoni Robert, synthesizer, kaosspad;  Captain Enric Solà, drums.  Recorded at Garcilaso, 17-11-2018, Barcelona; Images from 1833 McLeans Optical Illusions or Magic Panorama, from Media Magica series by Werner Nekes and from the BFI archive collection.  

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New release: All was a shake and a shiver, glints and gleams and sparkles, rustle and swirl, chatter and bubble, by D.O.S.

New release: All was a shake and a shiver, glints and gleams and sparkles, rustle and swirl, chatter and bubble, by D.O.S. Fifth released cd containing the preparatory session for the Antic Forn de Vallcarca gig (26-1-2019). Released January 28, 2019 Dr. Antoni Robert, synthesizer, guitar Offscope JOrdi Buscà, guitar, samples Sir Pere Canals, guitar Recorded at Garcilaso, December 2018

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New video! “Unwelcome to the machine” By Zero de Conducta featuring Bernat Boris Porter.

“Unwelcome to the machine” By Zero de Conducta featuring Bernat Boris Porter. Bernart Boris Porter: curved soprano sax;  Montserrat Marfany: voice, percusion; Dr Antoni Robert: synthesizer; Captain Enric Solá: drums, beat box; Jaume Martin: guitar; offscope Jordi Buscà: voice, sequencer; Sir Pere Canals: guitar.  17-11-18 Garcilaso, Barcelona. Images: Metropolis 1927 Film by Fritz Lang based on the homonymous novel written by Thea von Harbou. Produced by Captain Enric Solá.

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Vespertina # 6 dedicada a J. V. Foix. Realitzada per Jordi Cornudella al Caffè San Marco, 15-11-2018.

Vespertina # 6 dedicada a J. V. Foix.  Realitzada per Jordi Cornudella (poeta, editor, expert en J. V. Foix) amb la presència i participació de Jordi Madern, President de la Fundació J. V. Foix i presentada per Joan Ramón Lladós. Lectura de poemes i tertúlia al Caffè San Marco, 15-11-2018. Les Vespertines són una idea de Joan R. Lladós i Antoni Robert.

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