Tag: Marcelo Acosta

NEW: Oxen of the Sun (ULYSSES part 20) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Oxen of the Sun is the twentieth part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at antonirobert.bandcamp.com/album/lesquellot-ben-trempat. In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12

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NEW: Charybdis (ULYSSES part 15) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Charybdis is the fifteenth part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at antonirobert.bandcamp.com/album/lesquellot-ben-trempat. In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12 locations, while I

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NEW: Burgundy Wine (ULYSSES part 13) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Burgundy Wine is the thirteenth part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at antonirobert.bandcamp.com/album/lesquellot-ben-trempat. In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12 locations, while

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NEW: Leopold (ULYSSES part 12) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Leopold is the twelveth part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at antonirobert.bandcamp.com/album/lesquellot-ben-trempat. In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12 locations, while I

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NEW: Lestrygonians (ULYSSES part 11) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Lestrygonians is the eleventh part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at antonirobert.bandcamp.com/album/lesquellot-ben-trempat. In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12 locations, while I

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NEW: Aeolus (ULYSSES part 10) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Aeolus is the tenth part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at antonirobert.bandcamp.com/album/lesquellot-ben-trempat. In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12 locations, while I

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NEW: Hades (ULYSSES part 9) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Hades is the nineth part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at antonirobert.bandcamp.com/album/lesquellot-ben-trempat. In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12 locations, while I

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NEW: Lotus Eaters (ULYSSES part 8) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Lotus Eaters is the eight part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at antonirobert.bandcamp.com/album/lesquellot-ben-trempat. In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12 locations, while

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NEW: Calypso (ULYSSES part 7) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Calypso is the seventh part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at antonirobert.bandcamp.com/album/lesquellot-ben-trempat. In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12 locations, while I

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NEW: Sandymount Strand (ULYSSES part 6) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Sandymount Strand is the sixth part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at antonirobert.bandcamp.com/album/lesquellot-ben-trempat. In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12 locations, while

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New: Live at IMPROFEST 2021 by NUUMU CODE, Barcelona 13-3-2021.

Marcelo Acosta, bass; Sergi Gon, synthesizer; Montserrat Marfany, voice, glockenspiel, xylophone, kochlos, objects; Jaume Martín, percussion, casiotone, voice, objects; Toni Pons, drums; Antoni Robert, electric guitar, percussion, samples; Oriol Rogent, voice; Pepe Ruz, electronic, effects, video; Miquel Tuset, alto sax; Joan Vinuesa, voice, text, percussion, objects. Improvised live at Albareda, Barcelona 13-3-2021 at IMPROFEST 2021 Festival, a project of Miquel Jordà.

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Re-release: OME ACÚSTIC, Hasta luego y gracias por el pescado, 1.3.2017

Sessió en directe (en el Impro Fest 2017), amb la participació de Juan Crek: objects, flutes, vocals, percussion; Marcelo Acosta: cavaquinho, plastic clarinet, metallophone; Joana Brabo: piano, vocals, objects; offscope Jordi Buscà: guitar; Sir Pere Canals: piano, vocals, flutes; Eli Gras: homemade instruments, toys, ukelele; Montserrat Marfany: vocals, bourou, flutes, objects; Jaume Martín: xylophone, glockenspiel, percussion; Andrés Noarde: guitar, tibetan bowl; Boris Porter: homemade slide trombone, objects; Dr Antoni Robert: guitar, shakers, Tibetan bowl, tingsha, whistles; Enric Solà: drums and distillates This was OME Acústic farewell performance. A quiet but intense performance. OME ACÚSTIC is a project lead by MACROMASSA founder Juan Crek. I will include in my bandcamp, with permission from Juan Crek, all the recordings I played in. This is the sixth and last one. This band was the origin of the later Zero de Conducta band. All music is improvised and played without power (unplugged). All members

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Re-release: OME ACÚSTIC, El Improvisador furtivo, 18.6.2016

OME ACÚSTIC is a project lead by MACROMASSA founder Juan Crek. I will include in my bandcamp, with permission from Juan Crek, all the recordings I played in. This is the fourth one. This band was the origin of the later Zero de Conducta band. All music is improvised and played without power (unplugged). All members play all instruments. Javier G Entonado, trompeta, caja y voz; Miquel Àngel Marín, clarinete y voz; Primo Gabbiano, electrónica y voz; Lina Giralt, voz. harmónica y percusiones; Juan Crek, conducción, violín, flauta y voz; Boris Porter, saxo, flauta y voz; Jordi Buscà, harmónica, violín, percusiones y voz; Jaume Martín, percusiones y voz; Montserrat Marfany, voz, ocarina y percusiones; Marcelo Acosta, cuatro, metalófono, melódica y voz; Enric Solà, cajón, plato y voz; Antoni Robert, guitarra, reclamos, percusiones y voz.

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Re-release: OME ACÚSTIC, Pre – El Improvisador furtivo, 4.6.2016

OME ACÚSTIC is a project lead by MACROMASSA founder Juan Crek. I will include in my bandcamp, with permission from Juan Crek, all the recordings I played in. This is the third one. This band was the origin of the later Zero de Conducta band. All music is improvised and played without power (unplugged). All members play all instruments. This session was performed in order to plan a later session with musician Javier Entonado. The later session will be released too. Lina Giralt, Juan Crek, Boris Porter, Jordi Buscà, Jaume Martín, Montserrat Marfany, Marcelo Acosta, Antoni Robert, Drac (my dog). Check omeacustic.blogspot.com Listen or download here: https://antonirobert.bandcamp.com/album/pre-el-improvisador-furtivo

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Re-release: OME ACÚSTIC, Esquirols de Maig, 1.5.2016

OME ACÚSTIC is a project lead by MACROMASSA founder Juan Crek. I will include in my bandcamp, with permission from Juan Crek, all the recordings I played in. This is the second one. This band was the origin of the later Zero de Conducta band. All music is improvised and played without power (unplugged). All members play all instruments. Check omeacustic.blogspot.com released May 1, 2016 Listen or download here: https://antonirobert.bandcamp.com/album/esquirols-de-maig

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Re-release: OME ACÚSTIC, Ceferí, el fill maldestre i ignorant de l’Abundi, 20.12.2015

OME ACÚSTIC is a project lead by MACROMASSA founder Juan Crek. I will include in my blog, with permission from Juan Crek, all the recordings I played in. This is the first one. This band was the origin of the later Zero de Conducta band. All music is improvised and played without power (unplugged). All members play all instruments. Check omeacustic.blogspot.com released December 20, 2015 Listen or download here: https://antonirobert.bandcamp.com/album/cefer-el-fill-maldestre-i-ignorant-de-labundi

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This is the first recorded work of NUUMU PROJECT. The band is an open project around a core of founding members coming from Zero de Conducta. Their aim is to play with guests exploring the possibilities of improvisation of all sorts. Jordi Buscà, guitar, drums & vocals ; Ayis Kelpekis, alto sax, tsambouna, zourna & percussions ; Jaume Martín, keyboard, guitar & drums ; Josep Vila, voice ; Antoni Robert, guitar, synthesizer, drums & percussions ; Pepe Ruz, fretless electric bass & drums ; Marcelo Acosta, 7 strings electric bass & guitar.

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Extreme Comfort by Zero de Conducta featuring Marcelo Acosta. 2018.

Extreme Comfort by Zero de Conducta featuring Marcelo Acosta. Marcelo Acosta, bass & synthesized bass, Sir Pere Canals, guitar, offscope Jordi Buscà, guitar, vocals, Dr Antoni Robert, guitar, Captain General Enric Solà, drums, Montserrat Marfany, inspirations, Jaume Martín, influence, 14-7-2018 at Garcilaso, Barcelona. Images: El Hotel Electrico of Segundo de Chomón (1908) Produced by Captain Solà for ZdC.

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“Bustling Butterflies” by Zero de Conducta, featuring Marcelo Acosta; 14-7-2018

Marcelo Acosta, bass & synthesized bass; Sir Pere Canals, guitar; offscope Jordi Buscà, guitar, vocals; Dr Antoni Robert, guitar; Captain General Enric Solà, drums; Montserrat Marfany, inspirations; Jaume Martín, influence; 14-7-2018 at Garcilaso, Barcelona Images: 1895-1908 Loie Fuller’s Serpentine Dance. ZdC joining efforts with Marcelo “Mr. Loop” Acosta!!!  A killer bassist and loops & drones experimenter. And using the advanced images of Loie Fuller (1862-1928). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loie_Fuller   https://soundcloud.com/the-daily-loops-project  https://zerodeconducta.bandcamp.com/   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfwcfTwSpC4WCA4YKewUL2Q/videos?view_as=subscriber

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As usual a very adequate comment coming from a careful observer, Dave Foxhall. Juan Crek: objects, flutes, vocals, percussion Marcelo Acosta: cavaquinho, plastic clarinet, metallophone Joana Brabo: piano, vocals, objects offscope Jordi Buscà: guitar Sir Pere Canals: piano, vocals, flutes Eli Gras: homemade instruments, toys, ukelele Montserrat Marfany: vocals, bourou, flutes, objects Jaume Martín: xylophone, glockenspiel, percussion Andrés Noarde: guitar, tibetan bowl Boris Porter: homemade slide trombone, objects Dr Antoni Robert: guitar, shakers, Tibetan bowl, tingsha, whistles Enric Solà: drums and distillates Follow the link in order to see the comment in “a jazz noise” blog. http://ajazznoise.com/ome-acustic-at-the-bcn-improfest-1st-march-2017/ Follow this link in order to listen to the concert:

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OME Acústic (last performance) Hasta luego y gracias por el pescado. 1-3-2017

Shared from OME Acustic channel. Sessió en directe (en el Impro Fest 2017), amb la participació de Juan Crek, Andrés Noarde, Boris Porter, Eli Gras, Jordi Buscà, Marcelo Acosta, Joana Brabo, Pere Canals, Enric Solà, Jaume Martín, Montserrat Marfany, Antoni Robert i la inestimable presencia i dibuixos de Joan Claparols. 1 de març de 2017 This was OME Acústic farewell performance. A quiet but intense performance. A pleasure having been a member for more than one year. 6 unforgettable sessions. This one came out a bit meditative.

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The Deep Drone Experience. Marcelo Acosta. 10-6-2016. La Perrockia. Barcelona.

The Deep Drone Experience en La Perrockia Marcelo Acosta : sintetizadores Viernes 10 de Junio 20hs. La Perrockia c/ Francolí 60 Que es la drone music? Como se hace un drone? Con que instrumentos se realiza? Hoy día cuando mencionamos la palabra “drone” se la suele asociar con esos pequeños aviones no tripulados, controlados por control remoto. Pero el drone también es un tipo de practica musical basada en sonidos largos y sostenidos. Se la puede encontrar en gran parte de las músicas ancestrales del mundo como los ragas de la música de la india o la gagaku japonesa por solo citar un par de ellas. A mediados del siglo 20 muchos compositores que seguían corrientes como el minimalismo se sintieron atraídos por este tipo de practica y comienzan a investigar en las posibilidades sonoras de la drone music, compositores como La Monte Young, Steve Reich y Philip Glass, Eliane

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