In the Land of Pain and Grey, by Zero de Conducta featuring Pepe Ruz, 9-02-2018.
In the Land of Pain and Grey, by Zero de Conducta, featuring Pepe Ruz.
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In the Land of Pain and Grey, by Zero de Conducta, featuring Pepe Ruz.
Continue readingÚrsula San Cristóbal: Desastres maravillosos! at BCN ImproFest 2019. Centre Cívic el Sortidor 23-2-2019
Continue readingCreación e interpretes: Alba Raventós, Alicia Soler, Trinidad García, Uma Maraval y Conrado Parodi. Fotografia y video: Pedro Jospeh & Rota Fikdler. Creación Sonora: Tutti y Janek. Fotos: Alessia Bombací & Auri Ladeira. Antic Teatre Barcelona 29-6-2018.
Continue readingSTRIPPED ABSTRACT, the magic acoustic drone. Tom Chant, soprano sax; Alex Reviriego, double bass; Ferran Fages, guitar; Vasco Trilla, percussion; Ángel Faraldo, paperboard box; Núria Andorrà, percussion; at Màgia Roja, Barcelona 1-2-2019. Wonder things happen in the ususal gloom of this venue.
Continue readingBoris Porter, soprano sax; Montserrat Marfany, voice, xilophone; Jaume Martin, keyboard; Sir Pere Canals, electric guitar; offscope Jordi Buscà, guitar; Dr Antoni Robert, synthesizer, kaosspad; Captain Enric Solà, drums. Recorded at Garcilaso, 17-11-2018, Barcelona; Images from 1833 McLeans Optical Illusions or Magic Panorama, from Media Magica series by Werner Nekes and from the BFI archive collection.
Continue readingAmber (aka Alpha Decay), at PHONOS, UPF, 2-10-2018.
Continue readingElèctroX: Mark Cunningham, trompeta i electrònica & Miquel Jordà, saxo i electrònica at Porta Roja 19-1-2019. Presenting the festival BCN Improfest 2019, due on February 23rd, 28th, and March 1st and 2nd. More information soon.
Continue readingNew release: All was a shake and a shiver, glints and gleams and sparkles, rustle and swirl, chatter and bubble, by D.O.S. Fifth released cd containing the preparatory session for the Antic Forn de Vallcarca gig (26-1-2019). Released January 28, 2019 Dr. Antoni Robert, synthesizer, guitar Offscope JOrdi Buscà, guitar, samples Sir Pere Canals, guitar Recorded at Garcilaso, December 2018
Continue readingNocturna Discordia #196 – Unreal Book; Pablo Vazquez: bass; Hernan Sama: tenor sax; El Pricto: alto sax; Diego Caicedo: guitar; Enric Ponsa: drums; at Soda Acústic, 23-1-2019.
Continue readingYexza Lara, voice; Ferran Fages, guitar & radio; with texts from E. E. Cummings at TepekaleSound, 22-1-2019. Minimal and subtle antisongs using deconstructed poems of E. E. Cummings. Magic! Thank you to Agustí Martinez for programming such wonders.
Continue readingVespertina # 7 amb Susanna Rafart; Presentat per Joan Ramón Lladós. Lectura de poemes i tertúlia al Caffè San Marco 18-10-2018. Les Vespertines son una idea de Joan Ramón Lladós i Antoni Robert.
Continue readingPATXI VALERA/ EDUARD ALTABA/ PABLO VOLT, (Barcelona), 12-1-2019.
Continue reading“Unwelcome to the machine” By Zero de Conducta featuring Bernat Boris Porter. Bernart Boris Porter: curved soprano sax; Montserrat Marfany: voice, percusion; Dr Antoni Robert: synthesizer; Captain Enric Solá: drums, beat box; Jaume Martin: guitar; offscope Jordi Buscà: voice, sequencer; Sir Pere Canals: guitar. 17-11-18 Garcilaso, Barcelona. Images: Metropolis 1927 Film by Fritz Lang based on the homonymous novel written by Thea von Harbou. Produced by Captain Enric Solá.
Continue readingJosep Maria Balanyà at Crazylane, Barcelona, 4-1-2019, plays his own compositions and Piano piece #4 of Frederic Rzewski. A pleasure and a privilege to attend this short distance experiences. A piano master.
Continue readingSTAHLFABRIK aka Josep Maria Soler Solà, Barcelona, 28-12-2018. In the usual gloom and with a Galaxy and unstable pulse here you have what I was able to capture. Great performance by STAHLFABRIK. The video is a pale reflection of what happened.
Continue readingJOHANNES DE SILENTIO, aka Shak Benavides (Lucius Works Here), Barcelona, 28-12-2018. The subtle drones of Johannes de Silentio. A great and deep experience. A venue to take into account. As usually in the gloom.
Continue readingVespertina # 6 dedicada a J. V. Foix. Realitzada per Jordi Cornudella (poeta, editor, expert en J. V. Foix) amb la presència i participació de Jordi Madern, President de la Fundació J. V. Foix i presentada per Joan Ramón Lladós. Lectura de poemes i tertúlia al Caffè San Marco, 15-11-2018. Les Vespertines són una idea de Joan R. Lladós i Antoni Robert.
Continue readingThis is my last post in 2018. A tribute to my beloved and missed brother, gone too soon. With it I wish all of you a happy 2019.
Continue readingMontserrat Marfany, voice and percussion ; Dr Antoni Robert, synthesizer, voice; Captain Enric Solà, percussions; Jaume Martín, keyboard; offscope Jordi Buscá, guitar, voice; Sir Pere Canals, effects, noises. Considering to join the Dark Side.
Continue readingDiscordian String Ensemble. Violines: João Silva, Dani Pucha, Eva Monroy, Jaime Blanco, Pablo Albarán, Francesc Llompart; Diego Caicedo, guitar; Contrabajo: Alex Reviriego; Dirección y composición: El Pricto 14-12-2018. In the red gloom of Red Magic.
Continue readingOdile Arqué, veu; Josep Maria Balanyà, piano; Víctor Sunyol, guió; Textos dels Cants Espirituals de Josep Palau i Fabre, d’Ausiàs March i de Joan Maragall. A l’Atlàntida de Vic, 9-11-2018. Fotografies de Toni Márquez i de Antoni Robert.
Continue readingAgustí Martínez, alto sax; Paloma Carrasco, cello; Johannes Nästesjö, double bass; at TepekaleSound, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, 23-10-2018.
Continue readingNou programa XperYmentaS, a Ràdio Ciutat Vella. En aquesta ocasió amb Ramon Casamajó, representant a Turing Tarpit. Una trompeta i grup referent de la música alternativa a la nostra ciutat.
Continue readingJaume Martín: guitar & keyboard ; Antoni Robert: synthesizer & mini kaosspad
Continue readingMars Williams, tenor sax, objects; El Pricto, alto sax; Diego Caicedo, guitar; Vasco Trilla, drums, objects; Nocturna Discordia #193 2nd Set at Soda Acústic, Barcelona 19-12-2018. This is second set of an extraordinary session!!
Continue readingMars Williams, tenor sax, objects & Vasco Trilla, drums, objects at Nocturna Discordia #193 at Soda Acústic, Barcelona 19-12.-2018. An extraordinary session!!
Continue readingFAME CHIMICA at Arts Santa Mònica, Kronos Art Bcn. Jennifer M. Espelt, Sheila M. Espelt, Visual Pal, Primo Gabbiano. Barcelona, 27-10-2018. Fotos por Silvia Diez – Missaghast Photography
Continue readingPresentació del llibre Galàxies Interiors “poemes quàntics” de Joan R. Lladós amb Paco Fanés, editor i escriptor, Xavier Moret, escriptor i periodista i Alba Tor, actriu, al Caffè San Marco, 28-11-2018.
Continue readingNʉmʉnʉʉ (Hommage to original american natives) by Zero de Conducta featuring Boris Porter. Boris Porter, soprano sax, voice; Montserrat Marfany, voice; Jaume Martin, electric guitar; Sir Pere Canals, keyboard; offscope Jordi Buscà, synthesizer, vocals; Dr Antoni Robert, glockenspiel; Captain Enric Solà, drums Percussions; and chants from Comanche traditional dance at the beginning and the end. Recorded at Garcilaso, 17-11-2018, Barcelona.
Continue readingNew program: XperYmentas a Ràdio Ciutat Vella 100.5FM bcn, con Alessandro Olla y Edu Circonite en los estudios.
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