New video! “Unwelcome to the machine” By Zero de Conducta featuring Bernat Boris Porter.

“Unwelcome to the machine” By Zero de Conducta featuring Bernat Boris Porter. Bernart Boris Porter: curved soprano sax;  Montserrat Marfany: voice, percusion; Dr Antoni Robert: synthesizer; Captain Enric Solá: drums, beat box; Jaume Martin: guitar; offscope Jordi Buscà: voice, sequencer; Sir Pere Canals: guitar.  17-11-18 Garcilaso, Barcelona. Images: Metropolis 1927 Film by Fritz Lang based on the homonymous novel written by Thea von Harbou. Produced by Captain Enric Solá.

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Vespertina # 6 dedicada a J. V. Foix. Realitzada per Jordi Cornudella al Caffè San Marco, 15-11-2018.

Vespertina # 6 dedicada a J. V. Foix.  Realitzada per Jordi Cornudella (poeta, editor, expert en J. V. Foix) amb la presència i participació de Jordi Madern, President de la Fundació J. V. Foix i presentada per Joan Ramón Lladós. Lectura de poemes i tertúlia al Caffè San Marco, 15-11-2018. Les Vespertines són una idea de Joan R. Lladós i Antoni Robert.

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NO CREC EN TU. Odile Arqué, veu Josep Maria Balanyà, piano Víctor Sunyol, guió Textos dels Cants Espirituals de Josep Palau i Fabre, d’Ausiàs March i de Joan Maragall. A l’Atlàntida de Vic 9-11-2018

Odile Arqué, veu; Josep Maria Balanyà, piano; Víctor Sunyol, guió; Textos dels Cants Espirituals de Josep Palau i Fabre, d’Ausiàs March i de Joan Maragall. A l’Atlàntida de Vic, 9-11-2018. Fotografies de Toni Márquez i de Antoni Robert.

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Nʉmʉnʉʉ (Hommage to original american natives) by Zero de Conducta featuring Boris Porter, 2018.

Nʉmʉnʉʉ (Hommage to original american natives) by Zero de Conducta featuring Boris Porter.  Boris Porter, soprano sax, voice; Montserrat Marfany, voice; Jaume Martin, electric guitar; Sir Pere Canals, keyboard; offscope Jordi Buscà, synthesizer, vocals; Dr Antoni Robert, glockenspiel; Captain Enric Solà, drums Percussions; and chants from Comanche traditional dance at the beginning and the end. Recorded at Garcilaso, 17-11-2018, Barcelona.

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Requiem For a Fly, by Martyna Poznańska at Niu, Barcelona, 5-10-2018

Requiem For a Fly, ritualistic performance, by Martyna Poznańska, at Niu, espai artístic, Barcelona, 5-10-2018. Requiem For A Fly is a ritual performed using prepared corpses of flies, a poem and field recordings. It emerges from the feeling of helplessness towards the current political state of the world. It is at the same time a poetic reflection on the importance and significance of life versus its unimportance and insignificance. It exposes the role and a need for mourning and understanding loss. The flies serve as a metaphor bringing together the idea of an anonymous number of dead corpses but at the same time, it’s revealing the meaning of each of the individuals in the performance by attributing the names of actions or emotions in the poem read during the performance.

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