New release!! D​.​O​.​S. live a Cal Cens featuring some VIP’s

Dr. Antoni Robert, synthesizer, guitar, objects, Offscope Jordi Buscà, guitar, vocals, samples, Sir Pere Canals, guitar, synthesizer, Pepe Ruz, electronics, Antonio K Puertas, drums, Bet Gàrgola, drums, Vicious, flute, Sisu, sax, vocals, Kikito de Aragón e Due Sicilie, digeridoo, vocals, Toni Barjau, piano Recorded live at Cal Cens, 4/08/18.

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THE RECYCLED ENSEMBLE live at El Raval, Barcelona, 11-7-2019.

Improvising using recycled materials such as car and motorcycle metal tires, big oil drums, hammers and other tools. Performance in the street, boradcasted live by Radio Ciutat Vella. THE RECYCLED ANSEMBLE are: Jesús Asenjo, concept, percussions & voice; Pepe Ruz, fretless bass & voice; Antoni Robert, Korg Mini Kaoss Pad, percussions & voice; Miquel Jordà, percussions & voice; Edu Circonite, intro voice.

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Tatsinupi Kuuna Invocation by NUUMU CODE, March 2019.

This is the presentation video of this new band, NUUMU CODE.  The band is an open spin off from Zero de Conducta.  Open means that it is conceived as an open laboratory for experimentation and improvisation. Line up will be changing although some members will be there most on of the occasions. This first video is dedicated to an unusual instrument, the tsambouna. We hope you will enjoy it. Ayis Kelpekis, tsambouna; Pepe Ruz, drums & bass; Jaume Martin, keyboard, glockenspiel; offscope Jordi Buscà, voice & guitar; Dr Antoni Robert, guitar & qaraqib. Barcelona, March 2019.

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MICROTOPIES 2019, new release. Great 1′ miniatures from 69 artists from 11 countries.

This is the album with the eighth global call for Microtopies. The Microtopies are sonic miniatures that shape a special edition of Radio Música i Geografía (Ràdio Gràcia FM, Barcelona), the weekly radio program by Gràcia Territori Sonor. The aim is to make a sonic route through a map of randomly assigned events, since the pieces received have been included in strict order of reception. This year have been received 69 pieces from 11 countries. Now, we invite you to take this journey. You will enjoy the maximum quality of sound recorded by the authors. Don’t listen to them by your computer loudspeakers but rather plug them in a decent sound system or put on good headphones otherwise you will miss a lot of sounds and frequencies…  Good trip! Gràcia Territori Sonor wants to acknowledge all the artists who have generously participated in this project… thank you for making these Microtopies

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Sessions Perifèriques I by Toni Algarra + D.O.S. + Orquestracions Dissonants Internes. Monistrol de Montserrat el 14 d’abril de 2019.

New!!  Free download!! Sessions Perifèriques I; Toni Algarra, Baix i maquinetes. D.O.S.: Dr. Antoni Robert, synthesizer, maquinetes i sorollets. OffScope Jordi Buscà, guitarra acústica i veus. Sir Pere Canals, guitarra acústica i veus.  Orquestracions Dissonants Internes: Marian Raméntol, Theremin. Cesc Fortuny, guitarra elèctrica i armónica.

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Dr. Antoni Robert Gadea

New Release: The Healing Ritual, by Dr Antoni Robert

The Healing Ritual is a single 40’ piece composed using all the 30 April loops made by myself for the Marcelo Acosta Daily Loop Project (  For more information check the link. Thank you to the Great Marcelo Acosta for the invitation. Antoni Robert: composition, guitar, synthesizer, voice, electronics. Offscope Jordi Buscà & Sir Pere Canals: guitar & electronics in 1st & 4th of April loops. Cover image by Ritual Theatre of Healing. Back picture by Antonella. Released in 2019.

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BIRINI BIRINI, by Zero de Conducta, Live at Andròmina Festival, Pallejà, 2-12-2017. FULL PERFORMANCE!!

BIRINI BIRINI (based on a text by Albert Subirats) by Zero de Conducta; Live at Andròmina Festival, Pallejà, 2-12-2017. Montserrat Marfany: voice objects; offscope Jordi Buscà: guitar, electronics; Captain Enric Solà: drums; Jaume Martín: percussions, objects, casiotone; Sir Pere Canals: guitar; Dr Antoni Robert: synthesizer; Visual Pal: live video; Primo Gabbiano: festival organizer; Pepe Ruz: photographer;

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New release: CORTOS DE BIENES, by D.O.S.

Quiet mood captured at Blanes after a periode of reflexion. Unusual limited use of guitars. Mainly keyboards. The grandmother of one of us once listened to someone saying that we (the family) were poor poeple. And she replied that we were not poor people; poor people are those who have nothing and are miserable. Instead we were just “cortos de bienes” (with limited quantity of goods).

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Luis Palés Matos recita sus poemas. La bomba dice Tombuctú.

Luis Palés Matos (Guayama, 20 de marzo de 1898 – 23 de febrero de 1959) fue un escritor, novelista, poeta y periodista puertorriqueño. En 1923 fundó en Santo Domingo el periódico Los Seis con el periodista y poeta español Juan José Llovet. En esa década de 1920 participó en la actividad política convulsa de Puerto Rico, integrándose en la Alianza Puertorriqueña, siendo un activo orador independentista. En estos años desarrolló lo que sería la poesía negra o el verso negro, con una visión de la cultura negra puertorriqueña integrada dentro de la originalidad de su obra de sonidos armoniosos. Algunos autores destacan la influencia que ejerció sobre otros autores de Sudamérica y mencionan ejemplos como el de Nicolás Guillén.

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