Discordian Community Ensemble plays: “Aiwass, based on The Book of the Law of Aleister Crowler, at Magia Roja, 12-5-2018

Discordian Community Ensemble Interpreta: “Aiwass: Una transliteració musical del llibre de la llei d’Aleister Crowley” Composada i dirigida per Prictófanes Almudena Vega: flauta; Luiz Rocha: clarinet baix; Don Malfon: saxo alt; Diego Caicedo: guitarra elèctrica; Enric Ponsa: percussió; Joni Garlick: percussió; Jaime Del Blanco: violí; Francesc Llompart: violí; Mariano Camarasa: cello; Joao Braz: cello; El Pricto: composició i conducció.

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Whatching the Wonder Wheels (As Time Goes By), by Zero de Conducta

Brand new video by Zero de Conducta. A melancholic reflection on how time flows and illusions are substituted by cold pragmatism (cold facts would say Rodriguez). Vaguely inspired by Lennon’s Whatching the Wheels. We, the band, are not at all pessimistic people. We are alive and willing to enjoy every moment. That’s the reason why we are sharing our feelings. And we are sincere. We will be happy if you feel our emotions with us. Montserrat Marfany, voice, objects; Jaume Martín, guitar; offscope Jordi Buscà, keyboards, voice, drum machine; Sir Pere “Channels” Canals, inspirations; Captain Enric Solà, objects, distillates, smoke; Dr Antoni Robert, drums, effects; from 4-4-2018 Garcilaso session.

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Vespertina # 1: Carles Camps Mundó i Josep Maria Fulquet, al Caffè San Marco 12-4-2018

Vespertina # 1: Carles Camps Mundó i Josep Maria Fulquet. Lectura de poemes i tertúlia al Caffè San Marco 12-4-2018. Les Vespertines son sessions literàries on autors llegeixen parts de obres seves i es fa tertúlia posteriorment. Aquesta ha estat la primera. La bona acollida farà que tingui continuitat, en principi un cop al mes.

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Amazones at Albareda, Barcelona, 9-3-2018; BCN ImproFest 2018

This evening was dedicated to female performers only. This is a short sample of what happened. More or less in apearance order. Bea Vilaseca, voice; Mireia Tejero, alto sax; Montserrat Palacios, voice; Úrsula San Cristóbal, flute; Ilona Schneider, voice; Sarah Claman, violin; Sol Picó, dance; Josefina Rozembausser, bandoleon; voice Maria Radich, voice; Maria do Mar, violin; Sofía Borges, percussions; Mercè Ros, drums; Alba Tor, voice; Mariona Sagarra, voice; Maresca Adelaide, performance; Susana Subirana, dance.

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Orquestra Do D’Acords & Zero de Conducta at Albareda, Barcelona, 8-3-2018; BCN ImproFest

Orquestra Do D’Acords & Zero de Conducta at Albareda, Barcelona, 8-3-2018; BCN ImproFest 2018;  Joao Braz, conductor; Pablo Pérsico, conductor + 21 percussionists & Montserrat Marfany, voice, objects; Jaume Martín, keyboard; offscope Jordi Buscà, guitar; Sir Pere Canals, guitar; Captain Enric Solà, drums; Dr. Antoni Robert, synthesizer & guitar; Pepe Ruz, visual art and B&W pictures;

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Acció Homenatge a Carles Santos i a Carles Hac Mor, 6-3-20018, BCN ImproFest

Acció Homenatge a Carles Santos i a Carles Hac Mor.  Maresca Adelaide, performance; Miquel Jordà, alto sax; Marcos Xalabarder, text & video; Mireia Tejero, alto sax; Danio Catanuto, electronics; Marcel.lí Bayer, electronics; Mercè Ros, drums; Bea Vilaseca, voice; Mark Cunningham, trumpet; at Albareda, Barcelona, 6-3-2018; BCN ImproFest 2018.

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BCN ImproFest 2018 All Stars Band at Albareda, Barcelona, 10-3-2018

“Uns i altres” by  Joma, video; Dave Jackson, alto sax; Llorenç Barber, bells & voice; Montserrat Palacios, voice; Úrsula San Cristóbal, flute, voice; Silvia Corda, piano; Miquel Àngel Marín, clarinet; Fernando Simoes, trombone; Paulo Chagas, alto sax; Nuria Martinez Vernis, poetry; Oriol Sauleda, poetry; Maresca Adelaide, performance; Mireia Tejero, alto sax; Lluis Valles, tenor sax; Adele Madau, electric violin; Mercè Ros, drums; Josefina Rozembausser, bandoleon; Andrea Rodo, guitar; Eduard Altaba, doublebass; Miquel Jordà, alto sax; David Garcia Aparicio, conducting; (as far as I remember…..) at Albareda, Barcelona, 10-3-2018; BCN ImproFest 2018.

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Llorenç Barber & El Trio Tria, at Albareda, Barcelona, 10-3-2018 BCN ImproFest2018

Montserrat Palacios, voice, kettles, plastic; Miquel Àngel Marín, clarinet, voice; Llorenç Barber, bells, voice; at Albareda, Barcelona, 10-3-2018 BCN ImproFest2018. A luxury to have a legend in the BCN ImproFest 2018. Llorenç Barber is one of the mavericks of Spanish music. Departing from a passionate interest in John Cage – and particularly in ZAJ group, a sort of Spanish zen/ Dada collective- Barber has developed a truly unique musical language since his early minimalist-inspired compositions. He has developed a strong interest in one of the most ancient sounds of the humankind, the sound of bells. With his portative set of bells, Barber plays long improvised pieces in which uses harmonic chant; a minimal chamber setting which recognizes links with NY Downtown experimental scene from the seventies and eighties (in fact, he was there in early ’80’s). His other works includes music for several ensembles and extended vocal techniques, but his most

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