Category: Published Works

NEW: Lotus Eaters (ULYSSES part 8) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Lotus Eaters is the eight part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12 locations, while

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NEW: Calypso (ULYSSES part 7) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Calypso is the seventh part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12 locations, while I

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NEW: Sandymount Strand (ULYSSES part 6) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Sandymount Strand is the sixth part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12 locations, while

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NEW: Proteus (ULYSSES part 5) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Proteus is the fifth part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12 locations, while I

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NEW : Nestor (ULYSSES part 4) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Nestor is the fourth part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12 locations, while I

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NEW: Malachi (ULYSSES part 3) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert. 2023

Malachi is the third part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12 locations, while I

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The Radio Sessions (volume 2) by NUUMU Code (2023)

This is the second session performed having in mind a future live performance at the Radio Museum at Roc de Sant Gaietà (Roda de Berà) that happened on 21/7/2023. This time we played having as a background some radio historical sounds, that can be heard in some passages. Sergi Gon, bass Jaume Martin, keyboard, glockenspiel, toy xilophone, objects Francesc D. Melis, electroacoustic samples Toni Pons, drums, percussions, shakers Antoni Robert, guitar, samples, objects Josep Vila, poems, vocals Joan Vinuesa, poems, vocals, objects Recorded & produced May 16th, 2023, at Garcilaso, by A. Robert & M. Tuset. Artwork by Antoni Robert.

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The Radio Sessions (volume 1) by NUUMU Code, 2023.

This is the first session performed having in mind a future live performance at the Radio Museum at Roc de Sant Gaietà (Roda de Berà) that happened on 21/7/2023. This time we didn’t use some reference sounds that we used at future preparation sessions and at the performance. So, this is much as previous sessions. Sergi Gon, bass Montserrat Marfany, voice, kochlos, percussions, toys, objects Jaume Martin, keyboard, glockenspiel, toy xilophone, objects Toni Pons, drums, percussions, shakers Antoni Robert, guitar, kalimba Miquel Tuset, electric sax Josep Vila, poems, vocals Joan Vinuesa, poems, vocals, objects Recorded & produced April 25th, 2023, at Garcilaso, by A. Robert & M. Tuset. Artwork by Antoni Robert.

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L’Esquellot ben Trempat by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Aquesta peça és el resultat de la combinació de la composició “L’Esquellot Definitiu” (B71. 25.07.23 ) de F.D. Melis, processada per A. Robert, i de sons enregistrats i/o interpretats pel mateix AR en diversos llocs i temps. Barcelona 2023. Francesc D. Melis, electrònica Antoni Robert, sons pre gravats, sintetitzador, reclams, xiulets, flautes, kalimba, harmònica, arpa de boca, bols tibetans, campanes tingsha percussions, objectes, efectes, veu.

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POEMES by Antoni Robert & Josep Vila (2023)

El so compartit és el de 5 videos fets per Josep Vila, en els que recita poemes seus i poemes meus. Dels meus alguns son del llibre Versemblances (detalls més avall) i altres son haikus d’un llibre de pròxima publicació. Més avall poso els links per si algú vol veure els videos. Josep Vila, veu, vídeos i so a 3, 4 i 5. Antoni Robert, so a 1 i 2, guitarra i bol tibetà a 2. Portada. Poemes 1. JV fins al 24’. La resta AR (de Versemblances) 2. JV fins al 20’. La resta AR (haikus) 3. AR (haikus) entre el 7’ i el 16’20”. La resta JV. 4. AR (de Versemblances) fins al 10’. La resta JV. 5. AR (de Versemblances) fins al 13’. La resta JV. Versemblances, de Antoni Robert, Ed. Pont del Petroli, 2020. (Ciutadella Estranya) (Ni ase ni bèstia) (Dit ras i curt) (Insaniam asini)

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NUUMU Code Turns On by NUUMU Code, March 25th, 2023.

Sergi Gon, synthesizer; Montserrat Marfany, voice, kochlos, percussions, toys, objects, slide guitar; Jaume Martin, keyboard, guitar, glockenspiel, toy xilophone, ektara, objects; Francesc D. Melis, subliminal, alpaques, brontosaures; Toni Pons, drums, percussions, shakers; Antoni Robert, guitar, samples; Josep Vila, poems, vocals. Recorded & produced March 25th, 2023, at Garcilaso, by Antoni Robert. Cover is a parody of the cover of Turns On by The Soft Machine. Back picture by Edward S. Curtis (1907). Artwork by Antoni Robert.

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Atom Earth Father by NUUMU Code, February 21st, 2023.

This recording contains the Februery 21st studio session. Sergi Gon, guitar; Montserrat Marfany, voice, kochlos, percussions, toys, objects; Jaume Martin, keyboard, toy xilophone, glockenspiel; Toni Pons, drums, percussions, shakers; Antoni Robert, guitar, Tibetan Bowl; Oriol Rogent, vocals, poems; Miquel Tuset, electric sax; Josep Vila, vocal, poems; Joan Vinuesa, vocals, poems, trumpet, flute, percussions. Recorded at Garcilaso, Barcelona, February 21st, 2023, by Antoni Robert. Sound process & artwork by Antoni Robert. Pictures by unknown.

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With The Nuumus by NUUMU Code, February 11th 2023.

This recording brings together the 11th February studio session and the IMPROFEST 2023 performance on March 3rd. For its length is is a virtual double cd. Sergi Gon, guitar, bass; Montserrat Marfany, performance, voice, kochlos, percussions, toys, objects; Jaume Martin, keyboard, glockenspiel, toy xilophone, ektara, objects (1 to 5); Toni Pons, drums, percussions, shakers; Antoni Robert, guitar, poems (6), voice (6), Tibetan bowl (6), rain stick (6), thunder box (6), percussions (6), e. tabla & tanpura (6), kalimba (6); Oriol Rogent, poems, vocals; Pepe Ruz, bass (6); Miquel Tuset, alto sax (1 to 5); Josep Vila, poems, vocals; Joan Vinuesa, performance, poems, vocals, harmonica, flute, accordion, bird whistles, percussions. The performance is an idea by Montserrat Marfany & Joan Vinuesa. Joan Vinuesa reads his own poems and improvises. Oriol Rogent reads poems by Anna Bou Jorba, his own poems and some URSONATE fragments (Kurt Schwitters). Josep Vila & Antoni Robert

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TWENTIETH by NUUMU Code, March 11th, 2023.

Last studio effort so far. Exploring new approch and working methods. For its length this is a virtual doudle cd or LP, as THIRD by SM was. Sergi Gon, synthesizer; Montserrat Marfany, voice, kochlos, percussions, toys, objects; Jaume Martin, keyboard, ektara; Toni Pons, drums, percussions, shakers; Antoni Robert, guitar; Joan Vinuesa, vocals, harmonica, bird whistles, percussions. Recorded live at Espai Local, Barcelona, March 11th, 2023, by Antoni Robert. Live sound by Sergi Gon. Sound process & artwork by Antoni Robert.

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NUUMU Code: Les Onze mil Verges i la Benedicció dels Animals de P​è​l. En directe a Cal Cens. 21/10/2022.

Pere Canals, keyboard, percussions; Bet Gàrgola, bass, drums; Sergi Gon, synthesizer, bass, guitar; Montserrat Marfany, voice, kochlos, percussions, objects; Jaume Martin, keyboard, guitar, bass, objects; Sara Pons, trumpet, singing saw; Toni Pons, drums, percussions, shakers; Antonio Puertas, drums, keyboard; Antoni Robert, electronics, processed voice, bass, guitar; Oriol Rogent, vocals; Pepe Ruz, electrònics, bass; Miquel Tuset, alto sax; Udri C. Vera, drums; Josep Millaret “Vicious”, objects; Joan Vinuesa, vocals, harmonica, percussions. Recorded live by Miquel Tuset, Antonio Puertas & Antoni Robert at Cal Cens, Orpí, October 21st, 2022. Processed by Antoni Robert. Artwork by Antoni Robert. Photos by Bet. Many thanks to Bet, Antonio & Vicious. What instrument the players play is approximate. Instruments were changing hands often. Hard to tell who was playing what at a given moment. This is a triple cd.   Free download here:

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Music for Qalupalik, Kanontsistóntie’s and Tah-Tah-Kle’-Ah, by Antoni Robert

The Qalupalik (also spelled Qallupilluit) is a well-known mythical creature of the Inuit, who inhabited the freezing tundra of Alaska, Canada, and Greenland. These sea-dwelling creatures are typically described as half-human sea monsters with elongated fingernails and green, slimy skin. One of the most terrifying legends of Iroquois culture is the myth of Kanontsistóntie’s. The Kanontsistóntie’s, or flying heads, were exactly that — disembodied heads with fiery eyes and long tangled hair. These heads floated through the air and hunted for humans to eat. The Yakama, who live at the border between what is now Washington and Oregon states, say that the Tah–tah–kle’-ah were giant owl witches who once roamed the plains at night looking for people to devour. They most enjoyed feasting on children and could mimic the languages of the tribes to lure victims. Played live during the lockdown. All sound played and recorded in real time. No

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Els amulets desconeguts by NUUMU Code, 27-4-2022.

Sergi Gon, synthesizer , objects; Montserrat Marfany, voice, kochlos, percussions, objects; Jaume Martin, ektara, erhu, glockenspiel, xilophone, objects; Antoni Robert, Korg kaoss pad, effects; Oriol Rogent, vocals; Miquel Tuset, alto sax; Joan Vinuesa, vocals, objects. Oriol Rogent recites Comanche tales and fragments of the Ursonate (Kurt Schwitters). Joan Vinuesa recites his own improvised poems and other poems. Recorded live at The Magic Terrace, April 27th, 2022. Artwork by Antoni Robert.

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New: Hairy balls are not worth it by NUUMU Code, live at Lladó and La Pahissa.

Sergi Gon, objects, Montserrat Marfany, voice, kochlos, percussions, objects, Jaume Martin, objects (1), keyboard (2), Antoni Robert, Korg kaoss pad, effects, Oriol Rogent, vocals, Miquel Tuset, alto sax (2), Joan Vinuesa, vocals, harmonica, Drac, barking (1). Oriol Rogent recites Comanche tales and fragments of the Ursonate (Kurt Schwitters). Joan Vinuesa recites his own improvised poems. Recorded live in Lladó (1), May 22nd and in La Pahissa del Marquet (2), June 4th, 2022. Thanks to Ester Xargay for inviting us to play at La Pahissa).

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El Somni Policromàtic del Dr. Melis by NUUMU Code

Sir Pere Canals, keyboard; Sergi Gon, synthesizer; Montserrat Marfany, voice, kochlos, percussions, objects; Jaume Martin, ektara, erhu, glockenspiel, xilophone, objects; Francesc D. Melis, electroacoustics; Toni Pons, drums, percussions, shakers; Antoni Robert, synthesizer, effects; Oriol Rogent, vocals; Pepe Ruz, electrònics; Miquel Tuset, alto sax; Josep Vila, vocals, effects; Joan Vinuesa, vocals, harmonica, percussions Oriol Rogent recites Comanche tales and fragments of the Ursonate (Kurt Schwitters). Josep Vila recites his own poems. Joan Vinuesa recites poems by Charles Baudelaire, himself, Lluís Gràcia and Miquel Bauçà). This work has been created around some tracks of Francesc D. Melis. All contributions have been improvised while listening to those tracks and mixed later by Antoni Robert.

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“La Clau per accedir al meu Pensament” by NUUMU Code.

As always totally improvised. Joan Vinuesa improvises text and poems, Josep Vila recites his own poems, Montserrat Marfany uses her voice as an instrument and Oriol Rogent recites fragments of the Ursonate (Kurt Schwitters). A new trip into unknown pataphisic realms.; Sergi Gon, Novation Mininova synth, guitar; Montserrat Marfany, voice, guitar, percussion, kalimba, objects; Jaume Martín, guitar, Casiotone, kalimba, objects; Toni Pons, drums, percussions; Antoni Robert, Waldorf synth, Korg Kaosspad, tapes; Oriol Rogent, voice, percussions; Josep Vila, voice, text; Pepe Ruz, bass; Joan Vinuesa, voice, text, harmonica, percussion, kalimba, objects. Recorded live at El Guinardó, Barcelona, 14/2/2022 Artwork Josep Vila & Antoni Robert

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New: Live at IMPROFEST 2021 by NUUMU CODE, Barcelona 13-3-2021.

Marcelo Acosta, bass; Sergi Gon, synthesizer; Montserrat Marfany, voice, glockenspiel, xylophone, kochlos, objects; Jaume Martín, percussion, casiotone, voice, objects; Toni Pons, drums; Antoni Robert, electric guitar, percussion, samples; Oriol Rogent, voice; Pepe Ruz, electronic, effects, video; Miquel Tuset, alto sax; Joan Vinuesa, voice, text, percussion, objects. Improvised live at Albareda, Barcelona 13-3-2021 at IMPROFEST 2021 Festival, a project of Miquel Jordà.

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NEW: Tocant amb búfals i Persèides! by NUUMU CODE. Beuloví, Lluçanès, 10/8/2021.

This is a live recording held at Beuloví, a very old contry house in Sobremunt, a vert tiny town in Lluçanès, Catalonia. The deep Catalonia. It presents four different moods, and it is a good example of the kind of work the band is working on. Montserrat Marfany, veu, objectes; Sara Pons, trompeta; Joan Vinuesa, veu, text, percussió, harmònica; Pepe Ruz, baix, DIY electrònica, veu, vídeo; Antoni Robert, guitarra sintetitzada; Miquel Tuset, saxo alt; Jaume Martin, teclat; Toni Pons, bateria; Oriol Rogent, veu. En directe a Beuloví, Lluçanès, 10/8/2021. 3 es va tocar per a una projecció de fotografies de la Índia de Francesc Sandalinas. 4 es va tocar per a un vídeo de Pepe Ruz. Fotografia de portada de F. Sandalinas. Fotografia de contraportada de Pepe Ruz, feta amb càmera estenopeica. In case you want to burn it into a cd do not leave pauses within tracks. The sound

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New!!! PATAPHYSICAL INVOCATION by NUUMU CODE. Improvised live at El Guinardó, Barcelona 7-12-2021

PATAPHYSICAL INVOCATION by NUUMU Code. New recorded session, with words in catalan and comanche languages. We enjoyed a lot doing it, and we hope that you will too. The NUUMU Code wish to our followers a Happy New Year!!!!! Sergi Gon, electric guitar, synthesizer; Montserrat Marfany, voice, glockenspiel, xylophone, kazoo, kochlos, objects; Jaume Martín, percussion, casiotone, electric guitar, contact microphone, voice, objects; Antoni Robert, synthesizer, percussion, berber mezmar, effects Oriol Rogent, voice, xylophone, objects; Pepe Ruz, bass; Miquel Tuset, alto sax; Joan Vinuesa, voice, text, harmonica, percussion, mouth harp, objects. Improvised live at El Guinardó, Barcelona 7-12-2021 – Produced by Phil Spectrumm for NUUMU code. Free download here:

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New release: Invocation ritual of forgotten arcana, by Marduque Rebecca & Antoni Robert (Hamfuggi Records)

Antoni Robert, synthesizer, sound process; Marduque Rebecca, voice. Equipment: Blofeld synthesizer, Arturia Beatstep, Pandora Korg effects pedal, Xenyx  QX 1002 Behringer mix desk effects. Played on March, 30th, 2020, during the Coronavirus pandemic. Pandemic Suite #12.  Processed in November 2020 and January 2021. Voice taken from videos of Marduque Rebecca. Texts from O Caminho Iniciático nos Arcanos do Tarôt e da Cabala (Samael Aun Weor, Bogotà 1917- Mexico 1977). This is a special project. The sounds waited for months until I found the right voice. I choosed this voice, among many others, because it is haunting and warm. The words are from a cabalistic text, but in reality this is of no importantce. Voice is used as an instrument.Thanks to Hamfuggi Records for releasing it.

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Re-release: OME ACÚSTIC, Hasta luego y gracias por el pescado, 1.3.2017

Sessió en directe (en el Impro Fest 2017), amb la participació de Juan Crek: objects, flutes, vocals, percussion; Marcelo Acosta: cavaquinho, plastic clarinet, metallophone; Joana Brabo: piano, vocals, objects; offscope Jordi Buscà: guitar; Sir Pere Canals: piano, vocals, flutes; Eli Gras: homemade instruments, toys, ukelele; Montserrat Marfany: vocals, bourou, flutes, objects; Jaume Martín: xylophone, glockenspiel, percussion; Andrés Noarde: guitar, tibetan bowl; Boris Porter: homemade slide trombone, objects; Dr Antoni Robert: guitar, shakers, Tibetan bowl, tingsha, whistles; Enric Solà: drums and distillates This was OME Acústic farewell performance. A quiet but intense performance. OME ACÚSTIC is a project lead by MACROMASSA founder Juan Crek. I will include in my bandcamp, with permission from Juan Crek, all the recordings I played in. This is the sixth and last one. This band was the origin of the later Zero de Conducta band. All music is improvised and played without power (unplugged). All members

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Re-release: OME ACÚSTIC, Desembre Dilatat, 16.12.2016

OME ACÚSTIC is a project lead by MACROMASSA founder Juan Crek. I will include in my bandcamp, with permission from Juan Crek, all the recordings I played in. This is the fifth one. This band was the origin of the later Zero de Conducta band. All music is improvised and played without power (unplugged). All members play all instruments. This was a live recording in Andròmina Festival organized by Primo Gabbiano and Visual Pal in Pallejà, near Barcelona. Juan Crek; Jordi Buscà; Antoni Robert; Enric Solà; Pere Canals; Joan Claparols, dibuixos.

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Re-release: OME ACÚSTIC, El Improvisador furtivo, 18.6.2016

OME ACÚSTIC is a project lead by MACROMASSA founder Juan Crek. I will include in my bandcamp, with permission from Juan Crek, all the recordings I played in. This is the fourth one. This band was the origin of the later Zero de Conducta band. All music is improvised and played without power (unplugged). All members play all instruments. Javier G Entonado, trompeta, caja y voz; Miquel Àngel Marín, clarinete y voz; Primo Gabbiano, electrónica y voz; Lina Giralt, voz. harmónica y percusiones; Juan Crek, conducción, violín, flauta y voz; Boris Porter, saxo, flauta y voz; Jordi Buscà, harmónica, violín, percusiones y voz; Jaume Martín, percusiones y voz; Montserrat Marfany, voz, ocarina y percusiones; Marcelo Acosta, cuatro, metalófono, melódica y voz; Enric Solà, cajón, plato y voz; Antoni Robert, guitarra, reclamos, percusiones y voz.

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Re-release: OME ACÚSTIC, Pre – El Improvisador furtivo, 4.6.2016

OME ACÚSTIC is a project lead by MACROMASSA founder Juan Crek. I will include in my bandcamp, with permission from Juan Crek, all the recordings I played in. This is the third one. This band was the origin of the later Zero de Conducta band. All music is improvised and played without power (unplugged). All members play all instruments. This session was performed in order to plan a later session with musician Javier Entonado. The later session will be released too. Lina Giralt, Juan Crek, Boris Porter, Jordi Buscà, Jaume Martín, Montserrat Marfany, Marcelo Acosta, Antoni Robert, Drac (my dog). Check Listen or download here:

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