Tag: Antoni Robert Gadea

POEMES by Antoni Robert & Josep Vila (2023)

El so compartit és el de 5 videos fets per Josep Vila, en els que recita poemes seus i poemes meus. Dels meus alguns son del llibre Versemblances (detalls més avall) i altres son haikus d’un llibre de pròxima publicació. Més avall poso els links per si algú vol veure els videos. Josep Vila, veu, vídeos i so a 3, 4 i 5. Antoni Robert, so a 1 i 2, guitarra i bol tibetà a 2. Portada. Poemes 1. JV fins al 24’. La resta AR (de Versemblances) 2. JV fins al 20’. La resta AR (haikus) 3. AR (haikus) entre el 7’ i el 16’20”. La resta JV. 4. AR (de Versemblances) fins al 10’. La resta JV. 5. AR (de Versemblances) fins al 13’. La resta JV. Versemblances, de Antoni Robert, Ed. Pont del Petroli, 2020. youtube.com/watch?v=xowaQF5fEsI&feature=share9 (Ciutadella Estranya) youtube.com/watch?v=rj1x3kC1gVQ&feature=share9 (Ni ase ni bèstia) youtube.com/watch?v=owlg69M4Pdg&feature=share9 (Dit ras i curt) youtube.com/watch?v=EIfTMrmnyYM&feature=share9 (Insaniam asini)

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Esglaputs, Martingales, Andròmines i Persèides a Beuloví by NUUMU Code, 13/8/2022

Sir Pere Canals, bass, synthesizer; Sergi Gon, synthesizer , bass; Montserrat Marfany, voice, kochlos, percussions, objects; Jaume Martin, ektara, glockenspiel, xilophone, keyboard, singing bowl, objects; Sara Pons, trumpet, singing saw, nose flute; Toni Pons, drums, percussions; Antoni Robert, Blofeld synthesizer, Korg kaoss pad, effects, objects; Miquel Tuset, alto sax, sound engineer; Joan Vinuesa, vocals, objects. Recorded live by Miquel Tuset & Antoni Robert at Beuloví, August, 13th 2022. Artwork by Antoni Robert. Many thanks to Paco Sandalinas, Teresa, Francesc, Juan, Angelina and Antonella.

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Els amulets desconeguts by NUUMU Code, 27-4-2022.

Sergi Gon, synthesizer , objects; Montserrat Marfany, voice, kochlos, percussions, objects; Jaume Martin, ektara, erhu, glockenspiel, xilophone, objects; Antoni Robert, Korg kaoss pad, effects; Oriol Rogent, vocals; Miquel Tuset, alto sax; Joan Vinuesa, vocals, objects. Oriol Rogent recites Comanche tales and fragments of the Ursonate (Kurt Schwitters). Joan Vinuesa recites his own improvised poems and other poems. Recorded live at The Magic Terrace, April 27th, 2022. Artwork by Antoni Robert.

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New: Hairy balls are not worth it by NUUMU Code, live at Lladó and La Pahissa.

Sergi Gon, objects, Montserrat Marfany, voice, kochlos, percussions, objects, Jaume Martin, objects (1), keyboard (2), Antoni Robert, Korg kaoss pad, effects, Oriol Rogent, vocals, Miquel Tuset, alto sax (2), Joan Vinuesa, vocals, harmonica, Drac, barking (1). Oriol Rogent recites Comanche tales and fragments of the Ursonate (Kurt Schwitters). Joan Vinuesa recites his own improvised poems. Recorded live in Lladó (1), May 22nd and in La Pahissa del Marquet (2), June 4th, 2022. Thanks to Ester Xargay for inviting us to play at La Pahissa).

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El Somni Policromàtic del Dr. Melis by NUUMU Code

Sir Pere Canals, keyboard; Sergi Gon, synthesizer; Montserrat Marfany, voice, kochlos, percussions, objects; Jaume Martin, ektara, erhu, glockenspiel, xilophone, objects; Francesc D. Melis, electroacoustics; Toni Pons, drums, percussions, shakers; Antoni Robert, synthesizer, effects; Oriol Rogent, vocals; Pepe Ruz, electrònics; Miquel Tuset, alto sax; Josep Vila, vocals, effects; Joan Vinuesa, vocals, harmonica, percussions Oriol Rogent recites Comanche tales and fragments of the Ursonate (Kurt Schwitters). Josep Vila recites his own poems. Joan Vinuesa recites poems by Charles Baudelaire, himself, Lluís Gràcia and Miquel Bauçà). This work has been created around some tracks of Francesc D. Melis. All contributions have been improvised while listening to those tracks and mixed later by Antoni Robert.

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Re-release: OME ACÚSTIC, El Improvisador furtivo, 18.6.2016

OME ACÚSTIC is a project lead by MACROMASSA founder Juan Crek. I will include in my bandcamp, with permission from Juan Crek, all the recordings I played in. This is the fourth one. This band was the origin of the later Zero de Conducta band. All music is improvised and played without power (unplugged). All members play all instruments. Javier G Entonado, trompeta, caja y voz; Miquel Àngel Marín, clarinete y voz; Primo Gabbiano, electrónica y voz; Lina Giralt, voz. harmónica y percusiones; Juan Crek, conducción, violín, flauta y voz; Boris Porter, saxo, flauta y voz; Jordi Buscà, harmónica, violín, percusiones y voz; Jaume Martín, percusiones y voz; Montserrat Marfany, voz, ocarina y percusiones; Marcelo Acosta, cuatro, metalófono, melódica y voz; Enric Solà, cajón, plato y voz; Antoni Robert, guitarra, reclamos, percusiones y voz.

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Microtopies 2020: 56 miniatures de música i geografia.

This is the ninth album of the ‘Microtopies’ global call. The Microtopies are sonic miniatures that shape a special edition of the Música i Geografía (Ràdio Gràcia, Barcelona) radio show, produced weekly by Gràcia Territori Sonor. The aim is to make a sonic route through a map of randomly assigned events, since the pieces received have been included in strict order of reception. This year have been received 56 pieces from 31 cities from 11 countries. Now, we invite you to this journey. You will enjoy the best sound quality as recorded by the authors. Don’t listen to them on your computer loudspeakers but rather plug it in a decent sound system or put on good headphones, otherwise you will miss a lot of sounds and frequencies… Have a good trip! Gràcia Territori Sonor wants to acknowledge all the artists who have generously participated in this project… thank you for

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India & Nepal 1984, the effect of time on film, by Francisco Sandalinas

Back in 1984 Francisco Sandalinas (architect) went to India & Nepal alone, only with his camera. Once back some of the films were stored badly and suffered from weather degradation. Instead of scrapping it, Francisco developped them and realized that the pictures had acquired a rare beauty.  A selection of the pictures has been included in this video, and I’ve added some adequate sounds. We hope you will enjoy it.

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MICROTOPIES 2019, new release. Great 1′ miniatures from 69 artists from 11 countries.

This is the album with the eighth global call for Microtopies. The Microtopies are sonic miniatures that shape a special edition of Radio Música i Geografía (Ràdio Gràcia FM, Barcelona), the weekly radio program by Gràcia Territori Sonor. The aim is to make a sonic route through a map of randomly assigned events, since the pieces received have been included in strict order of reception. This year have been received 69 pieces from 11 countries. Now, we invite you to take this journey. You will enjoy the maximum quality of sound recorded by the authors. Don’t listen to them by your computer loudspeakers but rather plug them in a decent sound system or put on good headphones otherwise you will miss a lot of sounds and frequencies…  Good trip! Gràcia Territori Sonor wants to acknowledge all the artists who have generously participated in this project… thank you for making these Microtopies

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