Tag: Guille Pérez

HOMININ by Francesc D. Melis, 2009.

Francesc D. i Melis, violí, Dan Bau, electrònica, Mixed at Estudis MelisSounds, November 2009. Artwork Àngel Farrés. This double cd was issued in 2010 as a very limited privat edition, with an unknown exact quantity. This record has been possible thanks to Rafael Zaragoza, Marc Viaplana, Marc Valls, Guille Pérez and Albert Giménez, but they might not know it. To the memory of Angel Colomer i Del Romero, Josep Mª Bardagí, Joan Mª Bofill, Jep Nuix, Josep Palomas, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Derek Bailey. Dedicated to Rafael Zaragoza, to the Spanish Atrocities Commitee!, and to Hadramawts. Tracks are open. Anyone willing to is allowed to continue or finish it.

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THE FLYING CALÇOT ENSEMBLE, by Àngel Farrés, Francesc D. Melis, Guille Pérez, Quicu Samsó, Rafael Zaragoza.

ÀNGEL FARRÉS   guitar, FRANCESC D. MELIS   moog, GUILLE PÉREZ    bass, QUICU SAMSÓ   drums , RAFAEL ZARAGOZA   guitar.  Awesome recording. A variation of Secta Suciuqdèlica with the guitar player Àngel Farrés and bass player Guille Pérez instead of percussionist Jordi Vilella. SUCIUQ was a duo formed by Quicu Samsó and Quicu Melis. This is a work with Rafael Zaragoza (former member of SECTA SÒNICA), and Àngel Farrés, a versatile musician that has had his own son cubano band, and has been involved in the experimental music Barcelona scene for many years. This work was previously unreleased. This is the follow up of the task of recovering the work of Francesc Diaz Melis (Quicu Melis) a prolific and versatile musician. Quicu Samsó is a veteran and historical drummer, a former member of seminal bands such as KONIEC and MACROMASSA, just to mention two examples. He is still very active un the active

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