NEW: Brontosaure 149, by Francesc D. Melis, 2024.

We open 2024 with a new F.D. Melis work. If you after the title suspect that at least there are al least other 148 compositions like this one, you are right. The sounds of some Brontosaurs have been used to compose the huge ULYSSES released in another bandcamp page  This one is a brontosaur on its own. It is the first one released as such. Enjoy it!! Francesc D. Melis, electrònica, electroacústica. Enregistrat a Melissounds Studio. Barcelona, desembre 2023. Portada: Josep Vila. Free download here:

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NEW: Oxen of the Sun (ULYSSES part 20) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Oxen of the Sun is the twentieth part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12

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NEW: Sirens (ULYSSES part 17) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Sirens is the seventeenth part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12 locations, while I

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NEW: Wandering Rocks (ULYSSES part 16) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Wandering Rocks is the sixteenth part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12 locations, while

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NEW: Charybdis (ULYSSES part 15) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Charybdis is the fifteenth part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12 locations, while I

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NEW: Burgundy Wine (ULYSSES part 13) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Burgundy Wine is the thirteenth part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12 locations, while

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NEW: Leopold (ULYSSES part 12) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Leopold is the twelveth part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12 locations, while I

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NEW: Lestrygonians (ULYSSES part 11) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Lestrygonians is the eleventh part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12 locations, while I

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NEW: Aeolus (ULYSSES part 10) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Aeolus is the tenth part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12 locations, while I

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NEW: Hades (ULYSSES part 9) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Hades is the nineth part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12 locations, while I

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NEW: Lotus Eaters (ULYSSES part 8) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Lotus Eaters is the eight part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12 locations, while

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NEW: Calypso (ULYSSES part 7) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Calypso is the seventh part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12 locations, while I

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NEW: Sandymount Strand (ULYSSES part 6) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Sandymount Strand is the sixth part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12 locations, while

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NEW: Proteus (ULYSSES part 5) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Proteus is the fifth part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12 locations, while I

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NEW : Nestor (ULYSSES part 4) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Nestor is the fourth part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12 locations, while I

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NEW: Malachi (ULYSSES part 3) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert. 2023

Malachi is the third part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12 locations, while I

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The Radio Sessions (volume 2) by NUUMU Code (2023)

This is the second session performed having in mind a future live performance at the Radio Museum at Roc de Sant Gaietà (Roda de Berà) that happened on 21/7/2023. This time we played having as a background some radio historical sounds, that can be heard in some passages. Sergi Gon, bass Jaume Martin, keyboard, glockenspiel, toy xilophone, objects Francesc D. Melis, electroacoustic samples Toni Pons, drums, percussions, shakers Antoni Robert, guitar, samples, objects Josep Vila, poems, vocals Joan Vinuesa, poems, vocals, objects Recorded & produced May 16th, 2023, at Garcilaso, by A. Robert & M. Tuset. Artwork by Antoni Robert.

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The Radio Sessions (volume 1) by NUUMU Code, 2023.

This is the first session performed having in mind a future live performance at the Radio Museum at Roc de Sant Gaietà (Roda de Berà) that happened on 21/7/2023. This time we didn’t use some reference sounds that we used at future preparation sessions and at the performance. So, this is much as previous sessions. Sergi Gon, bass Montserrat Marfany, voice, kochlos, percussions, toys, objects Jaume Martin, keyboard, glockenspiel, toy xilophone, objects Toni Pons, drums, percussions, shakers Antoni Robert, guitar, kalimba Miquel Tuset, electric sax Josep Vila, poems, vocals Joan Vinuesa, poems, vocals, objects Recorded & produced April 25th, 2023, at Garcilaso, by A. Robert & M. Tuset. Artwork by Antoni Robert.

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