El Somni Policromàtic del Dr. Melis by NUUMU Code

Sir Pere Canals, keyboard; Sergi Gon, synthesizer; Montserrat Marfany, voice, kochlos, percussions, objects; Jaume Martin, ektara, erhu, glockenspiel, xilophone, objects; Francesc D. Melis, electroacoustics; Toni Pons, drums, percussions, shakers; Antoni Robert, synthesizer, effects; Oriol Rogent, vocals; Pepe Ruz, electrònics; Miquel Tuset, alto sax; Josep Vila, vocals, effects; Joan Vinuesa, vocals, harmonica, percussions

Oriol Rogent recites Comanche tales and fragments of the Ursonate (Kurt Schwitters). Josep Vila recites his own poems. Joan Vinuesa recites poems by Charles Baudelaire, himself, Lluís Gràcia and Miquel Bauçà).
This work has been created around some tracks of Francesc D. Melis. All contributions have been improvised while listening to those tracks and mixed later by Antoni Robert.
Due to the density of the sound, we present here not only the final total track, but also some of the partial duos recorded. This is a virtual double cd.
Recorded in Barcelona in March and April 2022. Cover picture is a ceramic by Montserrat Marfany.

Part 1 and Part 2 ara a single track, too big to be uploaded in a single file. If you burn a cd d it without a pause between those two tracks.

Could be considered the first “studio” work by the band. Build around some compositions of Francesc D. Melis, all the rest of contributions have been improvised while listening to the original track.


Free download here:  https://nuumucode.bandcamp.com/album/el-somni-policrom-tic-del-dr-melis

See the video here. Due to youtube age restriction I cannot put the direct link here. Follow this link and then clic on the video. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeC4dPb2GaavXPjLJ8eXu6A