En directe a Abaixadors 10, 2/4/2000 by SANTBONOBO URKEJTRA.
Players: Rosa Arruti, Jesús Brotons, Ferràn Fages, Eli Gras, Mike Ibáñez, Francesc D. Melis, Alain Wergifosse.
Instrument were changing hands often, so it is difficult to tell who plays what.
Recorded April 2nd, 2000, at Abaixadors 10, Barcelona.
Desk Recording by Ferràn Fages. Ambient Recording by Eli Gras.
Desk recording and Ambient recording contain the same concert. Not all the sounds went through the desk, so Ambient recording is more complete, but the sound quality is worse.
Cover photo Rambla de les Flors, 1905, by unknown, from the book Barcelona desapareguda de Giacomo Alessandro II. Back cover photos by unknown. Artwork by Antoni Robert.
Free download here : https://novaera-msicasecreta.bandcamp.com/album/en-directe-a-abaixadors-10-2-4-2000