Tag: 23 Robadors

PHICUS: Ferran Fages, Àlex Reviriego, Vasco Trilla, March, 13th, 2017

Ferran Fages – electric guitar Àlex Reviriego – bass Vasco Trilla – drums, percussion Robadors 23, Barcelona Why “Phicus”? What is a phicus? A fancy spelling of the plant? Or is the explanation more elaborate? I suppose I’ll have to ask… but in a post-truth society, it’s more fun to guess or fabulate… #phikenews? Well, whatever it means, what it is… is a new trio in Barcelona, comprising three beyond-busy stalwarts of the free improvisation scene. I was already tempted to check them out but when they described themselves as a “Keiji Haino meets AMM” kind of thing, that clinched it. So is it a good description? With a samurai unhesitancy, they plunge directly in – clang, rumble, and clatter – with plenty of power, an absence of fear, and manage to avoid both cliché and repetition. So far, so good. Fages utilises a nice big open, distorted tone, plenty of hollow twang beneath

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PHICUS+1: Ferran Fages – Àlex Reviriego –Vasco Trilla + Joachim Badenhorst. 13-7-2017

PHICUS+1 Ferran Fages – electric guitar Àlex Reviriego – doublebass Vasco Trilla – drums, percussion + Joachim Badenhorst – saxophone Robadors 23, Barcelona july, 13th, 2017 Phicus return to Robadors 23, this time accompanied by Joachim Badenhorst on reeds. Last time, I burbled on about “matching and contrasting tones and textures… layered and discarded in an unstoppable kineticism,” and yes, I’ll stand by those words. Phicus are carving out their own intense brand of precision disorder. Passages of glorious frenzy alternate with more meditative minimalism, and throughout there’s a constant energy, a seething potential being tapped and channelled. With the variety of extended techniques on display from all four musicians, it’s difficult sometimes to identify which alien sound is produced by whom but to give a flavour… Read the complete review at the author’s blog. Text by Dave Foxall, from his blog: http://ajazznoise.com/phicus1-13th-ju…

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The Anisotropic Perturbations Ferràn Fages, Tom Chant, Ivo Sans. 23 Robadors Juny de 2016

The Anisotropic Perturbations Ferràn Fages: guitarra Tom Chant: saxo Ivo Sans: batería a 23 Robadors, Juny de 2016 Complement al que ja vaig posar, el concert a Soda Acústic de 15-7-2015 (i que tornaré a posar en el blog a continuació de aquest post, com a recordatori). Dos bolos separats practicament un any en dues de les sales emblemàtiques del free a Barcelona actualment. The Anisotropics Perturbations es un dels grups referència en aquest tipus de música. Sentzillament brutals. Tres monstres. Ferràn és un dels experimentador més actius del moment, tant amb la guitarra com amb altres objectes que ell sonoritza amb micros de contacte. Ha plogut molt des de els inicis amb Cremaster (amb Alfredo Costa Monteiro), però les ganes de recerca i de experimentar estàn intactes. Mireu el catàleg de Hazard Records per a escoltar coses d’aquestes (link a la dreta del blog, decàrrega gratuïta). Ivo Sans és

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