Tag: Tura Gomez Coll

FREENETICS #37 with Tura Gómez Coll. 9-7-2017

Last session of the season, and a special one. I went with some expectations. Freenètics are well known with their well balanced powers. The raw rumble of Ferràn giant saxophone, counterposed with the delicate vibrations of Juan Antoni cello and the versatile drumming of Pep always deliver powerful and subtile performances. Add to that a passionate and athletic dancer and you have all the necessary ingredients for a great session. But reality overcame expectations. Tura’s movements were magically paced with the evolving sound of the trio, as if they had been rehersing for years. And the music was demanding; and the scenario was demanding; in such a short distance every detail is magnified. No escape. And Tura filled the space with her brave mood and her flexible and trained athlete body and her precise and quick movements. Amazing. And the musicians were all the time following her movements and closing

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