Tag: Sergio Oca

New!!! PATAPHYSICAL INVOCATION by NUUMU CODE. Improvised live at El Guinardó, Barcelona 7-12-2021

PATAPHYSICAL INVOCATION by NUUMU Code. New recorded session, with words in catalan and comanche languages. We enjoyed a lot doing it, and we hope that you will too. The NUUMU Code wish to our followers a Happy New Year!!!!! Sergi Gon, electric guitar, synthesizer; Montserrat Marfany, voice, glockenspiel, xylophone, kazoo, kochlos, objects; Jaume Martín, percussion, casiotone, electric guitar, contact microphone, voice, objects; Antoni Robert, synthesizer, percussion, berber mezmar, effects Oriol Rogent, voice, xylophone, objects; Pepe Ruz, bass; Miquel Tuset, alto sax; Joan Vinuesa, voice, text, harmonica, percussion, mouth harp, objects. Improvised live at El Guinardó, Barcelona 7-12-2021 – Produced by Phil Spectrumm for NUUMU code. Free download here: https://nuumucode.bandcamp.com/album/pataphysical-invocation

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