Tag: Mintcho Garrammone

NEW: Oxen of the Sun (ULYSSES part 20) by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert (2023)

Oxen of the Sun is the twentieth part of the 24-hour composition ULYSSES. ULYSSES is a 24 hours composition by Francesc D. Melis and Antoni Robert Gadea. The project was conceived after the release of L’Esquellot ben Trempat (by Dr. Melis & Dr. Robert), now available at antonirobert.bandcamp.com/album/lesquellot-ben-trempat. In this previous release I composed a work using previously recorded sound material played by Francesc and by myself, combining pieces of sound according to a conceptual guideline. The big amount of sounds available made me think about how to use a relevant part of it, since the process of doing it was very pleasant. As a result of those thoughts and a reference seen by chance of one of my favourite books, James Joyce’s ULYSSES, the idea came soon after: a 24 hours work inspired by Leopold Bloom / Stephen Dedalus 24 hours Dublin wandering. The novel has 18 episodes and 12

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