Tag: Iván Edwards

LIO 17-12-2016. A creative evening with Carlo Mezzino & friends

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFBl_NoZHMM LIO (Laboratori de Improvitsació Oberta) is an initiative of Carlo Mezzino. It is always a great event. I apologize for not remembering the names of all performers appearing on the images. I’ll try to include everybody next time.. The videos with a specific title are made by Pere Canals. I recognise and know the names of the following performers: Carlo Mezzino, piano Luiz Rocha, bass clarinet Marco Jelaca, percusions Julija Demidova, piano Miquel Jordà, sopranino sax Ivan Edwards, soprano sax Uma Maraval, dance Jesús Asenjo, acordeón Alba Raventós, dance Guy León, dance

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