Tag: Andrés Noarde

Re-release: OME ACÚSTIC, Hasta luego y gracias por el pescado, 1.3.2017

Sessió en directe (en el Impro Fest 2017), amb la participació de Juan Crek: objects, flutes, vocals, percussion; Marcelo Acosta: cavaquinho, plastic clarinet, metallophone; Joana Brabo: piano, vocals, objects; offscope Jordi Buscà: guitar; Sir Pere Canals: piano, vocals, flutes; Eli Gras: homemade instruments, toys, ukelele; Montserrat Marfany: vocals, bourou, flutes, objects; Jaume Martín: xylophone, glockenspiel, percussion; Andrés Noarde: guitar, tibetan bowl; Boris Porter: homemade slide trombone, objects; Dr Antoni Robert: guitar, shakers, Tibetan bowl, tingsha, whistles; Enric Solà: drums and distillates This was OME Acústic farewell performance. A quiet but intense performance. OME ACÚSTIC is a project lead by MACROMASSA founder Juan Crek. I will include in my bandcamp, with permission from Juan Crek, all the recordings I played in. This is the sixth and last one. This band was the origin of the later Zero de Conducta band. All music is improvised and played without power (unplugged). All members

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Re-release: OME ACÚSTIC, Esquirols de Maig, 1.5.2016

OME ACÚSTIC is a project lead by MACROMASSA founder Juan Crek. I will include in my bandcamp, with permission from Juan Crek, all the recordings I played in. This is the second one. This band was the origin of the later Zero de Conducta band. All music is improvised and played without power (unplugged). All members play all instruments. Check omeacustic.blogspot.com released May 1, 2016 Listen or download here: https://antonirobert.bandcamp.com/album/esquirols-de-maig

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Re-release: OME ACÚSTIC, Ceferí, el fill maldestre i ignorant de l’Abundi, 20.12.2015

OME ACÚSTIC is a project lead by MACROMASSA founder Juan Crek. I will include in my blog, with permission from Juan Crek, all the recordings I played in. This is the first one. This band was the origin of the later Zero de Conducta band. All music is improvised and played without power (unplugged). All members play all instruments. Check omeacustic.blogspot.com released December 20, 2015 Listen or download here: https://antonirobert.bandcamp.com/album/cefer-el-fill-maldestre-i-ignorant-de-labundi

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As usual a very adequate comment coming from a careful observer, Dave Foxhall. Juan Crek: objects, flutes, vocals, percussion Marcelo Acosta: cavaquinho, plastic clarinet, metallophone Joana Brabo: piano, vocals, objects offscope Jordi Buscà: guitar Sir Pere Canals: piano, vocals, flutes Eli Gras: homemade instruments, toys, ukelele Montserrat Marfany: vocals, bourou, flutes, objects Jaume Martín: xylophone, glockenspiel, percussion Andrés Noarde: guitar, tibetan bowl Boris Porter: homemade slide trombone, objects Dr Antoni Robert: guitar, shakers, Tibetan bowl, tingsha, whistles Enric Solà: drums and distillates Follow the link in order to see the comment in “a jazz noise” blog. http://ajazznoise.com/ome-acustic-at-the-bcn-improfest-1st-march-2017/ Follow this link in order to listen to the concert:

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OME Acústic (last performance) Hasta luego y gracias por el pescado. 1-3-2017

Shared from OME Acustic channel. Sessió en directe (en el Impro Fest 2017), amb la participació de Juan Crek, Andrés Noarde, Boris Porter, Eli Gras, Jordi Buscà, Marcelo Acosta, Joana Brabo, Pere Canals, Enric Solà, Jaume Martín, Montserrat Marfany, Antoni Robert i la inestimable presencia i dibuixos de Joan Claparols. 1 de març de 2017 This was OME Acústic farewell performance. A quiet but intense performance. A pleasure having been a member for more than one year. 6 unforgettable sessions. This one came out a bit meditative.

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