Tag: Genís Bagés

Col·lectiu Free’t, Força Inframinsa, Improfest, 7-3-2020. Centre Cultural Albareda, Barcelona.

Col·lectiu Free’t interpreta Força Inframinsa;   Alba Vicario, dança; Montserrat Trepat, actriu; Oriol Planes Ritxi, actor; Arnau Millà, soundpainter; Maria Berengué, violí; Rafael Esteve, contrabaix; Genís Bagés, bateria; Miquel Àngel Marín, clarinet.   BCN Improfest 7-3-2020. Centre Cultural Albareda, Barcelona.

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Alguns Homes Bons al LEM, L’Hangar, 23-10-2015

Pol Padrós (trumpet,) Joan Mas (alto sax), Marcel Bagés (electric guitar), Àlex Reviriego (bass), Genís Bagés (drums) Alguns Homes Bons is among the best avantgarde jazz bands you can listen to in the burstling Barcelona scene. Unfortunately they don’t play too often, ’cause all of them are great musicians with their own career and other bands and projects. So you better don’t miss any opportunity to see them on stage. They’re just amazing.

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