Tag: Ayis Kelpekis

NEW RELEASE: Syros Soundscape.

Recorded in September 2019 in Syros (Greece) by AR. Produced by AK & AR. Tubular bells installation made by AK. Artwork by AR. Back picture by AK. The sounds of this recording are either based on traditional Greek songs, or improvised. El Ball de la Civada is a popular Catalan song. Many thanks and our deeper respect and admiration to the master senior tsambouna and toumbaki players Frangisko, Sorokos & Fagri. Many thanks also to the rest of players, whose contribution is deeply appreciated. Thanks to Dina & Ayis for coordinating all the activities that made this recording possible.

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This is the first recorded work of NUUMU PROJECT. The band is an open project around a core of founding members coming from Zero de Conducta. Their aim is to play with guests exploring the possibilities of improvisation of all sorts. Jordi Buscà, guitar, drums & vocals ; Ayis Kelpekis, alto sax, tsambouna, zourna & percussions ; Jaume Martín, keyboard, guitar & drums ; Josep Vila, voice ; Antoni Robert, guitar, synthesizer, drums & percussions ; Pepe Ruz, fretless electric bass & drums ; Marcelo Acosta, 7 strings electric bass & guitar.

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Tatsinupi Kuuna Invocation by NUUMU CODE, March 2019.

This is the presentation video of this new band, NUUMU CODE.  The band is an open spin off from Zero de Conducta.  Open means that it is conceived as an open laboratory for experimentation and improvisation. Line up will be changing although some members will be there most on of the occasions. This first video is dedicated to an unusual instrument, the tsambouna. We hope you will enjoy it. Ayis Kelpekis, tsambouna; Pepe Ruz, drums & bass; Jaume Martin, keyboard, glockenspiel; offscope Jordi Buscà, voice & guitar; Dr Antoni Robert, guitar & qaraqib. Barcelona, March 2019.

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