Orquestra Do D’Acords & Zero de Conducta at Albareda, Barcelona, 8-3-2018; BCN ImproFest

Orquestra Do D’Acords & Zero de Conducta at Albareda, Barcelona, 8-3-2018; BCN ImproFest 2018;  Joao Braz, conductor; Pablo Pérsico, conductor + 21 percussionists & Montserrat Marfany, voice, objects; Jaume Martín, keyboard; offscope Jordi Buscà, guitar; Sir Pere Canals, guitar; Captain Enric Solà, drums; Dr. Antoni Robert, synthesizer & guitar; Pepe Ruz, visual art and B&W pictures; Unusual collaboration between a very young kid’s orchestra and post psychedelic band Zero de Conducta. Conducted Impro. It was funny and visually interesting. Sound adjustment and recording with so many players was difficult and so what you hear here is just a pale reflection of reality. Nevertheless it was rewarding to help kids to introduce themselves in the improworld.